Myoglobinuria : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 21/08/2022

Myoglobinuria is a pathological condition in which myoglobin is found in the urine. The cause of development are injuries with muscle crushing, electrical injuries, deep extensive thermal burns, CO2 poisoning, gas gangrene, some myopathies, and a significant load on the muscles. Manifested by red or dark brown urine, difficulty urinating, sometimes pain in the lumbar region. Myoglobin is determined by microscopy of urine sediment and by immunoelectrophoresis. Correction is made during the treatment of the underlying pathology.


Myoglobin is a complex pigment protein found in striated muscles (skeletal muscles, myocardium). It plays the role of a temporary depot of oxygen, is responsible for its accumulation and return, which allows for sufficient oxygenation of cells during physical exertion of various intensities. In the urine, it is normally absent, myoglobinuria begins to be determined when the muscle cells are destroyed (rhabdomyolysis) after the concentration of the compound in the blood is more than 3 mg%.

Myoglobin has a low molecular weight, so it quickly enters the kidneys, is excreted in the urine in the first 24 hours after muscle damage. In an acidic environment, it precipitates, clogs the loops of Henle, causes nephrosis and acute necrosis of the renal tissue. Massive myoglobinuria, an increase in the level of potassium leaving the destroyed muscles, secondary hemodynamic disorders provoke the development of acute renal failure.

Why does myoglobinuria occur?

Traumatic injuries

Prolonged crush syndrome (SDS) develops as a result of prolonged compression of the body or its segments. It is detected in victims of earthquakes, landslides, collapses in mines, accidents during the construction of buildings, logging. It is manifested by pain, dense edema, limitation of movements, decreased sensitivity, massive myoglobinuria. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, necrosis is formed, and renal failure is increasing. There is a high chance of death.

A more favorable variant of SDR is positional compression syndrome (SPS). Pathology is diagnosed with prolonged squeezing of a part of the body during sleep in drug or alcohol intoxication, less often - prolonged anesthesia, loss of mobility due to paralysis or severe somatic diseases. In addition, myoglobinuria is found in patients with myofascial compartment syndrome against the background of extensive skeletal injuries, violation of the rules for using a tourniquet, and other reasons.

With SPS, SDR and compartment syndrome, the clinical picture is formed on the first day, myoglobinuria is determined immediately or some time after admission, rapidly increasing. With extensive burns, electrical injury, a laboratory sign appears several days or weeks after the injury. Caused by necrosis of muscle tissue. Increases gradually.

Marching myoglobinuria

This type of pathology bears the name marching because it is detected in soldiers after long forced marches. It occurs as a result of prolonged muscle tension, significant muscle overload. Another cause of the symptom is too intense training, especially after a break, the first visits to the gym. In addition, marching myoglobinuria is provoked by epistatus, tetanus, alcoholic delirium, severe muscle spasticity in patients with paresis and paralysis.




Meyer-Betz syndrome or paroxysmal paralytic myoglobinuria is a disease of unclear etiology, accompanied by paroxysmal edema, pain, and muscle weakness. The attack begins as a result of physical activity or spontaneously, the muscles of the lower extremities often suffer. 3 hours after the onset of symptoms, brown or red urine begins to be excreted. Sometimes AKI develops. Myoglobinuria is also observed in the following myopathies:

  • McArdle's disease . Included in the group of glycogenoses. It is manifested by severe pain, hypertrophy of the proximal muscles, muscle weakness, and the formation of contractures. The appearance of myoglobin in the urine is caused by motor activity.
  • Tarui disease . Another disease from the group of glycogenoses. During exercise, painful muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting, myoglobinuria are noted.
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Hereditary pathology, characterized by early onset, severe course. Typical widespread muscle atrophy, pseudohypertrophy of the calf muscles.

Gaff disease

Paroxysmal-toxic alimentary myoglobinuria, or Haff's disease - food toxicosis caused by harmful substances that accumulate in fat, the insides of fish. The attack occurs a few hours or days after eating fish, potentiated by drinking alcohol, physical activity. It is manifested by pain in the muscles of the whole body, a decrease in the amount of urine, its dark color, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. After 3-4 days, the condition returns to normal, under the influence of provoking factors, violations appear again.

Other reasons

Sometimes myoglobinuria accompanies the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • gas gangrene;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • fever with infections, intoxications;
  • extensive myocardial infarction;
  • severe endomyometritis.


A characteristic change in the color of urine is a reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist. Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries accompanied by myoglobinuria is carried out by orthopedic traumatologists. Patients with myopathies are consulted by neurologists. When signs of acute renal failure are detected, a nephrologist is involved in the examination. During the survey, the specialist finds out when and under what circumstances the color of urine has changed, whether there are other manifestations (dysuria, muscle pain).

In case of injuries, the doctor detects dense edema, impaired sensitivity and movement, determines the area of ​​the lesion to assess the severity of rhabdomyolysis, and draw up a plan for urgent therapeutic measures. With myopathies, it detects signs of muscle atrophy, conducts a neurological examination, including the determination of reflexes, muscle strength, and various types of sensitivity.

Myoglobinuria is confirmed in the study of urine sediment as part of the OAM. For differentiation with hemoglobinuria, a test with ammonium sulfate is used - the preservation of red or brown urine after the addition of this compound indicates the presence of myoglobin. The most accurate way to detect myoglobinuria is immunoelectrophoresis.

In the urine of patients, proteinuria, a change in the ratio of electrolytes, is also found. The density of urine varies depending on the phase of the disease, the presence and severity of acute renal failure. A characteristic feature is considered to be a violation of the ratio of creatinine and urea in urine and blood tests. To assess the patient's condition, clarify the type of pathology accompanied by myoglobinuria, the following diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • Biochemical study of blood . An increased concentration of myoglobin and CPK is typical. Compound levels gradually increase over the first 12 hours. The maximum activity of myoglobin is observed during the first day, creatine phosphokinase - on the 3rd-5th day. In the analyzes, the amount of uric acid and creatinine is increased, hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperuricemia are observed.
  • Diuresis assessment . It has great clinical significance due to the risk of acute renal failure. The presence of a complication is evidenced by a decrease in the amount of urine separated by 8-10%. In the future, diuresis is reduced by a quarter, in severe cases, anuria develops. With the restoration of renal functions, the volume of daily diuresis increases, then gradually normalizes.
  • Measurement of subfascial pressure . It makes it possible to confirm the myofascial compartment syndrome, to exclude other pathologies. It is carried out with a special device. The results obtained are compared with diastolic pressure. The difference is less than 4mm Hg. Art. speaks in favor of muscle compression.
  • Electrophysiological Methods . Electromyography and electroneurography are used to diagnose myopathy, differentiate pathology from myelitis, disorders of cerebrospinal circulation, neoplasms of the spinal cord. According to the results of EMG, a reduction in duration is determined, a decrease in the amplitude of muscle potentials. Many short peaks indicate the progressive nature of the process.
  • Other techniques . When tissue is compressed, in some cases, ultrasound or MRI is performed, visualizing edema, destruction of skeletal muscles. X-ray examination is required to rule out fractures and dislocations. The severity of myocardial damage in myocardial infarction, myopathies, Haff disease is assessed using ECG, ultrasound of the heart.

Laboratory study of urine



Conservative therapy

Elimination of myoglobinuria is carried out by treating the underlying pathology. With a high level of myoglobin in the urine test, urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit, diuresis control, and a diet low in protein and potassium are necessary. The scheme of drug therapy includes the following areas:

  • Prevention of OPN . It implies the appointment of diuretics, intravenous drip of sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • Recovery of fluid volume . Infusion therapy using saline solutions is started on admission, optimally within the first 6 hours of muscle injury. Treatment is carried out under the control of CBS blood and diuresis.
  • Elimination of intoxication and metabolic disorders . Provides for the introduction of insulin with glucose, beta-adrenergic agonists, sodium bicarbonate, calcium gluconate. Enterosorbents are used to remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Extracorporeal hemocorrection . Hemosorption is more often performed, sometimes plasmapheresis. Patients with renal insufficiency are shown to carry out hemodialysis.

With open injuries, gas gangrene, the formation of necrotic foci, antibiotic therapy is necessary. Patients with Haff disease are prescribed analgesics, anticonvulsants and antihistamines, medicines to improve microcirculation, multivitamin complexes. Sometimes hyperbaric oxygen therapy, transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, platelet and erythrocyte mass are required.

Pathogenetic treatment of myopathies has not been developed. Symptomatic therapy is aimed at activating metabolic processes in muscle tissue. Amino acids, neostigmine, ATP, anabolic steroids, anticholinesterase drugs, calcium, potassium, thiamine pyrophosphate are recommended. Medical methods complement exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy.


In the early period, surgical interventions are required for patients with myoglobinuria against the background of extensive rhabdomyolysis, severe muscle compression, and the formation of areas of necrosis. In the long term, some patients need to eliminate secondary defects of the musculoskeletal system. Taking into account the stage of the disease and the existing symptoms, the following are carried out:

  • Decompression fasciotomy . Indicated for high fascial sheath pressure due to compartment syndrome. Allows you to restore nutrition and maintain the viability of muscle tissue, reduce the risk of acute renal failure.
  • Necrectomy. It is necessary for electrical trauma, thermal burns, SDR, gas gangrene. With extensive lesions, confirmation of the non-viability of the limb, the threat of acute renal failure due to the entry of toxins into the body, amputation or disarticulation is performed.
  • Reconstructive plastic interventions . Conducted to improve the functionality of the limbs. They include scar plasty, myoplasty, replacement of soft tissue defects using the Filatov stem.


Minor myoglobinuria after intense muscle tension does not pose a health hazard, it goes away on its own. A pronounced increase in the level of myoglobin in trauma, Huff disease, some types of myopathy is fraught with the occurrence of acute renal failure and the death of the patient. The outcome of acute renal failure is determined by the severity of renal dysfunction, age and health of the patient.

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