Cardiac disorders

Low blood pressure

Reduced blood pressure is normally observed in young people with an asthenic constitution, athletes, residents of high mountains. Common pathological causes of the symptom include: nutritional deficiency, anemia, neurocirculatory dystonia, various endocrine diseases. To identify the etiological factors of low blood pressure, a general and biochemical blood test, an assessment of the hormonal profile, instrumental methods (ECG, EchoCG) and functional tests are carried out. In addition to etiotropic therapy, adaptogens, nootropics, vitamin-mineral complexes are used to relieve symptoms.

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Tingling in the region of the heart

Tingling in the region of the heart is often caused by non-cardiac causes - stress, neurosis, intercostal neuralgia, thoracic osteochondrosis. Cardiac etiological factors of stabbing pains are myocarditis, angina pectoris, arrhythmias. To establish the cause of the symptom, an instrumental examination is performed, which includes ECG, echocardiography, MRI and plain radiography. Diagnosis of non-cardiac conditions requires an assessment of neurological status, ENMG. Anti-inflammatory, sedative, antiarrhythmic drugs help to stop pain in the precordial region. Methods of physiotherapy and psychotherapy are applied.

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Elevated blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure is observed both in essential hypertension and in symptomatic forms of hypertension that are associated with diseases of the kidneys, central nervous system, and endocrine system. In healthy individuals, a short-term increase in pressure occurs in stressful situations, with the “white coat syndrome”. To diagnose the causes, laboratory tests are prescribed - general and biochemical blood tests, lipid and hormonal profiles, and an assessment of GFR. Instrumental methods are used - ECG, echocardiography, ultrasound of the kidneys and endocrine glands. Relief of the symptom includes lifestyle changes, antihypertensive drugs, elimination of the causes of the symptom.

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Fading heart

Heart failure periodically occurs in healthy people under the influence of stress or meteorological factors. Pathological causes: symptom - rhythm and conduction disturbances (extrasystole, AV blockade, bradycardia), vegetovascular dystonia, taking certain cardiotropic drugs. For diagnosis, instrumental methods are used - EchoCG, ECG, MRI and radiography, laboratory studies - assessment of markers of myocardial necrosis, analysis of acute phase parameters, lipid profile. Antiarrhythmic, metabolic, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve the condition.

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