Weak Urine Stream : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 18/09/2022

A weak stream of urine is observed in diseases of the prostate gland and some other andrological pathologies. It is detected with stones, strictures and tumors of the urethra. In women, it occurs with cystocele and vaginal relaxation. In children, it may be accompanied by infections, urethral valves, enuresis. The cause of the symptom is established according to the survey, laboratory and instrumental studies. Treatment includes antibiotics, antispasmodics, special exercise therapy complexes, physiotherapy, and surgical interventions.

Why does the urine stream weaken?

Diseases of the prostate

The most common cause of a symptom in the stronger sex is the pathology of the prostate gland. The elderly are predominantly affected.

  • Acute prostatitis. The weakness of the jet occurs some time after the onset of pain and other dysuric disorders, accompanied by an increase in pain, an increase in general symptoms.
  • Chronic prostatitis. The disorder develops in the early stages, then weakens somewhat due to hypertrophy of the muscles of the urinary tract, and then increases again, turns into incontinence and constant excretion of urine in the form of separate drops.
  • Prostatocystitis. The lethargy of the jet is detected in half of the patients. It is combined with frequent urges, pains, a decrease in portions of urine, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the detrusor, weakness, muscle pain, sleep disturbances. Urgent urges and urgency incontinence are possible.
  • BPH. Due to compression of the urethra, the stream becomes weak, intermittent. Patients are forced to strain. Increased urination, categorical urges, incontinence, nocturia are noted. The symptom appears some time before the transition from the compensated stage to the subcompensated one, gradually worsens.
  • Sclerosis of the prostate. Symptoms are variable, determined by the stage of the pathological process. The lethargy of the jet is one of the main manifestations, combined with pain and a feeling of incomplete emptying, aching or severe pain in the lower abdomen and perineum. Sometimes hematospermia is found.
  • Prostate cancer. It is characterized by increased miction, a weak intermittent stream, episodes of incontinence, pain and burning during ejaculation or urination. Possible hematospermia, hematuria, erectile dysfunction, pain in the lower back and perineum.

For malacoplakia, damage to the genital organs is atypical, more often it is detected in the intestines and urinary tract. However, in some cases, granulomatous growths in the prostate area become the cause of the symptom.

Other andrological diseases

Slight hypertrophy of the seminal tubercle is asymptomatic. With progression, the patient complains of a weak or intermittent urine stream, the need for straining, imperative urges, pain during erection, premature ejaculation. With colliculitis, patients are first concerned about discomfort in the perineum, burning and frequent urges. Subsequently, blood appears in the semen, the pressure of urine is weakened.

In acute balanitis, the symptom is due to swelling of the head and narrowing of the external opening of the urethra. Pain, itching, the appearance of plaque and ulceration, erectile dysfunction are determined. In the chronic form, the symptoms are smoothed out. In men with obliterating xerotic balanitis, a weak jet is explained by a decrease in tissue elasticity against the background of sclerotic changes.

Weak flow often accompanies chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men. The disease is provoked by prostate diseases, latent STIs, constipation, muscle weakness, circulatory disorders and other causes. Clinical manifestations resemble prostatitis. In representatives of the older age group, a weak stream is sometimes observed in the absence of lesions of the pelvic organs, associated with changes during the male menopause.

Weak urine stream


Gynecological diseases

In women, a weak urine stream is noted with a large cystocele. The patient complains of a foreign body sensation in the vagina, aggravated by heavy lifting, coughing, defecation and urination. Dysuric disorders increase gradually. Disturbed by the feeling of detrusor overflow, imperative urges, stress incontinence. Acute urinary retention is possible.

Vaginal relaxation syndrome is a polyetiological condition. Weakness of the vagina occurs against the background of difficult childbirth, increased intra-abdominal pressure, lack of estrogen. The main manifestations are "squishy" sounds in the vagina during sex and active movements. Half of the patients have dyspareunia, 20-40% have a weak flow and splashing of urine, stress incontinence.

Urological pathologies

The sudden weakening and dispersion of the jet, difficulty urinating and sharp pains are characteristic of urethral stones that partially blocked the lumen of the organ. With urethral stricture, the symptom is permanent. Due to the weak jet, patients have to strain the abdominal muscles. Possible leakage of urine, ejaculation disorders, pain syndrome, the appearance of blood impurities in the urine and semen. With secondary infection, pathological discharge is noted.

Sclerosis of the bladder neck often develops after operations for prostate adenoma, in some cases it is congenital. Progressive deterioration of urine outflow is the leading manifestation of the disease. Initially, patients complain of weak flow, difficulty urinating. Then the symptom of incomplete emptying joins.

Benign tumors of the urethra are not necessarily manifested by a lethargic jet - this is just one of the variants of the clinical picture. Perhaps asymptomatic, discomfort, itching, burning, deviation or splashing, partial incontinence. With cancer of the urethra, the symptom is more often found in men, supplemented by urethrorrhagia, purulent discharge, pain, swelling of the external genital organs.

In children

Urethral valves are a congenital anomaly that can cause a weak flow of urine. With a mild course, dysuric disorders, pain during urination, nocturia are observed. Severe forms are manifested by severe difficulties in passing urine, detrusor hypertrophy, sometimes incontinence, and blood in the urine. In young children, a weak stream and urinary retention may indicate the development of cystitis. Sometimes the disorder is found in patients with a polysymptomatic variant of enuresis.


Establishing the nature of the pathology is the responsibility of the urologist-andrologist. Women with diseases of the genital organs are referred for a consultation with a gynecologist. Young patients are examined by a pediatric urologist. Patients are asked to complete a urinary diary. The specialist finds out the time and circumstances of the appearance of a weak jet, the dynamics of the development of the symptom, and other manifestations of the disease.

When conducting a digital examination of the prostate, the doctor determines the size and density of the prostate gland through the rectum, reveals infiltrates, nodes, etc. The method does not allow accurate differentiation of cancer, prostatitis, adenoma and other diseases, the detection of pathological changes is the reason for applying additional verification manipulations.

During a gynecological examination with a cystocele on the anterior wall of the vagina, prolapse of the bladder is detected. A hernia is a soft tumor-like formation that changes volume and density when straining. In patients with vaginal weakness, atony of the walls is found, an increase in the extensibility of the vulvar ring. Additionally, vaginal dynamic tests are performed to assess muscle tone.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following hardware methods are used:

  • Sonography of the genital organs. Ultrasound of the prostate makes it possible to conduct a differential diagnosis between prostatitis, adenomas, tumors, stones, sclerosis and other lesions of the prostate gland. Transvaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis in women with vaginal dysfunction indicates weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, levator defects. Elastography detects connective tissue failure.
  • Other types of ultrasonography. Ultrasound of the bladder with assessment of residual urine can confirm the presence of obstruction. With sclerosis of the neck of the detrusor, corresponding changes are seen in the lower part of the organ. Ultrasound of the kidneys excludes damage to the overlying sections of the urinary tract. Ultrasound of the urethra indicates dislocation with cystocele, stones with ICD, etc.
  • Radiography. Ascending urethrography helps to visualize the enlargement of the colliculus, tumors and foreign bodies. In case of urethral strictures, anterograde cystourethrography, multispiral cystourethrography are additionally performed. A comprehensive X-ray examination is aimed at determining the location and extent of the narrowing, the presence of diverticula, false passages, etc.
  • Endoscopic techniques. Urethroscopy or urethrocystoscopy is performed for neoplasms, colliculitis, an increase in the size of the seminal tubercle, cystocele. With urethral calculi, they are performed not only for diagnostic, but also for therapeutic purposes (removal of stones). During the study, if necessary, material is taken for morphological analysis.
  • urodynamic methods. Uroflowmetry is used to assess urine flow rate. The method is effective for strictures, tumors, pathology of the seminal tubercle, and other diseases. If there are indications, profilometry, cystometry, and a comprehensive urodynamic study are additionally prescribed.

A complex of laboratory examinations for prostate diseases includes analysis of the prostate secretion, bakposev on nutrient media, determination of the PSA level. If an infectious genesis of andrological and urological diseases is suspected, an important part of the diagnosis is the exclusion of STIs. In case of tumors, a histological examination of the biopsy specimen is carried out to clarify the type and degree of neoplasia differentiation.




Conservative therapy

Therapeutic tactics is determined by the nature of the disease that provokes a weak stream:

  • Pathology of the prostate. Antibiotic therapy is indicated for patients with signs of inflammation (primary or complicating the course of the underlying disease). Patients with prostatitis are recommended prostate massage, ultrasound, laser therapy. With adenoma, herbal remedies, alpha-blockers are prescribed. For cancer, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used.
  • Other andrological diseases. The treatment regimen for colliculitis includes antibiotics, antispasmodics, analgesics, NSAIDs, electrophoresis, transurethral thermotherapy, urethral instillations. Hormones, alpha-blockers, antioxidants, and other agents may be effective in CPPS.
  • Gynecological diseases. At the initial stage of cystocele and with vaginal weakness, it is necessary to limit physical activity, perform special exercises. According to indications, hormone replacement therapy, electrical stimulation are used. If necessary, install a pessary.
  • Urological pathologies. In some cases, urethral stones move away after sitz baths, heavy drinking or the introduction of antispasmodics. Patients with ureteric sclerosis are prescribed NSAIDs and antibiotics to reduce pain and inflammation.


Depending on the characteristics of the disease, the following surgical interventions are performed:

  • Adenoma: laser vaporization, laser enucleation, TUR, adenomectomy, in the presence of contraindications to radical surgery - cystostomy.
  • Prostate cancer: cryoablation, open or laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, for hormone-dependent cancer - testicular enucleation.
  • Cystocele: anterior colporrhaphy, vaginopexy, with incontinence - in combination with the installation of slings.
  • Urethral stones: lithotripsy, if ineffective - external urethrolithotomy.
  • Urethral stricture: bougienage or stenting of the urethra, urethrotomy, resection of the urethra, urethroplasty.
  • Cancer of the urethra: circular or transurethral resection, with the transition to the bladder - cystectomy, with damage to the penis - partial amputation of the penis.

With valves of the urethra, their endourethral resection is performed; if it is impossible to use resectoscopes in infants, perineal interventions are performed. TUR is recommended for patients with sclerosis and severe ureteral neck obstruction.