Psycho-emotional disorders

Auditory hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations are auditory perception disorders in which patients hear different types of sounds without a corresponding external stimulus. It can be rustles, noises, melodies, calls, words and phrases. There are hallucinatory voices of a neutral type, threatening, imperative. Patients perceive auditory hallucinations as part of reality: they experience fear, anxiety, and perform dangerous actions for themselves and others. The survey includes a conversation, observation, performing the Aschaffenburg test. Symptomatic therapy is based on the use of neuroleptics.

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Absent -mindedness is an organic or functional decrease in the ability to perform concentrated, purposeful activities. In a narrow sense, absent-mindedness is understood as a violation of concentration. It manifests itself as forgetfulness, inattention, lack of concentration. It can be a character trait, a symptom of an illness, or a temporary state of fatigue. Diagnosis of absent-mindedness is carried out by methods of pathopsychology: samples are used to study the attentive-mnestic sphere, working capacity. In the context of symptomatic treatment, psychocorrection, BFB trainings are carried out, medications (nootropics, antidepressants) are prescribed.

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Irritability is a temporary reaction or a permanent character trait, which is based on increased responsiveness to external and internal influences, a tendency to intense reaction to weak negative stimuli. Another flash of irritation can provoke a bright light, a loud sound, the actions of other people, their own thoughts. Irritability is manifested by anger, anger, aggression, increased heart rate and breathing, muscle tension. Diagnostics is carried out during the conversation, psychological testing. Treatment includes psychotherapy, sedatives, and antidepressants.

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Tearfulness is the tendency of a person to cry often for little or no reason. It is manifested by increased tearfulness and emotional instability, sudden bouts of crying. Common associated symptoms are restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, despondency. Tearfulness can be a character trait, a sign of a disease, or a situationally determined reaction. Diagnosis of the condition is carried out during the conversation and observation of the patient. Symptomatic therapy includes rhythmic breathing and distraction techniques, psychotherapy, antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.

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Perseveration is a persistent compulsive repetition of a mental, emotional or motor act. Perseverative thinking is characterized by constantly pondering one idea without developing it. Emotional perseverations are realized by “getting stuck” on the experience of a certain emotion. Perseverative motor skills - repetitive reproduction of one movement, a motor complex. With speech perseverations, involuntary repetition of a word or phrase is observed. Clinical methods, neuropsychological tests are used for diagnosis. Symptomatic care includes psychocorrection, psychotherapy, medication.

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Olfactory hallucinations

Olfactory hallucinations are delusions of smell, characterized by the perception of a smell that is not present in reality. Patients may experience neutral, repulsive, and pleasant odors. Smells can be perceived as arising from somewhere outside, coming from within the body, localized in the intrapsychic space and captured by the “inner sense of smell”. Common options are the smell of burning, rotting meat, smoldering, poison. Diagnosis is carried out during the conversation, observation, tests for the identification of odors. Symptomatic therapy is based on the use of neuroleptics.

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Emotional lability

Increased emotional lability is a psychopathological symptom characterized by the ease of developing an affective reaction in response to mild to moderate stimuli. Patients are characterized by tearfulness, fearfulness, outbursts of irritation and anger, embarrassment, an open demonstration of joy. The mood is changeable, emotions are expressed, at the peak of experiences, self-control and the ability to objectively assess the situation are reduced. The main diagnostics is carried out by a psychiatrist, the method of conversation, observation and psychological testing is used. Treatment includes individual and group psychotherapy, family counseling, drug correction.

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Euphoria is a state of emotional uplift, felt as a powerful and sudden feeling of elation, joy, happiness. It is manifested by an increase in mood, an experience of bliss, well-being. Simultaneously with positive emotions, motor retardation, slowing down of intellectual processes, and expressiveness of speech are observed. The euphoric state can be physiological - short, due to natural causes, and pathological - long, frequent, provoked by illness or intoxication. Diagnostics is carried out by the method of conversation, observation, psychological testing. In some cases, drug therapy is indicated.

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Impulsivity is a feature of behavior that is characterized by a tendency to perform actions without thinking, under the influence of emotions, external circumstances. Impulsive people are emotionally unrestrained, impatient, irritable. They often show irresponsibility, frivolity, touchiness. Diagnostics of impulsivity is carried out by the method of conversation, observation, psychological testing. Symptomatic assistance includes psychocorrection, medication, the formation of the skill of introspection, planning.

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Visual hallucinations

Visual hallucinations are disorders of visual perception characterized by the formation of visions in the absence of a real object. Elementary visual images are represented by sparks, flashes, spots. Simple hallucinations are static objects that do not change shape and are unambiguously interpreted by the patient. Complex hallucinatory visions are plot pictures, one or more characters that can move, increase or decrease, inspire ideas. Examination of patients is carried out by the method of observation and conversation, with the help of provocative samples. Symptomatic therapy involves taking antipsychotics.

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