Neurological symptoms

Stamping gait

Stamping gait is observed when deep sensitivity is disturbed against the background of lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system: injuries, tumors, hemorrhages in the brain and spinal cord, inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions of the spinal cord, polyneuropathies of various etiologies, multiple sclerosis, Friedreich's ataxia, Guillain-Barré syndrome. The etiology of the disorder is established on the basis of an anamnesis, data from a general and neurological examination, imaging and laboratory techniques. Vitamins, nootropics, cholinesterase agents, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and surgical methods are used in the treatment.

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Wobbly gait

Shaky (atactic) gait is observed with damage to the cerebellum and thalamus, sometimes occurs with pathology of the frontal lobes associated with the cerebellum. It is provoked by tumors, traumas, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, purulent processes, intoxications, vascular formations, circulatory disorders. It is found in some hereditary diseases. It is diagnosed on the basis of anamnesis data, gait studies, neurological examination, EEG, CT, MRI, laboratory tests. Treatment includes antibacterial, vascular, detoxification therapy, restorative agents, exercise therapy, and surgery.

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Shuffling gait

A shuffling gait is detected in secondary parkinsonism, corticobasal degeneration, various types of multisystem atrophy, Parkinson's disease, Binswanger's, Pick's, Wilson's, Creutzfeldt-Jakob's, and some other extrapyramidal and mixed disorders. Sometimes it is found in old age in the absence of neurological diseases, it develops with depression. The cause is determined by the results of the survey, neurological examination, imaging and laboratory techniques. Treatment includes antiparkinsonian, vascular, neurotropic drugs, surgical interventions.

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Duck walk

Duck gait is detected in congenital and acquired diseases of the hip joint, Kashin-Beck disease, osteomalacia of various origins, myopathies, Lambert-Eaton syndrome. Can be single or double sided. The reason is established on the basis of anamnestic data, the results of a survey, an external examination, a neurological examination, radiography, CT, electrophysiological studies, and other instrumental and laboratory techniques. Treatment is determined by the etiology of the disorder, includes drug therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and surgical interventions.

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Triparesis is detected in craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries, neoplasia, spinal cord abscesses, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and some polyneuropathies. The cause of the violation is established on the basis of complaints, neurological examination data, imaging techniques, and laboratory tests. The tactics of treatment is determined taking into account the nature of the pathology. Neuroprotectors, antibiotics, antiplatelet agents, hormonal agents, and other drugs are prescribed. Operations are performed according to indications.

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Hand tremor

Hand tremor is a tremulous hyperkinesis, manifested by stereotypically repeated contractions of the muscles of the hand. It can be primary or occur under the influence of a wide range of causes, in particular, metabolic or toxic damage, focal and diffuse diseases of the nervous system. Tremor is detected during neurological examination, its origin is helped to determine laboratory tests, neuroimaging and neurophysiological methods. The basis of the treatment strategy is conservative drug therapy, refractory cases require surgical intervention.

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Tremor when moving

Tremor during movement (intentional) occurs with lesions of the cerebellum, brain stem and red nuclei. Changes in brain structures develop against the background of TBI, strokes, tumors, degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, poisoning, and an overdose of certain drugs. The symptom is observed in isolation or combined with postural trembling and resting tremor. Neurological examination data and neuroimaging methods are used to determine the cause of movement tremor. Treatment is carried out with the use of valproates, beta-blockers, benzodiazepines. Operations are performed according to indications.

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Tremor of the chin

Chin tremor is an involuntary rhythmic trembling of the muscles of the lower jaw. The symptom accompanies various conditions in children and adults: parkinsonism, perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, hydrocephalus, etc. Tremor is rarely isolated, usually combined with other manifestations (cerebral, focal). Comprehensive diagnostics includes laboratory tests, tomography, neurophysiological methods. Medications are prescribed that affect the symptoms, developmental mechanisms and causes of trembling, in some cases, neurosurgical intervention is necessary.

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Head tremor

Head tremors are uncontrolled rhythmic movements caused by alternating contractions of the antagonist muscles of the neck. Trembling looks like nodding or shaking the head, occurs at rest, when moving or maintaining a posture. The cause of tremor is various pathologies with damage to the extrapyramidal, cerebellar, cortical sections of the regulation of motor functions. Diagnosis is carried out by laboratory, neuroimaging, neurophysiological methods. Treatment is carried out with medications, in resistant cases, botulinum therapy or surgery is offered.

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Tremor at rest

Tremor at rest accompanies Parkinson's disease, juvenile and secondary parkinsonism, some degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Represents involuntary oscillatory movements at rest. May be combined with other types of tremor, muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, gait disturbances, postural disorders. To determine the cause of the symptom, a neurological examination is performed, MRI, electrophysiological studies, SPECT, PET-CT are prescribed. Treatment is with antiparkinsonian drugs, sometimes including surgery.

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