Lymphocytosis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 19/08/2022

Lymphocytosis is an increase in the content of lymphocytes above 4000 (or 40%) in 1 µl of blood. The cause is acute viral diseases, some chronic bacterial infections, malignant hematological diseases, etc. Clinical manifestations are determined by the nosology against which lymphocytosis developed. The level of lymphocytes is examined in venous or capillary blood when calculating the leukocyte formula of the general blood test. To correct lymphocytosis, a fight against the cause is carried out, i.e. treatment of the underlying disease.


There are no clear numerical criteria for separating lymphocytosis according to severity. Conditionally allocated moderate (up to 60%) and high lymphocytosis (more than 60%). The main cause of high lymphocytosis is considered to be malignant diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue. Lymphocytosis, like other types of leukocytosis, is divided into:

  • Absolute . By absolute lymphocytosis is meant an increase in the number of lymphocytes along with the total number of leukocytes (in adults over 4000, in children under 5 years of age over 6000).
  • Relative . Relative lymphocytosis is much more common and means a percentage increase in lymphocytes (more than 40%) against the background of a normal or even reduced total number of leukocytes.

Causes of lymphocytosis

Physiological states

The most striking example is physiological lymphocytosis in children under the age of 4-5 years. The reason for this phenomenon is associated with age-related changes in the immune system of the child. From the 7th day of life, children begin an active increase in the number of lymphocytes (up to 55-60%) and a fall in neutrophils (the first leukocyte crossover). Then, by the age of 4, lymphocytes return to the levels as in adults (up to 40%), while neutrophils, on the contrary, increase (second crossover). Pathological lymphocytosis in children should be considered more than 60%.

Separately, short-term lymphocytosis, not associated with any disease, is isolated. Among these causes of lymphocytosis:

  • stress .
  • Nutritional factors : fasting, following a vegetarian diet.
  • The use of drugs : phenytoin, para-aminosalicylic acid, narcotic analgesics.

Viral infections

Lymphocytes are the main "tool" of the immune system against viruses. They produce special antibodies (immunoglobulins) that bind to the virus and prevent it from entering the cells. Subsequently, the viral particles undergo phagocytosis. Another mechanism of antiviral immunity is the destruction of cells infected with viral DNA or RNA by triggering programmed cell death (apoptosis). Similarly, lymphocytes fight some bacteria, intracellular parasites (toxoplasma).

  • Acute viral infections . The most common cause of lymphocytosis in children is recognized as infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, chicken pox; in adults - influenza, SARS. Usually, lymphocytosis is moderate, it occurs abruptly, reaches a maximum parallel to the height of the disease, then, as the symptoms resolve, it quickly returns to normal values.
  • Infectious mononucleosis . A specific viral infection in children is infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. With infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytosis is more persistent, it can persist for several weeks or months. Sometimes the virus persists for years and can cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition to quantitative changes, viral infections are considered the cause of the appearance of atypical mononuclear cells (virocytes) - lymphocytes that have a different shape, an altered nucleus structure, and basophilic cytoplasm. In small quantities (less than 10%), they are present in any viral infections. A higher concentration of such cells (more than 10%) indicates infectious mononucleosis.

Bacterial infections

In adults, one of the common causes of lymphocytosis is bacterial infections with a chronic course, accompanied by the formation of specific epithelioid granulomas (tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis). Less commonly, the cause of lymphocytosis in adults is typhoid diseases (typhoid, typhus, paratyphoid). The only acute bacterial infection that causes lymphocytosis in children is whooping cough.

Basically, there is a slight lymphocytosis, and almost always relative, against the background of general leukopenia. In view of the chronic course of diseases, lymphocytosis can persist indefinitely (months, years), increasing during periods of exacerbation. In tuberculosis, lymphocytosis indicates a benign course and is considered a predictor of a favorable outcome.

Lymphocytosis: norm and pathology


Malignant blood diseases

Myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative diseases are recognized as the most dangerous cause of lymphocytosis in adults and children. In such cases, lymphocytosis is due to the proliferation of tumor clones of lymphatic tissue or malignant transformation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. In adults, chronic leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (lymphosarcomas) are mainly observed. In children, lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is more common. Lymphocytosis reaches very high numbers (up to 70-90%).

The increase in lymphocytosis occurs gradually: the maximum value is reached after a few years, it decreases slowly, only under the influence of chemotherapy courses. A quick return to normal values ​​is possible only with bone marrow transplantation. In addition to lymphocytosis, there are such signs as a simultaneous increase in eosinophils and basophils (basophilic-eosinophilic association), the presence of a large number of blasts, intermediate forms (prolymphocytes).

endocrine disorders

In some cases, diseases of the endocrine organs become the cause of lymphocytosis. The exact mechanism of this phenomenon has not yet been finally established. A moderate degree of lymphocytosis often develops simultaneously with an increase in the concentration of eosinophils. In adults, this picture is observed with acromegaly, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal insufficiency. In children, congenital dysfunction of the gonads is a common cause. Lymphocytosis quickly regresses after the appointment of hormone replacement therapy.

Other reasons

  • Rheumatological pathologies : rheumatoid arthritis, acute rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Blood diseases : aplastic anemia, B12-folic deficiency anemia, post-transfusion syndrome.
  • Parasitic infestations : malaria, Chagas disease, schistosomiasis.
  • Allergic reactions : bronchial asthma.


The level of lymphocytes is measured with a clinical blood test. In view of the fact that lymphocytosis has a fairly wide etiological spectrum, when it is detected, you should contact a generalist (therapist or pediatrician) so that, based on the patient's complaints, anamnestic data, physical examination, he prescribes an additional examination, which may include:

  • Blood tests . The leukocyte formula is calculated to determine the percentage of all forms of leukocytes. A blood smear is studied by microscopy to detect atypical mononuclear cells, Botkin-Gumprecht shadows (remnants of destroyed lymphocytes). Inflammatory markers are determined - elevated ESR, CRP. To detect tumor antigens, immunophenotyping and immunohistochemical examination are performed.
  • Identification of the causative agent . In order to identify an infectious agent, tests are performed for the presence of antibodies to pathogens, their DNA (by ELISA, PCR). Bacteriological studies are carried out - culture, sputum microscopy (tuberculosis, whooping cough), serological diagnostics - Wright, Heddelson test (brucellosis), microprecipitation test (syphilis).
  • Instrumental Research . With tuberculosis, an x-ray of the lungs shows an increase in hilar, mediastinal lymph nodes, infiltration of the upper lobes of the lungs, and sometimes effusion into the pleural cavity. In mononucleosis and hemoblastosis, abdominal ultrasound reveals pronounced splenomegaly, less often hepatomegaly.
  • Histological studies . In chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a large number of lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow punctate. In lymphomas, a lymph node biopsy obtained by fine needle aspiration reveals diffuse proliferation of lymphoid cells with blast morphology. A specific sign of lymphogranulomatosis is Berezovsky-Sternberg giant cells.

Leukocyte count



There are no direct ways to normalize the concentration of lymphocytes. To combat lymphocytosis, it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology that caused the increase in lymphocytes. Insignificant short-term lymphocytosis, which arose against the background of stress, taking medications, or during the period of recovery from a cold, does not require therapy. In the case of long-term lymphocytosis, both absolute and relative, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

For many viral infections (chicken pox, rubella, ARVI), etiotropic therapy has not been developed to date. For their treatment, pathogenetic and symptomatic methods are used - plentiful hot drink, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs. With catarrhal syndrome, rinsing and irrigation of the throat with antiseptic solutions and sprays are prescribed. In the early days of influenza, the use of antiviral drugs (oseltamivir, rimantadine) is effective.

There is evidence of a decrease in the number of complications of infectious mononucleosis in adults by prescribing acyclovir, valciclovir. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed, for tuberculosis - a combination of anti-tuberculosis drugs. If the cause of lymphocytosis was a lymphoproliferative disease, then long-term repeated courses of chemotherapy are required. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in adults, they resort to allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.


In some cases, the level of lymphocytes can be a guideline for predicting the development of the disease. For example, lymphocytosis in tuberculosis, both in children and adults, indicates a favorable course of the disease and a speedy recovery. Conversely, if the cause of an excessive increase in lymphocytes is malignant hematological diseases, this can indirectly indicate a high probability of death. However, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the underlying pathology and its severity. Therefore, any degree of lymphocytosis requires a thorough examination to establish the cause and timely therapy.

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