Pathological sensations

Heaviness throughout the body

Heaviness throughout the body normally occurs after intense physical exertion, lack of sleep or stress. Pathological causes of an unpleasant symptom include psycho-emotional disorders (depression, anorexia nervosa), arterial hypotension, and fever. In the diagnosis, laboratory studies are used - clinical and biochemical blood tests, hormonal profile, bakposev, instrumental methods - ECG with daily monitoring, ultrasound, EEG and ENMG. To relieve heaviness in the body, medications, psychotherapeutic correction, methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the hands

Heaviness in the hands occurs with fatigue and prolonged physical exertion, as well as under the influence of pathological causes: arthritis, arthrosis or osteochondrosis, dermatomyositis, vascular lesions (venous thrombosis, lymphostasis). Less commonly, the symptom occurs in occupational nervosa. Diagnostic search includes instrumental methods: radiography and CT of the hand, ultrasound of the vessels of the hands and lymphoscintigraphy, ENMG. Laboratory methods help clarify the diagnosis. To stop discomfort, etiotropic drug therapy, physiotherapy (mud therapy, electrotherapy, massage), and surgical interventions are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the hypochondrium

Heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right occurs in diseases of the hepatobiliary zone: biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Discomfort in the left hypochondrium develops mainly with splenomegaly caused by infectious, tumor or autoimmune factors. Diagnostic search involves standard ultrasound, X-ray and endoscopic methods, as well as modern studies - scintigraphy, elastography, laparoscopy. To stop the symptom, etiotropic drugs are prescribed, physiotherapeutic methods are selected. Sometimes surgery is recommended.

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Heaviness in the legs

Heaviness in the legs mainly occurs with diseases of the veins: varicose veins, post-thrombophlebitic syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency. The symptom also develops with lymphedema, longitudinal and transverse flat feet, edema against the background of cardiac or renal dysfunction. Diagnostic search involves instrumental methods: ultrasound of the veins, rheovasography, lymphangiography, lymphoscintigraphy, x-ray studies (X-ray of the foot, CT of the spine). To relieve heaviness in the legs, drugs from the group of phlebotonics and antiplatelet agents, injection vein sclerotherapy, and elastic compression are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the abdomen

Heaviness in the abdomen periodically occurs when overeating, but more often worries about diseases of the stomach (hypoacid gastritis, pyloric stenosis, cancer), intestines (enteritis, colitis, UC and Crohn's disease). The symptom develops with damage to the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. Diagnosis includes ultrasonic, endoscopic and X-ray methods of research, laboratory tests of blood and feces. To relieve painful sensations, prokinetics and enzymes are prescribed. Treatment of the underlying pathology involves taking choleretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, performing surgical interventions.

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Heaviness in the chest

Heaviness in the chest appears with psycho-emotional disorders (stress, panic, depression), diseases of the circulatory system (CHD, pericarditis and myocarditis, cardiomyopathy), respiration (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis). Diagnostic search includes standard instrumental methods: ECG and Holter monitoring, echocardiography, chest x-ray. To clarify what caused the heaviness in the chest area, they also carry out invasive diagnostics - coronary angiography, puncture, scintigraphy. Relief of symptoms is usually performed by medical methods, surgical interventions are less often used.

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Heaviness in the head

Heaviness in the head is a sign of lack of sleep and mental fatigue, neurasthenia, arterial hypertension. The symptom also occurs with tension headaches, ENT pathologies (sinusitis, eustachitis, Meniere's disease), degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. For diagnosis, instrumental methods for examining the brain (EchoEG, REG, MRI), spine (radiography, CT), ENT organs (otoscopy, vestibulometry, audiometry) are prescribed. To relieve heaviness in the head, psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, sedatives), neuroprotectors and vitamins, antihypertensive drugs are used.

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Heaviness in various parts of the body is subjectively perceived as a feeling of pressure, fullness (in the head, chest, abdomen, hypochondrium) or a large weight that makes it difficult to perform habitual movements (in the legs, arms, throughout the body). A feeling of heaviness may be accompanied by neurological syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. The examination includes functional (ECG, EEG), imaging (ultrasound, X-ray, MRI), endoscopic (EGDS) and other methods. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the causative pathology.

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Photophobia accompanies some primary, secondary cephalgia, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral circulatory disorders, general infections, injuries, inflammatory and non-inflammatory eye diseases. In case of neurological pathologies, it can be combined with general cerebral and focal symptoms, with infections - with intoxication syndrome, with eye diseases - with lacrimation, blurred vision. To determine the cause of photophobia, data from a survey, neurological and ophthalmological examination, and additional studies are used. Treatment - antimicrobial and antihistamines, immunomodulators, surgical interventions.

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Pulsation of the vessels of the neck

Пульсация сосудов шеи бывает артериальной или венозной, наблюдается при некоторых кардиальных пороках и разновидностях аритмии, артериальной гипертензии, тампонаде сердца, ТЭЛА, перикардите, ряде легочных патологий, поражении щитовидной железы. Причину возникновения симптома определяют на основании данных опроса, физикального обследования, лабораторных и аппаратных диагностических методов. Лечение включает немедикаментозные методики, бета-адреноблокаторы, гиполипидемические средства, гипотензивные препараты, антибиотики, хирургические вмешательства.

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