Pathological discharge

Gray vaginal discharge

Gray vaginal discharge is the appearance of gray discharge, often with an unpleasant odor, from the female genital tract. Such whites are combined with itching in the perineum, soreness during urination and during intercourse. The symptom is characteristic of bacterial vaginosis, other inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the genital organs. To find out the causes of gray discharge, an examination in the mirrors, instrumental imaging methods, and bacteriological analysis are prescribed. To eliminate the symptom, therapy of the underlying disease and normalization of the vaginal microflora is necessary.

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Clear vaginal discharge

Clear discharge and vagina (clear leucorrhoea) is a watery or mucous colorless discharge from the genital tract, often without any unpleasant odor. Sometimes accompanied by itching in the perineum, discomfort during intercourse. The symptom occurs due to natural hormonal changes, it is also provoked by stress, allergic reactions, and helminthiases. To establish the cause that caused the transparent discharge, a gynecological examination, colposcopy, and laboratory tests are performed. Medications are used in the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

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Colostrum-like discharge from the nipples

Colostrum-like discharge from the nipples is the appearance of white or yellowish discharge from the mammary glands. The symptom may be accompanied by pain and severe swelling of the breast, menstrual irregularities. The expiration of a fluid resembling colostrum from the nipples is observed with physiological hormonal changes, hypothalamic-pituitary pathologies, diseases of the genital area. To identify the causes of colostrum-like discharge, ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, CT of the breast and reproductive organs, gynecological examination, and hormone levels are used. To eliminate the symptom, the underlying disease is treated.

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Bloody discharge from the nipples

Bloody discharge from the nipples is the appearance of red or brownish discharge from the breast, which is more often unilateral. The symptom is accompanied by pain in the chest on the side of the lesion, ulceration of the areolar region. Bloody discharge is observed after trauma to the mammary glands, with benign and malignant neoplasms. To identify the cause, ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, ductography, tissue biopsy with cytomorphological analysis of the material are performed. With complaints about the release of blood from the chest, the leading is the therapy of the underlying disease.

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Bloody discharge from the vagina

Bloody discharge from the vagina is the appearance of brown, brownish or sanious discharge from the female genital tract. The symptom is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, and sometimes fever. Bloody discharge normally occurs in the early postpartum period, a connection with the pathology of pregnancy, inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, genital injuries is possible. To establish the cause that caused spotting, ultrasound, gynecological examination, colposcopy, and tests are performed. To stop the bleeding or bleeding, therapy of the underlying disease is necessary.

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Green discharge from the nipples

Green discharge from the nipples is the appearance of a thick green secretion, which can be unilateral and bilateral. The symptom is often accompanied by discomfort and pulling pains in the mammary glands, induration in the areola. Greenish discharge from the nipple is characteristic of cystic mastopathy, similar discharge is observed with ectasia of the milk ducts and other diseases of the breast. To determine the cause, mammography, biopsy with a cytological examination, and ultrasound are prescribed. To eliminate the symptom, complex therapy of the underlying pathology is necessary.

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Yellow vaginal discharge

Yellow vaginal discharge is a discharge from the vagina of a liquid or thick yellow secretion, often with an unpleasant odor. Pathological leucorrhea may be accompanied by pain during urination and sexual intercourse, discomfort and itching in the vagina. Yellow discharge occurs both as a result of natural hormonal fluctuations, and with various infectious or inflammatory lesions of the genital organs. To determine the cause of leucorrhoea, a comprehensive gynecological examination, laboratory tests, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs are performed. Drug therapy is prescribed only after verification of the diagnosis.

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Purulent discharge from the nipples

Purulent discharge from the nipples - yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor from one or two mammary glands. The symptom is accompanied by sharp pains in the chest, local redness and swelling of the skin, fever. The main cause of purulent discharge is various forms of mastitis and their complications, suppuration from the nipples is also observed with areola boils, chest injuries. To identify the cause of the condition, ultrasound, mammography, and bacteriological culture of the discharge are performed. To relieve symptoms, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

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Purulent discharge from the vagina

Purulent discharge from the vagina is the appearance of thick yellow-green pus from the patient's genitals. The symptom is combined with pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, fever, discomfort during intercourse. Greenish discharge with a putrid odor is characteristic of genital infections, severe inflammatory processes of the genital organs. To verify the cause of purulent leucorrhoea, an examination is carried out in the mirrors, ultrasound, bacteriological analysis of the discharge. Drugs are used after the establishment of the etiological factor of purulent leucorrhoea.

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Discharge from the nipples

Discharge from the nipples is the appearance of discharge from one or both mammary glands. The symptom may be accompanied by pain and discomfort in the chest, redness of the skin over the mammary gland, changes in the areola. The expiration of the secret is observed in inflammatory processes of the mammary glands, benign and malignant tumors, pathologies of the endocrine system. To find out the reasons, ultrasound, mammography, laboratory tests are performed. To alleviate the condition, analgesics can be prescribed, other drugs are used after verification of the diagnosis.

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