Speech symptoms

Scanned speech

Scanned speech is a slow, fragmentary, syllable-by-syllable pronunciation of words and phrases. It is a characteristic sign of cerebellar dysfunction, occurs in atactic dysarthria, multiple sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, cerebellar tumors, hereditary ataxias, cerebellar stroke. Diagnosis is aimed at identifying the cause and focus of the lesion in the brain (MRI, CT scan), a speech therapy examination is mandatory. Therapeutic tactics is determined by the underlying pathology, may include pharmacotherapy, neurosurgical intervention, speech therapy.

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Sigmatism (lisping) is a distorted pronunciation of whistling, as well as hissing sounds. The disorder is typical for mechanical and functional dyslalia, various forms of dysarthria, open rhinolalia. With sigmatism, interdental, near-tooth, labio-dental, lateral, nasal pronunciation of phonemes can take place. The defect of sound pronunciation and its form is diagnosed as part of the examination of oral speech. The main areas of corrective speech therapy intervention include the preparation of the articulatory apparatus, the development of phonation breathing, sound production, automation of the skill of correct sound pronunciation.

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Rotacism (burr) is a defective pronunciation of sounds [Р-Р′], which does not correspond to the phonetic norms of the Russian language. It is observed with dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria. Instead of a full-fledged rolling [R], formed by vibration of the tip of the tongue, a distorted (throat, bilabial, buccal, etc.) sound is pronounced. Violation is detected in the course of logopedic diagnostics. Correction of rotacism involves the development of the correct articulation pattern, the development of the strength and direction of the air flow, the automation of the normative sound and its introduction into speech. Eliminating the cause of sound distortion may require the participation of dentists, neurologists.

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Paraphasia is a symptom of a number of speech and neurological disorders, characterized by the replacement of correct sounds, letters, syllables, words with others that do not comply with the norms and rules of the language. It occurs in patients with aphasia, alalia, various types of dementia. Substitutions can be literal, verbal, mirror. Paraphasias are detected as part of the diagnosis of the leading clinical syndrome. Correctional work is carried out in several directions: minimizing the consequences of cerebral damage, correcting impaired mental functions, and speech rehabilitation.

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Lack of speech

Absence of speech is the inability to implement an oral statement, due to a low level of speech development or the breakdown of speech. This condition is characteristic of infancy, as well as a number of pathologies: motor alalia, ZRR, severe dysarthria, aphasia, mutism, deaf-mutism. The diagnostic complex includes speech therapy and psychological examination, EFI methods (electroencephalography, auditory EP), neuroimaging (MRI of cerebral structures). Therapeutic tactics is aimed at stimulating speech activity, combines pedagogical tools, drug therapy, psychocorrection, physiotherapy.

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Hoarseness of voice

Hoarseness of voice is the loss of sonority of the voice with the appearance of hoarse overtones. The voice becomes tensely choked, low, whispery, monotonous. Hoarseness appears with stress, dehydration, laryngitis, tumors of the vocal folds, burns of the throat, GERD, thyroid disorders, poisoning. Diagnosis includes laryngo- and stroboscopy, electroglottography, CT scan of the larynx, if necessary, X-ray and electrophysiological examination. Treatment can be conservative (inhalations, endolaryngeal instillations, physiotherapy) or surgical (removal of tumors, laryngoplasty). Additionally, phonopedic correction is shown.

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Limited vocabulary

A limited vocabulary is typical for children with general underdevelopment of speech and intellectual disabilities, patients with encephalopathies of various origins, dementia, aphasia, epilepsy, mental disorders. Limited vocabulary does not allow you to fully express your thoughts, answer questions in detail, and communicate with others. Diagnostics has two vectors: establishing the cause of a depleted vocabulary (MRI of the brain, EEG, pathopsychological testing) and qualitative and quantitative assessment of vocabulary (speech therapy examination). Expansion of vocabulary is carried out against the background of therapy for the underlying disease.

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Slurred speech

Slurred speech is poorly intelligible speech products due to fuzzy articulation. It can occur with alcohol intoxication, cerebral tumors, neurodegenerative processes, dysarthria, rhinolalia, hearing loss, use of inappropriate dentures, jaw dislocation. To diagnose the etiofactors of slurred speech, a neurological, speech therapy, otolaryngological, dental examination is performed. In order to restore speech function, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment of the leading pathology is carried out, corrective speech therapy classes are carried out.

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Impaired understanding of speech

Violation of speech understanding occurs in a number of different speech and neuropsychiatric syndromes: alalia, aphasia, autism, oligophrenia, dementia, etc. It is characterized by the lack of an adequate response to audible speech, the inability to follow instructions, increased exhaustion of attention. Sometimes understanding is broken partially. Own speech production may be preserved or absent. To establish the causes of the violation, a neurological, audiological, neuropsychological, speech therapy examination is carried out. Treatment is carried out within the framework of the identified syndrome.

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Logophobia (glossophobia) is a pathological fear of speaking in public. It accompanies the course of stuttering, mutism, dyslalia, sometimes occurs within the framework of social phobia. With logophobia, there is a constant fear of speech convulsions, a fear of being ridiculed by others, a painful fixation on a speech defect, which is why patients avoid communication situations. Fear of speech is revealed in the course of observation, conversation, filling out speech questionnaires. Treatment of logophobia is carried out through cognitive-behavioral therapy, speech training, mastering relaxation methods, speech therapy correction.

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