External changes

Consolidation in the chest

Compaction in the chest occurs with inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, benign and malignant tumors of the mammary gland. May be the result of trauma, surgery and aesthetic operations. It is a smooth or bumpy area of ​​tissue of increased density. It can be combined with pain, deformity, discharge from the nipple, and other symptoms. The cause of compaction in the chest is established according to the survey, external examination, ultrasound, mammography, MRI, biopsy, laboratory tests. Self-medication is not indicated, it is urgent to consult a specialist.

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Enlarged cervical lymph nodes

Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes (cervical lymphadenopathy) is the presence on the lateral and posterior surface of the neck of formations of lymphoid tissue larger than 5 mm, having an elastic or dense texture. The symptom is observed with viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, inflammatory processes in the oropharynx, tumor formations of the neck and head. To determine the cause of lymphadenopathy, ultrasound, puncture biopsy, lymphography, and laboratory tests are prescribed. Symptoms are relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antiseptics.

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Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes

An increase in the submandibular lymph nodes (submandibular lymphadenopathy) is the presence of lymphoid formations with a diameter of more than 0.5 cm at the edge of the lower jaw. The affected nodes have a rigid or stony texture. The symptom is observed in ARVI, diseases of the tonsils, infectious, dental and oncopathology. To clarify the cause of submandibular lymphadenopathy, ultrasound, lymphography, CT, MRI, biopsy of lymph nodes, laboratory tests, instrumental examinations of specialized specialists are prescribed. To alleviate the condition, analgesics are used, with obvious signs of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and stomatitis, mouth rinses with antiseptics are recommended.

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Enlarged axillary lymph nodes

Enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes (axillary lymphadenopathy) is an excessive growth of lymphoid formations in the armpits, in which palpable nodes appear more than 1 cm in diameter. The symptom is observed in inflammatory diseases and breast cancer, hemoblastoses, infectious processes. To identify the root causes of axillary lymphadenopathy, ultrasound, x-ray, cytological, and laboratory studies are performed. The appointment of medications is indicated only after the establishment of the disease that provoked lymphoid hyperplasia.

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Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

An increase in inguinal lymph nodes (inguinal lymphadenopathy) is an overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the groin with the formation of palpable nodes more than 1 cm in diameter. The symptom occurs with various genitourinary infections, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, malignant neoplasms. To clarify the cause of inguinal lymphadenopathy, an ultrasound examination and a biopsy of the lymph nodes, laboratory tests are performed. In order to reduce pain, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

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Increasing the volume of the abdomen

An increase in the volume of the abdomen is noted during pregnancy, occurs due to diseases of the digestive system, female genital organs. It is observed in some cardiovascular, endocrine, childhood diseases. It is formed against the background of fetal growth, the appearance of fatty deposits, the progression of tumors, an increase in the size of parenchymal or stretching of hollow organs, extraorganic fluid accumulation. The cause is determined according to the examination, ultrasound, radiography, other instrumental and laboratory studies.

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Enlarged lymph nodes

An increase in lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) is a change in the size, consistency and mobility of the peripheral organs of the lymphatic system. A combination of a symptom with an increase in temperature, a change in the condition of the skin, an increase in the liver and spleen is possible. Lymphadenopathy is detected in infectious diseases, immunoproliferative, dysmetabolic and tumor processes, taking certain drugs. To clarify the causes of enlarged lymph nodes, ultrasound, radiological, radionuclide, tomographic, cytological, laboratory methods are used. Until a diagnosis is made, no treatment is usually given.

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Subcutaneous emphysema

Subcutaneous emphysema occurs with traumatic injuries to the lungs, less often to the trachea, esophagus, paranasal sinuses or nose. It can be the result of operations and manipulations. Sometimes it has a non-traumatic etiology. It is manifested by an increase in the volume of a certain area of ​​the body, a characteristic soft crunch on palpation. The cause is established on the basis of anamnesis, examination data, radiography, CT, MRI, endoscopic studies. Treatment includes painkillers and antibacterial agents, punctures, blockades, breathing exercises, and operations.

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Fingers - drumsticks

Fingers - drumsticks most often occur in diseases of the respiratory system. They are detected in malignant tumors, some pathologies of the liver, intestines, endocrine, cardiovascular systems. Develop gradually. The disease that provoked the changes is established according to the data of the survey, external examination, radiography, CT, spirography, bronchoscopy, and other imaging, functional and laboratory studies. Treatment may include expectorants, bronchodilators, antibiotics, non-drug therapy.

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Swelling of the hands

Edema of the hands can be physiological or pathological, local or widespread. They arise as a result of injuries, local infections, diseases of the joints, lesions of the blood and lymphatic vessels, and some other pathologies. Manifested by an increase in the volume of the limb, pain, a feeling of heaviness, clumsiness when performing fine movements are possible. For the diagnosis of diseases that cause swelling of the hands, data from a survey, external examination, radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and laboratory tests are used. Treatment is determined by the cause of the symptom.

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