Respiratory symptoms


Suffocation is a pronounced lack of air, an extreme manifestation of shortness of breath, accompanied by a feeling of fear of death. It is caused by diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular pathology, chest injuries and other conditions. Asphyxiation is diagnosed on the basis of clinical data, its causes are established using radiation diagnostics, functional examination, and endoscopy. When providing emergency care, it is necessary to ensure adequate ventilation of the respiratory tract. Further treatment depends on the cause of this condition.

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Mucopurulent sputum

Mucopurulent sputum is a symptom of common diseases of the respiratory system: tracheobronchitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. The symptom is often found in tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congenital anomalies in the development of the respiratory system. Rare causes of mucopurulent sputum: chronic lung abscesses, actinomycosis, malignant tumors. The diagnostic plan includes X-ray and endoscopic methods, the study of respiratory function, laboratory tests of sputum and blood. Treatment includes antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, expectorants, and bronchodilators.

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Mucous sputum

Mucous sputum is formed in inflammatory diseases of the upper (chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis) and lower respiratory tract (hyperplastic laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and viral pneumonia). Rare causes of the symptom include the ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi, bronchopulmonary tumors, and pulmonary edema. For diagnostic purposes, it is necessary to perform chest x-ray, ENT examination and bronchoscopy, spirometry. Be sure to conduct a microscopic and bacteriological analysis of sputum mucosa. Treatment includes drugs (expectorant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory), physiotherapy, surgical techniques.

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Superficial cough

A superficial cough (cough) is a cough paroxysm without sputum separation or discharge of a small amount of mucus when the upper respiratory tract is affected. It may have natural causes or indicate diseases of the oropharynx and larynx, allergies, complications when taking medications. To establish the causes of the symptom, an instrumental examination of the respiratory organs, esophagoscopy, contrast radiography of the esophagus, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, serological and microbiological methods, and allergy tests are recommended. To alleviate the condition before making a diagnosis, it is permissible to use antiseptics, local anesthetics, inhalations.

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Shortness of breath (dyspnea) is a violation of the function of external respiration, accompanied by both objective symptoms and a subjective feeling of lack of air. The development of dyspnea is caused by pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, anemia. The symptom may occur due to organic lesions of the central nervous system, neurotic disorders, metabolic disorders. To identify the cause of shortness of breath, spirometry, radiography, ECG, ultrasound, and laboratory tests are performed. To reduce symptoms, non-drug methods are used, the underlying disease is corrected.

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Lack of air

Lack of air (inspiratory dyspnea) is difficulty breathing while inhaling with a feeling of insufficient oxygen supply. May be accompanied by noisy, wheezing breathing. Occurs during pregnancy, diseases of the larynx, lungs, pleura, heart disease, emergency conditions, injuries, neuroses. To establish the causes of the disorder, chest x-ray, spirometry, ECG, laryngoscopy, and blood tests are prescribed. Prior to the diagnosis, to reduce severe shortness of breath, the patient is provided with rest, access to fresh air, and sedative herbal remedies are used.

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Sputum is the pathological contents of the respiratory tube, represented by the discharge of glandular cells of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi with an admixture of saliva, nasopharyngeal secretion. Coughing up of sputum occurs during infectious and inflammatory processes of the upper and lower respiratory tract, allergies, inhalation of irritating substances. Radiation studies of the chest, bronchoscopy, and laboratory tests help to identify diseases in which sputum appears, to establish the causes of the formation of pathological mucus. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the nature of the underlying pathology.

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Barking cough

A barking cough is a bout of unproductive coughing with a characteristic loud sound that resembles a dog's barking. The symptom is often accompanied by sore throat, hoarseness of voice, a decrease in its sonority up to complete disappearance (aphonia). The most common causes of such a cough are laryngitis, true and false croup, tracheal diseases, and some SARS. To determine the cause, laryngoscopy, chest x-ray, spirography, laboratory tests are performed. To alleviate the patient's condition, mucolytics, expectorants, antitussive drugs, and physiotherapy are used.

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Hemoptysis (hemoptysis) is a respiratory symptom characterized by coughing up streaks or blood clots. May indicate infections and tumors of the respiratory tract, thoracic injuries, vascular lesions, systemic diseases, coagulopathy. Hemoptysis is a potentially dangerous condition, because. can develop into fatal pulmonary hemorrhage, therefore, it always requires immediate and thorough diagnosis. Topical determination of the source of bleeding includes fibrobronchoscopy, X-ray and CT of the lungs. Before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to remain calm, lie with a raised headboard, you can take antihypertensive and antitussive drugs.

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Cough is an unconditioned reflex act that occurs in response to stimulation of specific receptors and is manifested by forced exhalation after a period of tension of the respiratory muscles. The symptom is usually caused by diseases of the respiratory system, but can develop when inhaled toxic substances, foreign bodies, congestion in the lungs. To identify the cause of the cough, x-rays, spirometry, fibrobronchoscopy, and laboratory tests are performed. For the relief of symptoms, antitussive and expectorant drugs, mucolytics are used.

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