Lethargy : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 17/07/2022

Lethargy is a subjective feeling of a lack of vigor and energy, accompanied by a decrease in working capacity and a loss of interest in the usual activities. Often, malaise occurs under the influence of external factors: overwork, overeating, excessive consumption of coffee. Pathological causes also cause symptoms - endocrine and neurological diseases, mental disorders. To clarify the origin of lethargy, laboratory and instrumental methods, neurological and psychiatric examination are used. To improve the condition, a complex of drugs and non-drug effects is used.

Causes of lethargy


Lethargy and fatigue after a hard day's work or during intense physical exertion are observed in absolutely healthy people. With overwork, there is heaviness in the muscles of the legs and arms, apathy, there is no desire to continue working. There is drowsiness, "buzzing" head. Normally, the symptoms disappear after a break or a good night's sleep. If weakness develops with minor exertion, habitual daily work, the feeling of impotence does not go away after sufficient rest, it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out serious causes of the disorder.

Improper nutrition

It has been proven that coffee can have both stimulating and depressing effects on the body, depending on the dose of caffeine and the type of higher nervous activity. In people with a strong nervous system, small amounts of caffeine have a sedative effect, provoke fatigue and lethargy, and large doses of coffee stimulate mental and physical activity. For people with a weak type of nervous system, the reverse pattern is characteristic - high doses of caffeine cause apathy and drowsiness.

After the abuse of fatty foods, lethargy and drowsiness develop, which is due to an increased load on the digestive system. With abundant overeating in combination with alcoholic beverages, severe fatigue persists the next day. A sharp weakness that occurs constantly every day 20-3 minutes after eating indicates problems with the digestion and absorption of food or the presence of a dumping syndrome. In such a situation, a full medical examination is required.

Hormonal fluctuations in women

The combination of lethargy and emotional lability is a typical symptom of premenstrual syndrome. Apathy and fatigue appear 2-3 days before menstruation, normally the symptoms disappear with the onset of bleeding. Similar manifestations develop during menopause, when patients report morning weakness and weakness that occur against the background of hot flashes and chills. Constant lethargy, combined with discomfort in the lower abdomen or cycle disorders, is caused by pathological causes - dyshormonal or inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.


The lack of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the body causes changes in all organs and tissues, which is associated with the appearance of lethargy and malaise. The symptom occurs in various pathologies - hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroid adenomas. The severity of lethargy depends on the degree of hormone deficiency and the duration of the disease. In severe cases, there is a breakdown, a complete loss of interest in life and favorite activities. Changes in appearance are characteristic: the skin becomes pale and cold to the touch, edema forms, and body weight increases.


convalescence period

After the disappearance of the main clinical manifestations of various diseases, lethargy and severe fatigue persist for a long time, aggravated by minor physical exertion. The malaise is caused by the exhaustion of the body during the period of illness, the expenditure of muscle glycogen reserves, and the lack of proteins and vitamins. Symptoms persist for 2-4 weeks after recovery, with chronic sluggish processes, asthenic syndrome lasts up to several months. Lethargy is caused by various reasons - nonspecific inflammatory, dystrophic, infectious processes.

Neurological diseases

Brain damage is often accompanied by lethargy, apathy. Neurological pathologies deplete the reserves of neurotransmitters, disrupt the functioning of the reticular formation and the limbic system, the structures responsible for mood and general well-being. Residual (residual) manifestations after illness persist from several months to a year. In the elderly, lethargy is combined with progressive cognitive impairment. Frequent etiological factors of malaise:

  • Infectious lesions of the central nervous system : meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis.
  • Degenerative processes : dyscirculatory encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Acute conditions : cerebral hemorrhages, ischemic strokes.
  • Tumors : neuroblastoma, astrocytoma, glioblastoma, etc.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

With VVD, all signs of malaise are present: drowsiness, lethargy, constant fatigue. Pathological symptoms are caused by imbalances between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, periodic jumps in blood pressure. Lethargy is aggravated by prolonged stay in a stuffy room without access to fresh air. After a short-term work, patients complain of a breakdown caused by neuropsychic exhaustion. Dull compressive headaches and dizziness, emotional instability are also typical.

Mental disorders

Severe lethargy with apathy is characteristic of depression. A person is absolutely indifferent to what is happening around, does not want to do everyday things. Constant drowsiness is noted - patients sleep for 12-14 hours a day, but do not feel cheerful and energetic. Similar disturbances are observed in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder. A breakdown is typical for neurotic reactions with asthenic syndrome (“irritable weakness”), which more often worries young and middle-aged women.

chronic fatigue syndrome

In this disorder, severe drowsiness and lethargy do not disappear even after a long rest or a few days off. The patient constantly feels exhausted, due to sleep disturbances, weakness appears in the morning. Against the background of insomnia, headaches and muscle heaviness progress. Interest in work and hobbies disappears, anxiety and irritability arise over time. The most common causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are infection with the herpes virus type 6, endocrine and somatic diseases, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Bronchial asthma

In the interictal period, pathological changes in the lungs and bronchi persist, which cause chronic hypoxia. Against the background of mild oxygen starvation, lethargy develops, which is aggravated by physical activity. There is shortness of breath, heaviness in the arms and legs. The clinical picture is supplemented by objective signs: pallor of the nasolabial triangle, a change in the frequency and nature of breathing. In the event of an attack of bronchial asthma, the condition is replaced by a sharp weakness and lack of air, a person needs emergency help.

Autoimmune pathology

A prolonged inflammatory process causes the accumulation of cytokines and mediators in the body, which adversely affect overall well-being. Lethargy increases gradually, at first it becomes more difficult to perform professional duties, when playing sports, you need to take long breaks. Over time, motivation disappears, a person becomes indifferent, complains of a general breakdown, severe weakness and drowsiness. Autoimmune causes that most often provoke malaise are the initial stage of rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

Rare Causes

  • Allergic diseases : rhinitis and pharyngitis, angioedema, anaphylactic reactions.
  • Pathology of the blood system : thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, lymphomas and leukemias.
  • Bleeding .
  • Kidney damage : glomerulonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure, uremia.


Lethargy is a symptom of many diseases, so the primary examination is organized by a general practitioner. The diagnostic plan involves a combination of laboratory and instrumental studies designed to find or rule out a possible cause of lethargy. The most informative are:

  • Blood study . In the general analysis, nonspecific signs of inflammation are revealed, sharp changes in the number of platelets indicate violations of the hemostasis system. Biochemical analysis is carried out to determine the level of protein and individual fractions of proteins, acute phase indicators. The immunogram is designed to exclude allergic reactions.
  • Hormonal profile . In women, the levels of progesterone and estrogen must be examined, if necessary, the amount of FSH and LH, prolactin. To exclude thyroid diseases, the levels of free thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone are evaluated. Additionally, the concentration of insulin is determined.
  • Bacteriological analysis . Often, lethargy is a sign of infectious diseases, so blood and sputum cultures are required on selective nutrient media. For express diagnostics, smear microscopy is done after staining with aniline dyes. Serological tests are used to confirm the diagnosis, especially in viral infections.
  • X-ray imaging . Plain radiography and excretory urography are performed to assess the condition of the kidneys. To rule out damage to the brain tissue, a CT scan is prescribed, which allows you to identify focal formations or diffuse inflammatory changes. To detail the site of the lesion, magnetic resonance imaging is used.
  • Additional Methods . In order to exclude bronchial asthma, spirography and a bronchodilation test with salbutamol are necessary. If neurological causes of malaise are suspected, the reactions of the autonomic nervous system are examined, deep and superficial reflexes are studied. Women are shown a comprehensive gynecological examination.


Help before diagnosis

Lethargy and weakness caused by ordinary overwork are not indications for specific therapy. It is enough for a person to sleep 8-9 hours, and the feeling of a breakdown disappears. It is important to normalize the daily routine, try to go to bed no later than 11 pm. For dinner, it is better to choose light protein meals, in the evening limit the use of strong tea and coffee. Soothing herbal teas are recommended for women with premenstrual syndrome, and analgesics for severe pain. If lethargy bothers you constantly, you need to consult a specialist to clarify the cause of the ailment.

Normalizing your lifestyle will help you feel more invigorated.


Conservative therapy

Given the variety of etiological factors of lethargy and malaise, medical tactics are determined only after a complete examination and verification of the cause of the disorder. As a rule, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment is carried out, supplemented by symptomatic and restorative drugs. For the treatment of diseases manifested by constant fatigue and weakness, the following drugs are usually used:

  • Thyroid hormones . To correct hypothyroidism, a synthetic analogue, levothyroxine, is prescribed; for goiter, the treatment regimen is supplemented with potassium iodide. The substance must be taken for a long time, the dosage is selected taking into account the level of T3 and T4 in the blood.
  • Estrogen drugs . In menopausal women, estrogen replacement therapy is recommended to alleviate symptoms. For greater efficiency, they are combined with progesterone derivatives.
  • Nootropics . With the help of nootropic drugs, they eliminate the residual symptoms of severe neurological diseases, activate blood flow in the brain and improve cognitive abilities. The funds are also effective in dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
  • Antidepressants . Lethargy and apathy caused by depression are successfully treated with specific serotonin receptor agonists. With severe anxiety, tranquilizers, herbal sedatives are additionally indicated.
  • Vitamins . To improve the functioning of the nervous system, thiamine and other vitamins from group B, the antioxidant tocopherol are used. In the period of convalescence, metabolic drugs (riboxin, etc.) have a good effect.


Physiotherapy methods are combined with drugs. Most often, electromagnetic and laser therapy, balneotherapy, acupuncture are prescribed, which have a tonic and tonic effect. For depression and neurosis, group and individual psychotherapy is recommended. With VVD, hardening, exercise therapy exercises are useful. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome are prescribed unloading and dietary therapy, general or segmental massage.

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