Brokenness : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 14/09/2022

Brokenness is a subjective feeling of fatigue, lack of strength, which is often accompanied by headaches, body aches. Malaise occurs when there is a violation of the regime of the day and an unbalanced diet, chronic fatigue syndrome, infectious diseases, somatic pathology. To find out the cause of weakness and weakness, blood counts are examined, the hormonal profile is assessed, a neurological examination, and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed. To eliminate malaise, physiotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic methods, vitamin preparations are used.

Causes of weakness

lack of sleep

Prolonged lack of sleep is the most common etiological factor in fatigue, more than 80% of people who sleep less than 7-8 hours experience symptoms of malaise. Not only the duration of sleep matters, but also the time at which a person goes to bed. When falling asleep after midnight, the body disrupts the synthesis of melatonin, which is responsible for circadian rhythms. Lack of sleep causes a feeling of weakness in the morning, constantly sleepy during the day, it is difficult to concentrate on work. With chronic lack of sleep, irritability appears, memory and concentration deteriorate.


Lack of vitamins provokes a violation of metabolic processes in the body, which is manifested by malaise. Symptoms are more likely to occur in winter and early spring when fresh vegetables and fruits are scarce in the diet. Brokenness appears for no apparent reason, even with a normal lifestyle and prolonged sleep during the day, drowsiness, fatigue are disturbing, a person experiences a headache, weakness in the legs. Vitamin deficiency is characterized by a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair; in women, the menstrual cycle is sometimes disturbed. With such symptoms, specialist advice is required.

External factors

A common cause of weakness is sudden changes in the weather, causing headaches, increased fatigue, and drowsiness in weather-dependent people. A day or two before the change of weather conditions, a person feels very tired, his joints twist, and there is an ache all over his body. Constant drowsiness and fatigue are observed in the first days after long flights, due to the jet lag syndrome. It is difficult for the body to adapt to the new time, so it tends to sleep during the day, and it is difficult to fall asleep at night. Similar signs also appear in autumn and winter due to short daylight hours.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Manifestations of CFS are more common in people whose work is associated with constant stress and increased responsibility. The first sign of the syndrome is unmotivated weakness in the morning, which occurs even after a long night's sleep. Disturbed by periodic pressing headaches and muscle pain for no reason. During the day, you often want to sleep, and at night there is insomnia. The patient becomes aggressive and irritable, does not cope well with duties at work. Such disorders are an indication for seeking medical attention.



Depressive states are accompanied by apathy and motor inhibition, patients feel constant fatigue, loss of strength. Night sleep with depression is extended to 16-18 hours a day, but after waking up, symptoms of weakness persist. Periods of low energy are sometimes replaced by irritability and aggressiveness for no apparent reason. The malaise is combined with a variety of somatic symptoms: myalgia and arthralgia, abdominal pain, interruptions in the work of the heart. Sometimes these manifestations are interpreted by patients as signs of an incurable pathology.


Weakness and fatigue are often potentiated by endogenous causes - the accumulation in the body of toxic metabolic products in various somatic diseases. There is a constant malaise, dull headaches, dizziness. Typical waxy pallor of the skin, dark circles under the eyes. Similar signs are also characteristic of exogenous intoxications - alcoholism, smoking, taking narcotic substances. Symptoms are determined within a few months, their appearance is not associated with weather changes or a violation of the daily routine.

Cardiovascular diseases

Arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease and other cardiac causes cause a decrease in tissue trophism, a decrease in the oxygen concentration in the blood. Chronic hypoxia causes drowsiness and weakness, there is an excruciating headache, dizziness, blackout in the eyes. During the day, weakness and lethargy are felt, with physical exertion, shortness of breath and fatigue occur. Despite chronic fatigue, there may be difficulty falling asleep, sleep becomes intermittent and restless. If weakness is accompanied by pain in the heart, pre-syncope, you need to visit a doctor.


With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the brain and peripheral tissues are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, so fatigue and drowsiness appear. Characterized by constant dizziness, weakness, flashing "flies" before the eyes. Patients complain that they lack strength, lose interest in hobbies and work, constantly want to sleep during the day. The skin looks very pale with a bluish tinge, cold to the touch. In addition to general malaise with anemia, specific manifestations are found: a change in taste, brittle nails and hair loss, cracks and seizures on the lips.

sleep apnea syndrome

The disorder is characterized by periodic short pauses in breathing during sleep, which are accompanied by loud snoring and awakening. Such episodes are sometimes repeated several dozen times a night, because of which a person cannot fully relax. In the morning after waking up, it is difficult for patients with sleep apnea to get out of bed, they have a headache, heaviness in the legs. During the day there is severe drowsiness, difficulty concentrating and remembering new information. A combination of weakness with apathy, motor inhibition is typical.

Endocrine pathology

Most often, weakness is caused by causes from the thyroid gland - one of the first signs of hypothyroidism is unmotivated fatigue and drowsiness. Due to a decrease in basal metabolism in the body, a lack of energy develops, which is manifested by apathy, decreased ability to work, intolerance to physical activity. Severe weakness is characteristic of adrenal insufficiency, which leads to general malaise, dizziness and pre-syncope.

Fragility in the daytime is detected already in the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. There is a constant headache and fatigue, patients complain of drowsiness and decreased performance. With high hyperglycemia, there is a sharp weakness up to loss of consciousness, accompanied by rapid noisy breathing, pallor of the skin and perioral cyanosis. If the rules of insulin therapy are not followed, hypoglycemia is possible, manifested by weakness in the legs, severe sweating and fainting.

Viral infections

In the prodromal period of the disease, which lasts 2-3 days, there is a constant weakness and drowsiness. Typical ache in the muscles and joints, headache, chilling. Unpleasant symptoms are aggravated in the event of an increase in temperature. During the peak period, malaise is combined with specific signs of damage to the respiratory, digestive or nervous system. Common viral causes of weakness:

  • Respiratory processes : influenza, SARS, rhinovirus infection.
  • Intestinal infections : enterovirus, norovirus, rotavirus.
  • Liver pathology : viral hepatitis A, B, C and E.
  • Neurological infections : poliomyelitis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Skin lesions : viral papillomas, herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 types.

Bacterial diseases

With microbial infections, the temperature often rises to febrile numbers, so the symptoms of malaise are more pronounced. A person experiences constant headaches, aching joints and muscles, chills. Due to weakness and drowsiness, the patient spends all the time in bed, elementary household activities are performed with great difficulty. Symptoms persist for the entire period of illness, residual asthenic manifestations in the form of chronic fatigue and fatigue are determined for another 2-3 weeks after recovery. Causes of constant fatigue and weakness:

  • ENT infections : tonsillitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  • Damage to the gastrointestinal tract : salmonellosis, escherichiosis, food poisoning.
  • Venereal diseases : syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
  • Tuberculosis .

Pathology of the genitourinary system

With inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, weakness is caused not only by an increased synthesis of biologically active compounds, but also by the accumulation of toxic products of protein breakdown in the bloodstream. The patient experiences severe weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, moderate headache, and occasional dizziness. Sleep becomes restless, there are frequent nocturnal awakenings. The appearance of edema on the face in the morning is characteristic. Similar symptoms develop with glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis and urethritis.

Rare Causes

  • Systemic collagenoses : rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and dermatomyositis.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease : ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.
  • Helminthiases : giardiasis, ascariasis, teniasis and teniarinhoz.
  • Peripheral neurological disorders : polyneuropathy, radiculitis, plexitis.
  • Lymphoproliferative processes : lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
  • Tumors of the blood system : myeloid and lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • Carrying out unloading and dietary therapy.


Fragility can be caused by various reasons, both somatic and psycho-emotional in nature, so the primary examination is carried out by a general practitioner or therapist. The specialist collects a detailed history of the disease and prescribes various instrumental and laboratory tests based on the symptoms found. Of great diagnostic value are:

  • General blood test . In a clinical study, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin, the ESR indicator is evaluated. Biochemical analysis shows signs of impaired liver function and excretory function of the kidneys. Additionally, the amount of autoantibodies and rheumatoid factor is measured.
  • Hormonal profile . First, the concentration of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the blood is examined, to exclude secondary hypothyroidism, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland is taken into account. If diabetes mellitus is suspected, the amount of insulin and C-peptide is determined, a glucose tolerance test is performed to identify hidden forms of pathology.
  • Neurological examination . Conduct special tests aimed at assessing the intellectual abilities and emotional state of the patient. To exclude organic neurological diseases, muscle strength and tone are measured, and the safety of superficial and deep reflexes is checked. According to the indications, an EEG is done.
  • Bacteriological analysis . Since weakness is often associated with infectious processes, blood culture is necessary. In order to clarify the diagnosis, serological studies are prescribed, which allow the detection of specific antibodies to pathogens. With a probable viral infection, a rapid RIF reaction is recommended.
  • Ultrasound . With a combination of weakness and dyspeptic disorders, the results of ultrasound of the abdominal organs are indicative. Signs of glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis are detected using a targeted scan of the kidneys. To diagnose hypothyroidism and goiter, you need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

To verify sleep apnea syndrome, polysomnography is performed, which involves recording oxygenation and brain activity during sleep. In case of interruptions in cardiac activity, an ECG recording in standard leads is shown, and for a detailed study, Holter monitoring. For the differential diagnosis of various types of anemia, blood tests are carried out for the level of iron and ferritin, in difficult situations, a bone marrow puncture is performed for cytological examination.


Help before diagnosis

Weakness and lethargy caused by non-compliance with sleep or improper nutrition can be eliminated on your own. Doctors recommend going to bed no later than 11 pm, the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours. To strengthen the body, walks in the fresh air, a high-calorie fortified diet - low-fat varieties of meat and fish, fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary. If poor health is accompanied by severe headaches, fainting, fever, qualified medical assistance is required.

Walking in the fresh air is useful for increasing vitality


Conservative therapy

Drug therapy begins only after the clarification of the reason why a person experiences weakness. Medications are not used in all cases - for emotional disorders, methods of physiotherapy and psychotherapy are more effective. For etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment, drugs such as:

  • Vitamins . For laboratory-confirmed vitamin deficiencies, they are either taken as tablets or administered parenterally. Treatment courses take several months, to improve bioavailability, vitamin preparations are combined with each other.
  • Iron preparations . With iron deficiency anemia, the intake of a microelement is indicated for 3-6 months, depending on the severity of the disease. To accelerate the absorption of iron in the intestine, ascorbic acid is additionally prescribed.
  • infusion solutions . With intoxication syndrome, large volumes of saline solutions are injected intravenously in combination with diuretics. Therapy allows you to remove toxic substances that caused weakness.
  • Antibiotics . Etiotropic antimicrobials are recommended for bacterial infections, the duration of administration is at least a week. In severe viral lesions, taking interferons or human immunoglobulins helps.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . NSAIDs are the drugs of choice for rheumatic diseases. Medicines have shown high efficiency in the involvement of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes of any localization.
  • Cardiotropic agents . If weakness is caused by pathologies of the heart and blood circulation, antiarrhythmic drugs, various classes of antihypertensive drugs are used. Metabolic drugs are needed to improve myocardial trophism.
  • Hormones . Insulin administration is indicated for type 1 diabetes mellitus and complicated type 2 diabetes. Hypothyroidism is treated with levothyroxine. Corticosteroids can eliminate the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency.


Balneotherapy has a general strengthening and tonic effect - a massage shower using sulfide water, regular swimming in pools, mineral baths. Acupuncture and reflexology are used to stimulate nerve endings and normalize autonomic regulation. Effective physical therapy exercises that strengthen the muscles of various groups. In depressive states, psychotherapy methods are prescribed: autogenic training, individual and group classes.

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