Exhaustion : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 11/08/2022

Exhaustion is an extreme degree of weight loss (more than 20%), in which the work of various organs and systems is disrupted. The condition is often accompanied by symptoms of nervous exhaustion, weakness, weakness. Exhaustion of the body occurs in anorexia, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cancerous and other types of intoxication. To establish the factors that caused the disorder, ultrasound and X-ray imaging methods, a neurological examination, and laboratory tests are prescribed. To normalize body weight, adequate oral or parenteral nutrition is necessary in combination with etiotropic therapy for the cause of weight loss.

Causes of exhaustion

Anorexia nervosa

The condition is more common in younger women. The first signs of the disorder are constant dissatisfaction with your body and the desire to lose weight by any means. Girls with anorexia begin to restrict themselves in food, adhere to strict diets, against which they lose up to 10-15% of their body weight, and cause vomiting after eating. Rapid exhaustion occurs, the appearance and quality of the body changes - the skin becomes dry and flabby, gathers in folds, hair falls out, nails begin to exfoliate. There is constant weakness and fatigue. At the same time, the patient continues to consider herself fat and follows a diet.

The progressive depletion of the body causes severe changes in all internal organs, which indicates the transition to the cachectic stage of anorexia. Weight loss is 20-30% or more, a complete refusal to eat is possible. Subcutaneous fat disappears, all ribs, pelvic bones, and collarbones are well contoured. Due to severe metabolic disorders, extensive edema is formed, amenorrhea sets in, and sexual desire disappears. When the first signs of anorexia and exhaustion appear, it is important for the patient to provide qualified medical assistance.

Esophageal stenosis

The narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus and the lack of movement of food into the stomach are common causes of malnutrition, which are caused by post-traumatic strictures of the organ, space-occupying formations. At the initial stage, food partially enters the stomach, so the general condition remains satisfactory, weight loss is no more than 5%. As the stenosis of the esophagus progresses, the exhaustion of the body worsens, each attempt to eat ends in vomiting, so patients deliberately refuse to eat. Sharp weight loss is accompanied by swelling and an increase in the size of the abdomen due to emerging ascites.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Signs of exhaustion occur against the background of dyspeptic manifestations: vomiting several times a day, heaviness in the abdomen after eating, prolonged diarrhea. Symptoms are due to malabsorption syndrome, in addition, patients reduce portions of food, as a result of which the diet is depleted of proteins and vitamins. There is rapid weight loss, sagging and hyperpigmentation of the skin. A lack of vitamins causes menstrual dysfunction in women and a decrease in potency in men, diffuse alopecia and fragility of the nail plates are characteristic. Exhaustion is often caused by reasons such as:

  • Intestinal diseases : duodenitis, enteritis, enterocolitis.
  • Pathology of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract : chronic pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Bacterial infections : bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO), some forms of escherichiosis and salmonellosis.
  • celiac disease .
  • Consequences of surgical interventions : dumping syndrome after gastric resection, postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Endogenous intoxication

With the accumulation of toxic compounds and waste products of bacteria in the blood, typical symptoms of exhaustion appear: progressive weight loss against the background of reduced appetite, deterioration of the skin and hair, and sexual dysfunction. The clinical picture often develops with prolonged subfebrile body temperature, profuse sweating and a sharp pallor of the skin are characteristic. The lability of emotional reactions quickly manifests itself, neurotic states are formed. Common causes of depletion of the body:

  • Chronic infections : brucellosis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.
  • Purulent processes : abscesses, osteomyelitis, chronic sepsis.

Malignant tumors

Exhaustion of the body is possible with neoplasms of any localization, which is associated with cancer intoxication, increased catabolism (processes of the breakdown of substances). Patients lose more than 20% of their body weight in a short time, which is accompanied by a complete disability, a characteristic appearance: fatty tissue is practically absent, skin is flabby, pale with a yellowish tint, sparse hair, exfoliating nails. With neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of cancer cachexia occurs faster, due to mechanical obstacles to the movement of food and malabsorption of nutrients.


Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency

The clinical picture is dominated by weight loss of 2-6 kg per month, combined with general exhaustion of the body. Weight loss occurs evenly, body proportions are preserved. The skin becomes thinner and becomes very dry (like tissue paper), sweating decreases up to anhidrosis, hair falls out in the armpits and on the pubis. Dystrophic processes in the internal organs are manifested by hypotension, frequent constipation, amenorrhea. Similar symptoms are observed in postpartum emaciation due to Sheehan's syndrome.

Heart failure

Progressive weight loss occurs in the 3rd stage of heart failure. The causes of exhaustion are dystrophic changes in the myocardium and all muscle tissue, concomitant damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. At the initial stages, the weight does not change, which is due to severe edema and ascites, then there is a weight loss of more than 15% of the baseline. Weakness and adynamia increase, sometimes patients cannot even get out of bed. The typical appearance of the patient includes a thin face and upper body, a large abdomen with tight skin due to ascites, swelling of the legs.


Most often, wasting occurs when an abnormal amyloid protein is deposited in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the process of digestion and absorption of food is disrupted, since the cells of the small intestine do not perform their function. Patients with amyloidosis report significant weight loss associated with persistent diarrhea and loss of appetite. When the liver is involved in the process, the appearance of dull pains on the right in the hypochondrium after eating, vomiting with bile is characteristic. Exhaustion can be complicated by amyloidosis of the kidneys, which is accompanied by a pronounced loss of proteins.


The main reasons for a sharp weight loss and an emaciated appearance are the addition of secondary bacterial and viral infections. Weight loss of AIDS patients reaches 25% or more of the initial values, the skin looks pale with a waxy tint. Depletion is aggravated in the presence of purulent foci in the body, chronic diarrhea. Decreased libido, no menstrual function in women. Beginning HIV encephalopathy is manifested by signs of nervous exhaustion - irritability, apathy, then cognitive abilities worsen (memory, attention, understanding of what is happening).

Rare Causes

  • Genetic enzymopathies : fructosemia, glucose-galactose intolerance, Hartnup's disease.
  • Collagenoses : systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Forced starvation .
  • Other endocrine disorders : decompensated form of diabetes mellitus, chronic adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism.
  • Acantholytic pemphigus .
  • Exogenous intoxication : accidental or occupational poisoning with lead, arsenic, mercury.
  • Avitaminosis : scurvy, beriberi, pellagra.


To clarify the cause of malnutrition, a consultation with a therapist is usually required, who is responsible for the initial examination and excludes the most typical factors that cause weight loss. A comprehensive study of the state of internal organs, an assessment of neurological and mental reactions is necessary. The following methods have the greatest diagnostic value:

  • Sonography . First, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed, during which signs of inflammatory and dystrophic processes, the presence of stenosis and volumetric formations are revealed. Estimated motility of the stomach and intestines. An ultrasound of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands is done, in women the mammary glands are examined to exclude cancer.
  • X-ray method . In case of exhaustion, the state of the gastrointestinal tract is necessarily checked, for which a series of x-rays with contrast is performed. The method is effective for stenosis and tumors of the esophagus, allows you to assess the rate of advancement of chyme. To exclude damage to the pituitary gland, a targeted radiograph of the Turkish saddle is recommended.
  • Endoscopy Research . EGDS helps to study in detail neoplasms and strictures in the upper part of the digestive canal, which often cause exhaustion of the body. During the procedure, a methylene blue test is performed to detect metaplasia, as well as an endoscopic biopsy of suspicious formations to rule out an oncological cause of cachexia.
  • Blood tests . The degree of depletion of the body is judged by the level of decrease in the level of protein in a biochemical blood test. Determination of the concentration of products of nitrogen metabolism and basic electrolytes makes it possible to assess the severity of damage to internal organs. The level of tropic hormones of the pituitary gland, liberins and statins of the hypothalamus is measured.
  • Neurological examination . Examination is indicated in the presence of signs of nervous and physical exhaustion. Examine the level of consciousness and cognitive capabilities, check muscle tone, coordination of movements. To exclude severe lesions that are accompanied by refusal of food, CT and MRI of the brain are prescribed. The functional activity of brain cells is recorded on the EEG.

If the symptoms of exhaustion of the body are accompanied by "small signs" of oncological pathology (fatigue, lethargy, general malaise, anemia), it is necessary to examine the blood for tumor markers, conduct additional instrumental procedures - CT of the abdomen and chest, body scintigraphy. All patients are screened for HIV infection. When exhaustion is combined with a dysmorphomanic state, a psychiatric consultation is required to rule out a neurotic or psychotic cause of the disorder.


Help before diagnosis

The onset of wasting symptoms is usually caused by serious causes that cannot be eliminated by self-treatment. In most cases, emergency medical care is required to prevent critical irreversible changes in internal organs. If the symptoms occur against the background of anorexia nervosa, and the patient does not consider himself ill, relatives and close friends can arrange a consultation with a specialist or take the person to a specialized clinic.

malnourished patients require nutritional supplementation


Conservative therapy

The main goal of treatment is to replenish nutritional needs. With a mild form of depletion of the body, the calorie content of the diet is gradually increased, the diet should contain a large amount of protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. In severe situations, tube feeding or parenteral administration of special solutions of amino acids and fat emulsions is indicated. Anorexia requires individual and group psychotherapy. For etiotropic therapy of conditions that cause exhaustion, the drug treatment regimen includes:

  • Enzymes . To improve the processes of digestion in chronic enteritis and pancreatitis, enzymatic agents are prescribed that replace the function of the pancreas. Taking probiotics allows you to normalize the microflora, prevent the development of SIBO.
  • Antibacterial agents . Therapy is carried out for chronic infections that cause intoxication and catabolic reactions. Drugs are selected based on the properties of the pathogen. Antibiotics and antiprotozoal drugs are recommended for the treatment of opportunistic infections in AIDS.
  • Hormonal preparations . If the symptoms of exhaustion are caused by endocrine pathology, replacement therapy is used. Glucocorticoids, levothyroxine, and sex hormones are most commonly prescribed; pituitary tropic hormones are sometimes used for panhypopituitarism.
  • Cardiotropic drugs . Cardiac glycosides, antianginal drugs (calcium channel inhibitors, beta-blockers) fully or partially compensate for heart failure. Thiazide and potassium-sparing diuretics are effective for eliminating edema.
  • Cytostatics . The drugs are indicated both for severe connective tissue diseases, amyloidosis, and for the treatment of the tumor cause of cachexia. Medicines and doses are selected individually, taking into account the localization of the pathological process and the presence of metastases.


If a malignant neoplasm is identified as the cause of depletion, radical interventions are needed to remove the neoplasia along with the affected tissue and lymph nodes. In stage 1-2 cancer, organ-preserving operations are the method of choice. In advanced cases, advanced techniques are used. For the treatment of depletion of the body, which is caused by a violation of the patency of the esophagus, stenting of the narrowed area is performed. If necessary, esophagoplasty is performed with gastric or intestinal transplants.

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