Constant Thirst : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 10/09/2022

Constant thirst is a state when a person constantly wants to drink water in large quantities. The symptom is often accompanied by an increase in the amount of daily urine, dry lips and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Uncontrolled thirst (polydipsia) occurs with endocrine diseases, pathologies of the liver and respiratory system, and mental disorders. To verify the cause, tests for the content of hormones, instrumental imaging methods, and a neurological examination are performed. To normalize the water balance, it is necessary to carry out the therapy of the underlying disease.

Causes of Constant Thirst


The desire to drink water is the result of a constantly elevated blood osmolarity due to an increase in glucose concentration, which irritates the receptors of the thirst center in the brain. Patients can drink several glasses of water at a time, and the amount of liquid does not depend on the temperature in the street or in the room. A person complains of severe dryness of the oral cavity, sticking of the tongue to the palate. The constant feeling of thirst bothers even at night, so there is usually a bottle of water near the bed.

Strong thirst in children indicates the development of type 1 diabetes, in middle-aged and elderly people with similar symptoms, type 2 diabetes is found. In severe cases, the volume of water consumption reaches 7-8 liters per day. The condition is combined with frequent and copious urination, the frequency of visits to the toilet increases up to 15-2 times. In addition to dry mouth, there are complaints of difficulty in chewing and swallowing food due to lack of saliva. Often there are complaints of severe itching of the skin and profuse pustular rashes caused by infectious causes.

Other endocrine disorders

Diseases of the central and peripheral endocrine glands with an increase in the concentration of contrainsular hormones are common causes of persistent pathological polydipsia. This symptom is most typical for diabetes insipidus, which is caused by a lack of antidiuretic hormone. Patients complain of a constant acute craving for drinking water, they can drink up to 10-15 liters per day. There is also profuse urination with the release of light, almost transparent, odorless urine. Other reasons for the development of constant thirst:

  • Acromegaly . The volume of fluid consumed increases gradually, reaching 3-4 liters per day, so for some time the symptom goes unnoticed. Thirst appears against the background of changes in the facial skeleton - an increase in the nose, superciliary arches, auricles.
  • Hyperparathyroidism . The feeling of dry mouth and an irresistible desire to drink water is due to a sharp increase in plasma calcium levels. There are periodic pains in the bones and joints, urination becomes more frequent and is accompanied by pain in the lower back.
  • Syndrome Itsenko-Cushing . Elevated levels of corticosteroids provoke the onset of steroid diabetes. Patients experience intense thirst, burning and dryness in the oral cavity. There may be a discrepancy between fluid intake and the amount of urine excreted.


Respiratory water loss

Rapid breathing through the mouth causes increased fluid secretion, which provokes a constant desire to drink. The symptom is typical for preschoolers and schoolchildren who have hypertrophy of the adenoids, which disrupts normal nasal breathing. Such children walk with their mouths open, because of which the mucous membranes dry up, so they want to drink. In adults, strong thirst constantly occurs in chronic diseases - hypertrophic rhinitis with overlapping nasal passages. Pathology is observed with prolonged bronchitis and COPD, which are manifested by severe shortness of breath.

Liver disease

This pathology is characterized by moderately pronounced thirst with a normal or even reduced amount of urine. The constant craving for water is caused by long-term intoxication of the body with endogenous metabolites. Patients experience thirst, discomfort and burning sensation in the mouth, which forces them to consume up to 4-5 liters per day. A sharp decrease in the amount of blood proteins leads to the transfer of water from the vessels to the tissues, therefore, pronounced swelling of the legs occurs, and in severe situations, ascites develops. Common hepatic causes of persistent thirst are:

  • Hepatitis : chronic, autoimmune, toxic.
  • Replacement of the parenchyma with connective tissue : fibrosis, cirrhosis of the liver (alcoholic, primary biliary, postnecrotic).
  • Infiltrative processes : fatty hepatosis, amyloidosis, glycogenoses.
  • Vascular pathology : hepatic vein thrombosis, portal hypertension, pylephlebitis.

Complications of pharmacotherapy

The appearance of constant thirst is often observed when complex treatment regimens for hypertension are prescribed. Unpleasant sensations of dryness and an increased need for fluid are the result of inhibition of reabsorption in the kidneys and an increase in daily diuresis. Such manifestations can develop as a side effect in the treatment of infectious diseases, neuropsychiatric pathology. Thirst is accompanied by the use of drugs such as:

  • Diuretics : loop (furasemide, ethacrynic acid), thiazide and thiazide-like.
  • Tetracycline antibiotics .
  • Psychotropic drugs : neuroleptics, tranquilizers, lithium salts.

Rare Causes

  • Genetic diseases with hyperglycemia : Down syndrome, Huntington's chorea, Prader-Willi syndrome.
  • Congenital insulin resistance : Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome, leprechaunism, type A insulin resistance.
  • Oncological pathology : glucagonoma, pheochromocytoma, paraneoplastic syndrome.
  • Hypoaldosteronism .
  • Mental disorders : bipolar psychosis, somatoform reactions, schizophrenia.
  • Kidney damage: chronic renal failure, nephrosclerosis.


To find out the cause of constant thirst and dry mouth, a consultation with a general practitioner or general practitioner is necessary. The specialist is engaged in the initial examination of the patient, and then, if a specific pathology is detected, he can refer him to doctors of a different profile. Diagnostic search involves advanced laboratory tests, standard imaging studies. For diagnosis, the most informative:

  • Blood test for glucose . Measurement of sugar level is carried out at the first visit to the doctor, regardless of the meal, in case of obtaining high values, a glucose tolerance test is prescribed and the sugar content on an empty stomach is determined. Be sure to do a test for the presence of glucose in the urine, which is typical for diabetes.
  • Hormone analysis . The study includes an assessment of the level of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, corticosteroids, parathyroid hormone. With high glycemia, the amount of insulin in the blood is determined; for differential diagnosis between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, a C-peptide analysis is performed. Also examine the concentration of calcium, phosphorus and sodium in plasma.
  • Ultrasound examination . To clarify the cause of permanent polydipsia, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and liver is required. If a heterogeneous echogenic structure of the hepatic parenchyma is detected, non-invasive liver elastography is recommended to assess the degree of fibrosis.
  • X-ray examination . With a combination of constant thirst with shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms, a chest x-ray is shown in frontal and lateral projections. The pictures reveal signs of emphysema, sclerosis and deformation of the bronchi. An examination of the ENT organs is mandatory, a bacterial culture of sputum or a swab from the pharynx is performed.
  • Neurological examination . To exclude the cerebral origin of permanent polydipsia, an examination by a neurologist is necessary to check the symmetry of reflexes, an assessment of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. If there are suspicious signs, an x-ray of the Turkish saddle is performed. According to the indications, a CT scan of the brain is prescribed.

Constant thirst may be a sign of diabetes



Help before diagnosis

Constant agonizing thirst is an absolute indication for a visit to a specialist, since this symptom develops in various pathological conditions that require differential diagnosis. Medications are not used until the diagnosis is verified. When thirsty with polyuria, the patient is allowed to consume any amount of water to prevent dehydration. If a strong desire to drink is accompanied by edema, ascites, the amount of water consumption should be limited to 2 liters per day.

Conservative therapy

With a constant feeling of thirst with dry mouth, etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause of the symptoms. In case of glycemic disorders, a diet is selected with a restriction of fast carbohydrates, animal fats, which involves frequent and fractional meals. To correct the water-electrolyte composition of the blood, crystalloid and colloid solutions are administered intravenously using a dropper. The drug treatment regimen may include the following groups of drugs:

  • Hypoglycemic drugs . To correct hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, biguanides (metformin), sulfonylurea derivatives, and combinations thereof are used. With insufficient effectiveness, DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists are recommended.
  • Hormonal agents . In type 1 diabetes, an adequate insulin therapy regimen is selected with a combination of short-acting and long-acting insulins. Acromegaly is treated with a synthetic analogue of somatostatin.
  • Hepatoprotectors . The drugs stimulate the regeneration of the liver parenchyma and prevent the effects of damaging agents on hepatocytes. This group includes essential phospholipids, amino acids (ademetionine), herbal remedies.
  • Bronchodilators . Medicines are indicated for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, which are accompanied by fluid loss due to severe shortness of breath. The drugs are combined with inhaled glucocorticosteroids.
  • Antipsychotics . Mental disorders, in which an uncontrolled feeling of constant thirst develops, require the use of special psychotropic medications. Preferred agents that selectively affect the brain and effectively eliminate symptoms.


With hormonally active tumors of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, their removal is required. In the case of pituitary adenoma, they often resort to transnasal surgery, which is less traumatic. With adenoid vegetations of 2-3 degrees, to restore nasal breathing, the formations are removed in the traditional way or with the help of cryodestruction. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, combined with nasal breathing disorders and general manifestations, is considered an indication for conchotomy.

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