Skin Tingling : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 11/09/2022

Tingling of the skin is observed with traumatic injuries, allergic dermatoses, dermatomycosis, infectious dermatoses. It can be combined with itching, burning, pain. Often accompanied by the formation of various skin elements: vesicles, papules, pustules, etc. The cause of the symptom is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis, dermatological examination data and laboratory tests. Depending on the etiology and severity of the pathological process, antibiotics, antimycotics, hormonal agents, antihistamines, immunomodulators are prescribed. Carry out the processing of foci. Carry out physiotherapy.

Why does it tingle the skin


Skin tingling is typical for minor mechanical injuries: cuts, scratches, abrasions. It is observed with superficial solar, chemical and thermal burns. In the warm season, mosquito and other insect bites, nettle or cow parsnip are possible causes. A connection with a traumatic factor, characteristic external changes are revealed.

A special form of damage is mechanical dermatitis, which is accompanied by swelling, hyperemia, detachment of the surface layer of the epidermis, sometimes - the formation of erosive and ulcerative defects. The lesions are local, located in zones of friction or pressure. There are the following types of the disease:

  • Attrition. Burning, redness, non-intense pain are noted. With continued exposure, erosion and blisters may form.
  • Water corn. Discomfort and tingling are the first signs of pathology, quickly replaced by pain. In the affected area, a bubble with transparent contents forms.
  • Diaper rash. They are more often detected in places of skin folds; in women, diaper rash under the breast is possible. They develop with hyperhidrosis, exposure to elevated temperatures, skin irritation with urine and feces during incontinence. Characterized by itching, burning, redness, pustules.


Occur when in contact with various allergens. A rash, swelling, redness, itching, tingling of the skin are found. The disease can take several forms. For contact dermatitis, the formation of foci of irritation with clear boundaries corresponding to the area of ​​contact with the allergen is typical. In atopic dermatitis, skin changes extend beyond the contact zone.

For eczema, polymorphic rashes are typical against the background of itching, tingling and burning. Urticaria often has an acute character, develops within the first hour after contact with the allergen, manifests itself in the formation of painful itchy blisters. In diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, it becomes a consequence of autointoxication, it proceeds chronically. There are the following allergic dermatoses with tingling of the skin:

  • solar dermatitis;
  • food allergy;
  • cold allergy;
  • drug dermatitis;
  • allergic reaction to dust;
  • allergy to components of cosmetics and household chemicals.

skin tingling



Itching, tingling, hyperemia, the formation of areas of weeping, cracks and plaques is observed with the following dermatomycosis:

  • Trichophytosis. The symptom is found at the initial stage of the infiltrative-suppurative form of the disease. Oval or round bluish-red infiltrates form on the scalp. Hair in the affected area breaks off and falls out. With suppuration, tingling is replaced by pain.
  • Inguinal dermatophytosis. Occurs in the groin, perineum, on the inner thighs. When self-infected, it spreads to other skin folds. Puffy pink spots form on the skin. The tingling turns into severe itching, causing the appearance of scratching.
  • Mycosis stop. This type of epidermophytosis occurs in several variants. Peeling and the appearance of reddish-bluish plaques are possible. In some patients, numerous blisters are found that open with the formation of erosions. Skin tingling is noted not only in the affected area, but also in areas of secondary allergic rashes.

Candidiasis is a common type of ringworm. It can occur in the form of intertrigo (involvement of large skin folds) or candidal folliculitis. Damage to the skin of the external genitalia and interdigital spaces is possible. The foci of hyperemia, covered with a rash, are determined. Elements are opened, forming erosion with a whitish coating.

Infectious dermatoses

The symptom accompanies such infectious dermatoses as:

  • Simple herpes. Areas around natural openings are affected: the mouth, wings of the nose, external genitalia. Tingling of the skin is replaced by soreness and itching. In the affected area, a group of bubbles with transparent contents is formed.
  • Superficial pyoderma. Discomfort and mild pain disturb patients with osteofolliculitis. Observed with sycosis of the skin (more often - staphyloderma) and vulgar impetigo (usually caused by streptoderma).
  • Microbial eczema. Large inflammatory foci with vesicles, papules and erosive defects appear on the skin of the lower extremities. Patients complain of tingling and severe itching.


Establishing the nature of the pathology is the responsibility of a dermatologist. If the feet are damaged, a consultation with a podiatrist is required. If an allergic genesis of tingling of the skin is suspected, patients are referred to an allergist. The specialist performs a dermatological examination. To clarify the diagnosis, the following methods are used:

  • Luminescent diagnostics. Examination of the skin with a Wood's lamp helps to differentiate dermatoses of various etiologies. Healthy areas glow light blue, inflamed areas glow white, fungus-affected areas glow green. In the course of the study, according to indications, a targeted sampling of the material is carried out.
  • Other hardware methods. Dermoscopy is used to detect mycoses. The results of pH-metry of the skin indicate the nature of the lesion. With eczema and dermatomycosis, a weakly acidic reaction is determined, with allergies - alkaline.
  • Scraping analysis. Microscopy makes it possible to quickly detect mycelial filaments or fungal spores in mycoses. To establish the type of pathogen and select effective therapy for diseases of infectious etiology (fungal, bacterial), sowing on nutrient media is carried out.
  • Allergological methods. To determine the cause of allergic dematosis, a test is performed for specific antibodies to various antigens. The "gold standard" are prick tests, which are performed during remission using medicinal, household and other allergens.
  • General analyses. Dermatoses can occur against the background of chronic diseases or a decrease in immunity. Patients are prescribed general blood and urine tests, a biochemical blood test, an immunogram. An increased tendency to develop pustular diseases is observed in diabetes mellitus, so an important part of the examination is to determine the level of glucose, if changes are detected, a glucose tolerance test. To exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with allerodermatosis, stool studies are carried out.

Allergy tests



Therapeutic tactics is determined by the causes of skin tingling. Superficial traumatic injuries are washed, treated with antiseptics, sterile dressings are applied. For other diseases, the following methods are used:

  • mechanical dermatitis. It is necessary to eliminate traumatic factors: compliance with the rules of hygiene, the application of plasters, etc. Patients with scuffs are recommended anti-inflammatory ointments and baths with potassium permanganate. For diaper rash, drying powders and local anti-inflammatory agents are used.
  • Allergodermatosis. If possible, stop contact with the allergen. As part of drug therapy, antihistamines are prescribed, with severe exacerbations - systemic glucocorticoids and tranquilizers. To correct dysbacteriosis, probiotics are added to the treatment regimen, to combat infectious complications - antibiotics, to normalize immunity - immunocorrectors. Carry out phototherapy.
  • Dermatomycosis. Effective antifungal ointments, fungicidal solutions. In severe cases, systemic antimycotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen according to the results of bakposev. Shown infusion desensitizing therapy. To eliminate weeping, swelling and itching, antihistamines are used. To strengthen the body, adaptogens, vitamins, herbal remedies are prescribed.
  • infectious dermatoses. With local forms, local events are held. The affected areas are treated with antiseptics, aniline dyes, antibacterial pastes. Apply drying patches. With common forms, antibiotics of general action, vitamin preparations are used. Sometimes immunomodulators, hormonal agents, autohemotherapy are required. As part of physiotherapy, drug electrophoresis, UHF, UVI are carried out.