Sensation Of A Foreign Body In The Anus : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 04/09/2022

The sensation of a foreign body in the anus worries with the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, inflammatory diseases, neoplasms of the anus and perianal zone, injuries of various origins, foreign objects in the rectum. It is combined with pain, a feeling of heaviness, the urge to defecate. The cause of the symptom is established according to the survey, examination of the perianal region, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, ultrasound, laboratory tests. The treatment regimen includes phlebotropic agents, antibiotics, hormones, local effects, and surgical interventions.

Why there is a sensation of a foreign body in the anus

Expansion of hemorrhoidal veins

With internal hemorrhoids, enlarged nodes are located in the rectal cavity near the sphincter, bulge into the lumen of the organ, which causes the onset of a symptom. At stage 1 of the disease, the symptom is absent due to the small size of the nodes, the patient is concerned about itching, burning, and discomfort after emptying the intestines. There may be blood smears on toilet paper.

An increase in nodes in stage 2 is accompanied by increasing heaviness, a sensation of a foreign object. During defecation, the nodes fall out of the anus, which is manifested by an increase in symptoms, and then independently reduce. At stage 3, there is no independent reduction. The symptom becomes more pronounced not only because of their size and infringement, but also due to frequent trauma, concomitant inflammation, and gradual connective tissue degeneration.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids occurs mainly in the later stages of hemorrhoids. The sensation of a foreign body is combined with constant pain, weakness, fever, hyperemia, hyperthermia, and edema of the perianal zone. The severity of manifestations correlates with the severity of concomitant inflammation.


Discomfort, pressure and sensation of a foreign body can be the first symptoms of acute paraproctitis, appear at the stage of abscess formation, are quickly replaced by increasing pain, general hyperthermia, severe intoxication syndrome, edema, redness of the anus. It is possible to melt a significant amount of tissue.

Fistulas of the rectum, which are formed during the transition of acute paraproctitis to chronic, are also accompanied by pain. Discomfort and sensation of a foreign object are associated with the inflammatory process, the growth of granulations. Symptoms are aggravated by walking, coughing, sitting for a long time, passing feces through the rectum. Purulent and sanious secretions are noted, in the presence of an external fistulous tract, a wound is found in the projection of the anus.

Sensation of a foreign body in the anus


Foreign bodies

Foreign objects enter the rectum when performing medical procedures on their own, introducing various objects for the purpose of sexual satisfaction. Less often, the cause of foreign bodies in the anus is the ingestion of small objects (elements of the designer, small toys, buttons) and their subsequent passage through the gastrointestinal tract in young children, people suffering from mental illness.

Complaints depend on the size and configuration of the foreign body, the duration of its stay in the intestine, and the presence of complications. More pronounced symptoms are observed with a significant size and sharp edges of the object. Rounded objects are manifested mainly by a feeling of pressure and fullness. Bodies with pointed edges injure the intestinal wall, so patients are worried about pain.

Inflammation causes intense pain, frequent urge to defecate, blood impurities in the fecal masses, and general disorders. For perforation of the intestinal wall and the penetration of an object into the soft tissues of the anorectal zone, sudden sharp, unbearable pains are characteristic. When the intestinal wall is perforated and the contents enter the abdominal cavity, the clinical picture of an acute abdomen is revealed.

Volumetric formations

Small benign neoplasias are often asymptomatic. The sensation of a foreign body appears with an increase or traumatization of the tumor, the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Polyps are characterized by bloody or mucous discharge, a feeling of discomfort. With widespread polyposis involving not only the rectum, but also the overlying sections of the intestine, peristalsis disorders are possible with the development of constipation, the appearance of symptoms of partial intestinal obstruction. Pain syndrome indicates the presence of inflammation.

For villous tumors, a copious, viscous, vitreous discharge is typical, resembling egg white in appearance. With large neoplasia, the volume of secretions reaches several liters during the day, which leads to frequent bowel movements. Due to irritation of the skin around the anus, itching, maceration are possible. When traumatized, the mucus is stained with blood. Patients complain of discomfort, sensation of a foreign body, constipation. With large neoplasms, pain is possible, with low-lying tumors, prolapse of the tumor in the process of emptying the intestines.

Rectal cancer, like benign neoplasia, is asymptomatic in the early stages, but differs from them in subsequent rapid progression. Along with the sensation of a foreign body, patients complain of diarrhea or constipation, blood in the feces, "ribbon" stools, and intestinal obstruction. Common symptoms include weakness, malaise, change in eating habits and lack of appetite, and rapid weight loss.

Inflammatory diseases

In acute proctitis, pain syndrome prevails, intensifying at the time of defecation and weakening after its completion, frequent false urges are observed. In the chronic form of the pathology, pain is moderate or not intense, patients note discomfort, burning, a feeling of pressure in the anus. Initially, constipation is detected, followed by alternating constipation and episodes of diarrhea.

Cryptitis is caused by the development of inflammation in the sinuses of the anus. Due to edema, accumulation of contents, there is a feeling of pressure, bursting, a foreign body. Other symptoms are pain, heaviness, burning, detection of blood streaks in the stool. The formation of an abscess is accompanied by a sharp increase in pain, after the discharge of pus, intense itching occurs. The general condition remains satisfactory.

anal fissure

Foreign body sensation is not a leading symptom of pathology, but may be present in both acute and chronic anal fissures. Due to tonic spasm, as a reaction to severe pain. In some patients, it may be associated with overflow of the rectum with feces due to fear of defecation. Complemented by scanty spotting (blood smears), anal itching.


The proctologist is engaged in establishing the nature of the pathology. During the conversation with the patient, the specialist finds out the time and circumstances of the onset of the symptom, the presence of other manifestations. When examining the perianal zone, fistulas, rashes, and areas of maceration can be detected. To make a final diagnosis, methods such as:

  • Digital rectal examination. Provides data on volumetric formations, foreign objects, enlarged and prolapsed hemorrhoids. To increase the information content, an additional examination is performed in the mirrors.
  • Sonography. Transrectal ultrasound of the rectum is recommended for the diagnosis of neoplasms, determining the prevalence of inflammatory processes. To exclude diseases of the reproductive system, women undergo ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and men - ultrasound of the prostate.
  • Endoscopic techniques . During anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, foreign bodies, fistulous passages, enlarged hemorrhoids, neoplasms, and inflammatory changes are detected. During the study, it is possible to remove foreign bodies or take material for subsequent morphological analysis.
  • Anal manometry. Sphincter tone is assessed to detect muscle spasm or confirm fecal incontinence. According to indications, the technique is supplemented with electromyography of the muscles of the anus.
  • Coprogram. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes, helminthiases. In the first case, mucus and leukocytes are determined in the feces, in the second case, worm eggs. In many pathologies, data on the presence of blood impurities in the feces are indicative.
  • Other laboratory tests . A microbiological study for proctitis, paraproctitis, cryptitis, and other inflammatory processes is performed to clarify the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Histological and cytological analyzes are necessary to establish the structure and grade of neoplasia.
  • Other methods . Patients with suspected development of fecal peritonitis due to perforation of the intestinal wall by a foreign body are prescribed radiography of the OBP, diagnostic laparoscopy. If polyposis of the large intestine is suspected, a colonoscopy is indicated.




Conservative therapy

The conservative treatment program includes a special diet, drug and non-drug methods. Patients are advised to limit the amount of spicy, salty, fatty foods in the diet. As part of drug therapy, the following is prescribed:

  • Local funds . Suppositories reduce the severity of inflammation, reduce discomfort, burning, itching, help facilitate the act of defecation, thereby preventing the aggravation of the pathology and the development of complications.
  • Antibiotics . Indicated for proctitis, cryptitis, acute paraproctitis, fistulas of the rectum during an exacerbation. At the initial stage, broad-spectrum drugs are used, after obtaining the results of sowing, the medication is replaced taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.
  • Hormones . Quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation. They are prescribed in a short course for severe inflammatory diseases, insufficient effectiveness of other drugs.
  • Phlebotropic drugs . Recommended for patients with hemorrhoids. They allow to strengthen the walls of hemorrhoids, slow down the progression of the disease, reduce the likelihood of bleeding.

Patients are prescribed microclysters, perineal showers, sitz baths. According to the indications, a referral to physiotherapy is issued. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for rectal cancer are used as part of a combined treatment.


Taking into account the cause of foreign body sensation, the following interventions are performed:

  • Hemorrhoids : sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, electrocoagulation and other minimally invasive techniques, Longo, Milligan-Morgan operations.
  • Paraproctitis : surgical opening of paraproctitis, excision of fistulas.
  • Foreign objects : removal of coprolites and foreign bodies.
  • Anal fissure : excision, treatment with Botox and laser.
  • Neoplasms : excision of tumors and polyps, resection or extirpation of the rectum with the imposition of a colostomy or reduction, reconstructive interventions.