Burning In The Anus : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 28/07/2022

Burning in the anus is a symptom of most proctological diseases: acute and chronic proctitis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids. The causes of discomfort are often rectal neoplasia, coccygodynia, perianal dermatitis. To diagnose the etiology of unpleasant manifestations, instrumental methods are prescribed (ultrasound, sigmoidoscopy, anal manometry and EMG), laboratory tests (coprogram, examination for helminth eggs, biopsy histology). In order to relieve burning sensation in the anus, microclysters and rectal suppositories, systemic drugs, and physiotherapy techniques are used.

Causes of burning in the anus


In healthy people, burning can occur with improper hygiene: the use of hard washcloths and coarse toilet paper, the abuse of soap. In this case, microtraumas of the anal sphincter are formed, which are manifested by unpleasant tingling and burning sensations. Discomfort in the anus is moderate, not accompanied by other pathological signs. Within 2-3 days after the cause is eliminated, the symptoms disappear without a trace.

A strong burning sensation in the rectum is observed after anal sex, since the mucosa of the anus is very delicate and easily injured. Discomfort disturbs a person for several days, sometimes combined with stool disorder and fecal incontinence. Similar manifestations are also found in adherents of sexual practices with the introduction of foreign objects into the anus.


Acute inflammation of the rectum causes a constant painful burning sensation in the anus, accompanied by intense pain and anal itching. With proctitis, burning sensations reach their maximum severity at the time of defecation. After emptying the bowels and hygiene of the anal area, the symptoms decrease slightly, but do not stop completely. Patients complain of secretion of mucus, pus with streaks of blood from the anus.

In chronic proctitis, the symptoms are mild. Moderate burning, tingling, itching in the anus prevails, which causes discomfort, but does not impair performance and general condition. Mucus is often seen in the stool. These symptoms persist for several months. Exacerbation of proctitis is characterized by fever, increased pain, the appearance of mucopurulent discharge from the anus.


A pronounced burning sensation in the anus is noted already in the first stage of the disease. The patient experiences excruciating burning pain during defecation. Sometimes it is so strong that the patient tries to suppress the urge to empty the bowels, further aggravating the situation. Moderate burning in the anus is observed during the day, the symptom is aggravated by prolonged sitting in a sitting position.

As hemorrhoids progress, the characteristic symptoms are supplemented by prolapse of venous nodes, which is manifested by sharp pain. In the third or fourth stages of the disease, the burning sensation reaches its maximum intensity, due to which the patient cannot sit. There is constant bleeding during bowel movements. Against this background, the skin surrounding the anus becomes macerated, which exacerbates the burning sensation and itching.

Burning in the anus


anal fissure

Characterized by the appearance of burning and pain directly in the process of defecation, when there is a rupture of the rectal mucosa. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the sacrum and perineum. A few drops of blood remain on toilet paper or on the surface of the stool. Burning in the anus periodically worries about 2-3 weeks, until the defect is completely healed. The symptom is combined with spasm of the sphincter, which makes defecation difficult and increases discomfort.

If the treatment of acute anal fissure is not carried out, it turns into a chronic defect. In this case, burning in the anus often develops after defecation, persists for a long time. Constant burning sensations, inconvenience when sitting and walking reduce the quality of life of patients. Patients are afraid of bowel movements, so they postpone this process or abuse laxatives.

Fecal incontinence

Involuntary excretion of feces leads to maceration, inflammation and ulceration of the perianal zone, causing intense burning. The symptom worries constantly, decreases slightly after hygiene measures and the use of medicines. If incontinence is associated with proctological diseases, burning sensations are complemented by pain, pus or blood from the anus.

Tumors of the rectum

Discomfort in the anus area occurs both in benign formations (polyps, villous tumors) and in rectal cancer. The first group of neoplasms is asymptomatic for a long time. Burning appears when the formations reach a large size, become inflamed or eroded. Malignant tumors have a varied clinical picture: burning pain in the anus, spasms of the rectal sphincter, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Anococcygeal pain syndrome

With coccygodynia, burning in the anus occurs in the absence of organic changes from the rectum. Patients complain of debilitating burning sensations, sudden spasms, itching, tingling. Symptoms disturb the patient for several months, are not removed by typical analgesics and antispasmodics. The burning sensation periodically increases and weakens, sometimes completely disappears for a while, after which it resumes again.

Perianal dermatitis

Inflammation of the skin around the anus is manifested by constant painful burning and itching, as a result of which patients comb the affected area. When the skin is injured with nails, the discomfort increases. Burning pains become excruciating and constant, as a result, a person cannot sit, lie on his back. With perianal dermatitis, the skin around the anus is hyperemic, edematous, covered with vesicular and pustular rashes.

Rare Causes

  • Helminthiases: enterobiasis, ascariasis, strongyloidiasis.
  • Inflammatory processes : cryptitis, sigmoiditis.
  • Gynecological diseases : rectovaginal fistula, chronic pelvic pain syndrome in women.
  • Urological pathology : prostatitis, colliculitis, prostate cancer .
  • Sexual infections : genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
  • Metabolic disorders : diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease.


Physical examination provides valuable information. During a visual examination, the coloproctologist reveals maceration and rashes in the perianal zone. With a digital rectal examination, the doctor can feel enlarged hemorrhoids, bulk neoplasms. To clarify the etiological factors of burning in the anus, the following instrumental and laboratory methods are used:

  • Sigmoidoscopy. During endoscopic examination of the anal canal, inflammatory, ulcerative and tumor processes of the anus are diagnosed. The method is informative for assessing the degree of enlargement of hemorrhoids, detection of cicatricial changes in the anus. For patient comfort, sigmoidoscopy can be performed with anesthesia.
  • ultrasound. Sonography is a quick and painless method that helps to detect neoplasms, signs of the spread of inflammatory processes to surrounding tissues. Men must undergo a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate to make sure there are no urological diseases.
  • Anal manometry. The technique for assessing sphincter tone is necessary to confirm fecal incontinence or, conversely, pathological spasm of the muscles of the anus. To clarify the diagnosis, specialists in the field of proctology use the data of electromyography of the anal sphincter.
  • Coprogram. The presence of mucus and a large number of leukocytes in the feces indicates an acute inflammatory process in the anus. With ulcerative defects and neoplasms, blood impurities are found in the stool. Additionally, fecal masses are examined for eggs of pathogens of helminthiases.
  • Additional research. Sometimes a burning sensation in the anus is caused by a colonic pathology, therefore, an overview radiography of the OBP, irrigoscopy, and colonoscopy are recommended. If suspicious formations are detected during endoscopy, a biopsy specimen is taken for histological examination.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with the HAL-RAR method



Help before diagnosis

To reduce burning sensation in the anal area, you need to carefully observe hygiene. The perineum is washed with warm water after each bowel movement, and when mucus or pus is released from the anus, water procedures are carried out more often. To prevent maceration of the skin, it is necessary to wear soft cotton underwear, in case of heavy secretions, use special pads.

Soap and other chemicals used for hygiene purposes should be thoroughly rinsed off, as residues of products can cause severe burning. For comfortable cleansing of the perianal area, it is recommended to have moist toilet paper that does not injure the skin and does not aggravate discomfort. You can take medication only after a visit to the proctologist, who will find out the cause of the discomfort and select the therapy.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of any proctological disease begins with a special diet. In the diet limit fatty, salty and spicy foods, reduce the content of coarse fiber. The sparing menu provides a soft consistency of feces for the prevention of constipation and the most painless bowel movement. Taking into account the etiology of burning in the anus, the following are prescribed:

  • Rectal suppositories . Candles with anti-inflammatory and emollient components quickly eliminate itching and burning in the rectum, improve the patient's well-being. Medicines facilitate the act of defecation, envelop the rectal mucosa and protect it from damage.
  • Antibiotics . In acute proctitis, drugs quickly eliminate the pathogenic agent, prevent the spread of the inflammatory process and the development of paraproctitis. If the pathology is caused by worms or protozoa, other etiotropic agents are recommended: anthelmintic, antiprotozoal.
  • Hormones . Taking corticosteroids in short courses allows you to quickly remove inflammation and swelling in severe proctitis, exacerbation of hemorrhoids. With an allergic etiology of anal burning, treatment is supplemented with antihistamines.
  • Phlebotropic agents . Preparations for strengthening the venous walls are used for hemorrhoids to prevent enlargement of the nodes and bleeding from them. In the acute period, local combined preparations are indicated that have a venotonic and analgesic effect.

For the purposeful introduction of medicinal substances into the anus, microclysters with local anesthetics, chamomile decoction, oil solutions are used. After the acute process subsides, sitz baths with potassium permanganate, a perineal shower are prescribed. To eliminate burning and pain syndrome, physiotherapeutic effects are used: laser radiation, diadynamic therapy, ultrasound.


At the first or second stage of hemorrhoids, minimally invasive techniques are effective - electrocoagulation or sclerotherapy of nodes that improve the patient's condition. In severe forms of the disease, ligation with latex rings, hemorrhoidectomy according to Longo is prescribed. With stenosis of the anus due to chronic proctitis, bougienage is performed. Malignant neoplasms are an indication for radical surgery to remove the tumor along with the lymph nodes.