Pain In The Urethra : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 11/07/2022

Pain in the urethra is accompanied by urethritis, stones, foreign bodies, traumatic injuries, benign and malignant neoplasms of the urethra. It is detected in conditions accompanied by chronic obstruction of the urethra, some andrological and gynecological pathologies. Most often it has a cutting character, associated with urination. To establish the cause of the symptom, complaints are collected, an external examination, imaging and laboratory studies are carried out. Treatment includes antibacterial agents, NSAIDs, immunostimulants, physiotherapy, and surgical interventions.

Why does the urethra hurt


Urethritis is a group of diseases, usually of an infectious nature. Less commonly, pathology develops against the background of allergies, toxic or radiation exposure. The main manifestations are itching, burning and pain during urination, pathological discharge from the urethra. The clinical picture varies somewhat depending on the type of pathogen:

  • Nonspecific urethritis. In acute primary inflammation, the symptoms are moderate, the discharge is mucopurulent or purulent. In patients with chronic urethritis, there may be no pain, slight burning and itching. Secondary inflammation occurs against the background of common infections, accompanied by mild pain during urination, scanty mucopurulent discharge.
  • Gonorrhea. Symptoms appear 3-7 days after sexual contact with an infected partner or (less often) domestic infection. Acute urethritis manifests suddenly. Manifested by cuts, pains and burning in combination with copious purulent grayish-yellow creamy discharge. When the process spreads to the posterior part of the canal in men, the body temperature rises to febrile numbers. In the chronic form, tingling pain occurs only at the beginning of urination.
  • Trichomoniasis and chlamydia. For these options, a typically erased low-symptomatic course. Itching and burning prevail, pain is insignificant or absent. With trichomoniasis, the discharge is frothy, whitish, with chlamydia - yellowish, watery or mucopurulent. Patients with chlamydia may develop Reiter's syndrome.
  • Candida urethritis. It also proceeds asymptomatically. Weak itching and a slight burning sensation are complemented by scanty whitish discharge, sometimes - short-term, non-intense painful sensations during urination.

Nonspecific bacterial, less often specific inflammation occurs not only in adults, but also in young patients. Pathologies are most susceptible to patients aged 2-4 years. Urethritis in children is manifested by pain and burning during the passage of urine, sometimes by dull pulling pain in the lower abdomen. There may be sudden painful urges, frequent urination, including at night.

Urethral stones

Men are more often affected. Secondary calculi predominate, descending into the lumen of the urethra from the kidneys or bladder. Traumatization of the walls of the organ by a moving stone is accompanied by a sudden intense sharp pain. Difficulties in urination, weakening and dispersion of the jet, hematuria are observed. Complete obturation is manifested by acute urinary retention. Men with posterior urethral calculi complain of pain when sitting and walking.

Foreign bodies and trauma

Foreign objects in the urethra are more common in children and young men. The first category introduces foreign bodies out of curiosity, the second - during masturbation. With small smooth objects, slight soreness and discomfort are observed, which gradually decrease, but reappear with sexual arousal and urination.

Sharp and large objects cause severe pain, strong urges, marked anxiety, hematuria, and with obstruction of the urethra - bloody discharge. Subsequently, urethritis often develops with pain and burning in the urethra, perineum and penis, general hyperthermia, intoxication syndrome.

Among the victims with injuries, men also predominate. In half of the cases, pathology occurs with severe pelvic fractures. An incomplete rupture is characterized by acute pain, cramps, difficulty urinating, blood in the first portion of urine, hematomas of the scrotum and perineum. With complete breaks, urine does not depart. Patients complain of a sharp pain in the urethra and lower abdomen, ineffective imperative urges.

Pain in the urethra



Epithelial (warts, papillomas) and non-epithelial (fibromas, myomas, angiomas, etc.) benign tumors are asymptomatic for a long time. Then, itching and burning, discomfort and pain during urination, changes in the stream, contact spotting and blood impurities in the urine appear and slowly increase. When infected, the pain syndrome increases, pain is noted. Women may have dyspareunia.

Polyps are more common in people over 45 years of age. Clinical manifestations resemble urethritis or cystitis. Burning and painful sensations in the urethra appear when passing urine, while walking and sexual intercourse. A type of polyp is a caruncle that develops in women during menopause. There is pain during and after the completion of urination, increased urge, splashing of the jet, sometimes - urethrorrhagia. Pathology is often complicated by prolonged severe cystitis and urethritis, severe dyspareunia.

Malignant tumors in men are characterized by difficulty urinating, the presence of compaction, urethrorrhagia, purulent discharge. Pain appears when the process spreads, radiates to the perineum, is combined with swelling of the penis and scrotum, inguinal lymphadenitis. In women with urethral cancer, pain and burning in the urethra, dyspareunia, urethrorrhagia, urinary incontinence are observed. With the transition of neoplasia to the vagina, pain occurs over the bosom.

Chronic obstruction

Formed with valves and strictures of the urethra. Urethral valves are more common in early childhood, less common in adult men who have undergone urological surgery and manipulation. Patients are concerned about moderate pain during urination, jet lethargy, nighttime urges. Among patients with urethral strictures, there is a 2-4-fold predominance of men. Pain is an optional symptom that occurs against the background of weakening and splashing of the jet, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the detrusor.

Urethral diverticula

Pain in the urethra and inguinal-iliac region, combined with incontinence, pollakiuria, dysuria, are noted in the complicated course of diverticula. Typically difficult, painful urination in an intermittent stream with persistent urge and leakage of urine even after emptying the bladder. Pyuria and hematuria are possible. Large diverticula make sexual intercourse difficult due to swelling and pain in the vagina.

Prolapse of the urethral mucosa

Diagnosed in adolescent girls and menopausal women. Patients complain of a feeling of a foreign body, followed by burning and pain. In the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra, a painful cyanotic or pinkish dense formation is detected. Painful frequent urges are noted, urinary incontinence is possible. With mucosal edema, acute ischuria develops.

Other urological pathologies

Pain and pain in the urethra are accompanied by many diseases of the bladder:

  • Cystitis: acute, chronic, postcoital, interstitial.
  • Volumetric formations: urachus cysts, benign tumors, carcinomas.
  • Emergency conditions: traumatic injuries and foreign bodies of the bladder, acute urinary retention, paracystitis.
  • Cystolithiasis.

Andrological diseases

Pain in the urethra is especially pronounced in acute prostatitis. It is combined with pain in the perineum and sacral area, sometimes radiating to the anus. Pain and increased urination are noted, urinary retention, and difficulty in defecation are possible. In chronic prostatitis, pain in the urethra, above the pubis, in the groin and perineum is aching, constant, and intensifies at the initial and final stages of urination.

Pain in the urethra with prostatitis in children appears during urination, is complemented by constant pulling pains and discomfort in the perineum, lower abdomen, extending into the scrotum and rectum. Along with prostatitis, pain in the urethra sometimes accompanies prostate cancer and prostate adenoma, which develop mainly in old age. Pain occurs during ejaculation or urination. Combined with pain in the pelvis, perineum, above the pubis, dysuria and ischuria.

Women's diseases

In 80% of women with paraurethral cysts, frequent urges, soreness of the urethra, cramps, burning, mucous discharge from the urethra are observed. An elastic formation can be palpated in the meatus zone. Another cause of pain, severe discomfort, burning and pain when passing urine can be vestibulovaginal hypospadias.




Diagnostic measures are carried out by a urologist. If necessary, patients are referred to an andrologist, gynecologist or oncologist. The specialist collects complaints, finds out the anamnesis of life, establishes the circumstances of the appearance and nature of painful sensations, the presence of other symptoms, the dynamics of the disease. Women are examined on a chair. According to indications, men are prescribed a digital examination of the rectum. The diagnostic plan includes the following procedures:

  • Ultrasonography. Ultrasound of the urethra is informative for injuries, diverticula, foreign bodies, tumors, calculi. To obtain more complete data on the state of the urinary tract, to exclude lesions of the overlying sections, an ultrasound of the bladder is prescribed. Women undergo ultrasound of the pelvic organs. For men, an ultrasound of the prostate is performed.
  • X-ray examination. Retrograde urethrography is recommended for traumatic injuries, diverticulitis, benign and malignant neoplasia, stones. In some cases, descending urethrography, excretory urography, prostatography, cystography, and pelvic radiography are indicated.
  • Other imaging techniques. Mainly used for malignant tumors. Conducted to clarify the localization and prevalence of the pathological process, the involvement of neighboring organs. The list of diagnostic manipulations may include MRI of the abdominal cavity, lymphadenography, etc.
  • Laboratory tests. The most revealing are urine tests. In OAM, leukocyturia, hematuria, bacteriuria, proteinuria can be detected. According to the three-glass sample, the level of damage is determined. The nature of the microflora is assessed by microscopy. To clarify the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, a microbiological study is carried out. With STIs, PCR, ELISA are prescribed. The type and degree of differentiation of neoplasia is established during histological analysis.


Conservative therapy

The list of therapeutic measures is determined by the characteristics of the pathological process:

  • Urethritis. In acute nonspecific and gonorrheal urethritis, antibiotics are prescribed, in chlamydia, antibiotic therapy is supplemented with corticosteroids, in trichomoniasis, antiprotozoal drugs are used, and in candidiasis, antimycotic agents. Chronic inflammation is an indication for complex therapy, which, along with the listed drugs, includes instillations of silver nitrate and collargol.
  • Trauma and foreign bodies. Conservative treatment is subject to sprains and bruises of the urethra. Recommended cold, rest, NSAIDs, hemostatic agents, tranquilizers, drugs with a sedative effect, prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Small foreign objects are sometimes successfully removed with a stream of urine using special techniques.
  • Mucosal prolapse. Warm sitz baths are used to relieve swelling. In mild cases, bladder catheterization is performed for a period of 10-12 days. Manipulation allows not only to set the urethra, but also to fix the mucous membrane, preventing further prolapse.
  • Prostatitis. Long-term antibiotic therapy is carried out, with a persistent course, immunostimulants are used. Non-drug measures include prostate massage, electromagnetic waves, ultrasound, laser exposure. In the presence of contraindications to physiotherapy, medicinal microclysters are made.
  • Malignant tumors . Chemotherapy, external beam or contact radiation therapy may be required.


In urological diseases, the following surgical methods are used:

  • Urethral stones: endoscopic removal, epicystostomy and cystotomy to remove stones from the posterior urethra.
  • Traumatic injuries: suprapubic epicystostomy, primary urethrourethroanastomosis, delayed urethral plasty on a catheter.
  • Foreign bodies: transurethral removal, surgical removal by incision of the urethra or transfer of an object into the bladder and subsequent cystotomy.
  • Tumors: chemical destruction, electrocoagulation, plasma coagulation, laser or radio wave removal of genital warts, transurethral resection, circular resection, cystectomy, cystoprostatectomy, amputation of the penis.
  • Chronic obstruction: urethrocystoanastomosis or endourethral resection of valves, bougienage, stenting or resection of the urethra, urethrotomy.
  • Diverticula: marsupialization, transurethral or transvaginal diverticulectomy.
  • Prolapse: sling urethropexy, plication or mucosal resection.

Patients with prostate adenoma undergo transurethral resection, laser vaporization, or laser enucleation. According to the indications, a transvesical or retropubic adenomectomy is performed. For prostate cancer, various types of prostatectomy are used. Paraurethral cysts in women are removed by excision. In female hypospadias, non-surgical plasty using hyaluronic acid or urethral transposition is performed.

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