Pain In The Right Hypochondrium : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 08/07/2022

Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs with diseases of the hepatobiliary zone: biliary dyskinesia, acute and chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis and parasitic infections. Less commonly, a symptom occurs with cirrhosis and malignant tumors of the liver. Discomfort in the hypochondrium occurs with hemolytic anemia, heart failure, and also as a variant of radiating pain. The standard diagnostic plan includes ultrasound and X-ray examination, ERCP, duodenal sounding. For therapeutic purposes, a diet, antispasmodics, cholekinetics, antibiotics and antiviral agents, and surgical procedures are used.

Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium

Biliary dyskinesia

With the hyperkinetic variant of dyskinesia of the biliary tract, colicky pain in the right hypochondrium predominates, developing 20-3 minutes after the end of the meal. The pain attack can be provoked by physical activity, stress. Cramping pains are accompanied by nausea, and then vomiting. Unpleasant sensations pass on their own or are removed by antispasmodics. Between attacks, the general state of health is good, there is no pain under the ribs on the right.

Hypokinetic dyskinesia is characterized by constant aching pain, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the hypochondrium. Eating fatty foods increases the pain. When probing the right upper abdomen, a person feels a dull pain. With this form of dyskinesia, pronounced dyspeptic disorders occur. Patients complain of bitterness in the mouth, belching, loss of appetite.


Pain in the right hypochondrium is a typical symptom found in all types of hepatitis. There is a dull soreness and a feeling of pressure in the indicated area, usually not associated with eating or stress. Acute hepatitis is characterized by sharp pains, which are aggravated by palpation of the abdomen in the hypochondrium zone. The pain syndrome is supplemented by dyspeptic disorders, signs of intoxication, jaundice.

Chronic cholecystitis

With inflammation of the gallbladder, moderate pain is felt in the hypochondrium, which persists for several days and even weeks. Typical irradiation of pain in the scapula, lower back, right shoulder girdle or shoulder. Increased pain contributes to the intake of fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks. The disease proceeds with periods of remission, during which the pain disappears, and patients are only concerned about discomfort or heaviness under the right costal arch.

With acalculous cholecystitis, the symptoms are less pronounced, the general condition remains satisfactory. As a rule, dyspeptic disorders come to the fore. In chronic calculous cholecystitis, in addition to dull pain, severe pain attacks can occur. In this case, the pain becomes cramping, sharp. In addition to them, severe nausea, vomiting with bile, subfebrile condition are noted.

hepatic colic

Symptoms are due to exacerbation of gallstone disease. A person experiences excruciating pain, which can be cramping, cutting, tearing or burning. At the time of the attack, the patient lies on his side, legs tucked to his stomach, or rushes around the bed to find a comfortable position. Pathognomonic irradiation of pain in the right shoulder and shoulder blade. The clinical picture is supplemented by nausea, vomiting of bile, flatulence.

Pain in the right hypochondrium


Biliary peritonitis

Initially, there is a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the corresponding scapula and shoulder. The patient lies motionless on his side, pulls his knees to the abdominal wall. When feeling the right parts of the abdomen, the pain intensifies. At the second stage of bile peritonitis, the pain syndrome persists, repeated vomiting opens, and intoxication increases. If a person does not seek medical help, the terminal phase begins, when the pain subsides due to the death of nerve endings.

Parasitic infestations

With liver echinococcosis, the pain syndrome gradually increases. At first, the patient is worried about heaviness, discomfort, especially after eating large amounts of food. An increase in the size of an echinococcal cyst is accompanied by increased pain. The development of symptoms after physical activity is characteristic. Pain in the right hypochondrium is also found in other infections: amoebiasis, opisthorchiasis, ascariasis.

Cirrhosis of the liver

For a long time, it is asymptomatic. Patients experience intermittent dull pain in the right abdomen, provoked by diet or alcohol consumption. There are rapid satiety, heaviness under the ribs at the end of the meal. When cirrhosis is complicated by portal hypertension, pain spreads to the epigastric and paraumbilical regions.

Liver cancer

Pain in the right hypochondrium is due to an increase in the size of the tumor and stretching of the liver capsule. They disturb a person constantly, are not associated with external provoking factors. For oncological pathology, dull pain, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the right side are typical. With malignant degeneration of the liver tissues, progressive weight loss, symptoms of dyspepsia, anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome are observed.

Hemolytic anemia

Constant dull pains on the right under the ribs are characteristic of toxic anemia caused by the action of toxic substances or drugs. Less often, pain in the abdomen under the costal arch on the right is a sign of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, autoimmune damage to erythrocytes. Severe pain in the liver area is possible with exacerbations of hereditary anemia - membranopathies, fermentopathies, hemoglobinopathies.

Heart failure

Discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium are typical for dysfunction of the right ventricle of the heart, when blood stagnation occurs in the venous bed. Patients complain of distension in the abdomen, aggravated by active movements, after eating. In addition to the pain syndrome, edema of the lower extremities, shortness of breath and fatigue during physical exertion, swelling of the jugular veins are determined.

Reflected pain

Often, when the pathological process is localized in the right iliac region, irradiation of pain in the hypochondrium is observed, which is due to the peculiarities of innervation. The pains are sharp, stabbing, dull or compressive. If the symptom is caused by a surgical pathology, unbearable pain develops, which sharply increases with pressure on the abdominal wall. The most common causes of radiating pain:

  • Appendicitis. Such localization of the pain syndrome is typical for the retrocecal location of the appendix. There are intense pains in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea with vomiting, stool is disturbed.
  • Gynecological diseases. In women, pain in the right hypochondrium can be a sign of exacerbation of endometritis or right-sided adnexitis. Often the pain syndrome is caused by surgical pathologies: disturbed ectopic pregnancy, apoplexy of the right ovary.
  • Colon injury. Pain in the right hypochondrium sometimes occurs with colitis, Crohn's disease. They indicate an exacerbation. Pain can radiate to the right in the hypochondrium in patients with polyposis, colon cancer.

Rare Causes

  • Gallbladder diseases : cholesterosis, polyps, malignant tumor.
  • Vascular pathologies : Budd-Chiari syndrome, veno-occlusive disease, liver infarction (ischemic hepatitis).
  • Rare liver diseases : hepatoptosis, perihepatitis.
  • The defeat of the gastroduodenal zone : acute and chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Complications of pregnancy : gestosis, cholestasis of pregnant women.


The primary examination is carried out by a gastroenterologist or a highly specialized hepatologist. Physical examination assesses bladder symptoms, liver size, signs of peritoneal irritation, and local tension in the abdominal muscles. If necessary, a consultation of an infectious disease specialist, a gynecologist, a surgical oncologist is appointed. The diagnostic plan includes:

  • Ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone. During ultrasound, the gallbladder is visualized, its wall thickness is measured, and stones in the cavity are detected. To confirm the diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia, a test with a choleretic breakfast is performed. Examination of the liver is necessary to study the structure of the parenchyma, finding individual hyperechoic foci.
  • ERCP. The study is indicated to assess the condition of the bile and pancreatic ducts, duodenal mucosa. Cholangiopancreatography allows you to take samples of material from pathologically altered foci in order to check them under a microscope for signs of cellular atypia.
  • duodenal sounding. The method is used to determine the contractile function of the gallbladder. Then portions of bile are subjected to microscopic and bacteriological examination. Analysis of the biochemical composition of bile is necessary in the diagnosis of cholelithiasis.
  • X-ray methods. CT of the abdominal cavity is a highly informative method that helps to detect benign and malignant tumors of the hepatobiliary zone, parasitic cysts. Structural and functional features of the liver allows you to explore scintigraphy.
  • Additional methods. To establish the degree of fibrosis, a rapid and non-invasive elastography is performed. With unspecified forms of hepatitis and neoplasms, a biopsy of the liver tissue is performed, followed by a histological analysis.

Of the laboratory methods, a biochemical blood test with liver tests is of diagnostic value, in which they look at the level of bilirubin, cytolysis enzymes, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase. To diagnose parasitic diseases, feces are analyzed for helminth eggs. To exclude the viral nature of pain in the right hypochondrium, serological tests for hepatitis A, B, C are done.

Ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone



Help before diagnosis

To reduce pain in the right hypochondrium, it is recommended to follow a diet with a restriction of fried, fatty, smoked foods, conservation and spices. The use of alcohol is prohibited. The diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, low-fat varieties of fish and meat. With increased pain syndrome, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, adhere to a sparing or half-bed regimen.

To stop an attack of spastic pain, you can use a warm (not hot!) Heating pad, which is applied to the right hypochondrium. Cramping pains are well stopped by antispasmodics. Persistent soreness is a reason to see a doctor, since a symptom can be caused by dozens of different diseases that, if left untreated, lead to serious complications.

Conservative therapy

Moderate pain in the right hypochondrium, which occurs in chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary tract, is treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is required for patients with a severe pain attack and a severe general condition. In the hospital, narcotic analgesics are used to relieve unbearable pain, and detoxification therapy is carried out. To eliminate the causes of pain, several groups of medicines are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . They have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, so they quickly relieve pain. With functional biliary disorders, NSAIDs are combined with antispasmodics.
  • Cholekinetics . Medicines that improve the outflow of bile are necessary to get rid of pain and discomfort, improve digestive processes. To enhance their effectiveness, they are combined with choleretics.
  • Antibiotics . Medications are prescribed for exacerbation of cholecystitis and cholangitis, which is caused by the activation of pathogenic microflora. The selection of antibacterial agents is carried out taking into account the data of bacterioscopy and bacterioscopy of bile.
  • Interferons . Recombinant drugs are indicated for the treatment of chronic forms of viral hepatitis B and C. For the treatment of HCV, modern drugs from the group of protease inhibitors are effective, which provide a complete cure.
  • Hepatoprotectors . Means with UDCA and ademetionine are designed to protect healthy liver cells from damage, stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes. The drugs increase the resistance of the body to toxic factors, improve its detoxification function.

In chronic diseases of the gallbladder, courses of therapeutic mineral waters are prescribed. Hepatobiliary pathologies in remission are an indication for physiotherapy: reflexology, electrophoresis, SMT therapy. Phytotherapy methods are recommended to improve digestion. Spa treatment is widespread.


In cholelithiasis, minimally invasive methods of stone destruction (remote or contact lithotripsy) are used, operative methods are laparoscopic or classical laparotomic cholecystectomy. For liver cancer, a lobectomy or hemihepatectomy is performed, and chemoembolization is used. A radical method of treating cancer and cirrhosis is liver transplantation, which is performed in specialized centers.

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