Latest Articles - Symptoms and Disorders in the body

Weight gain

Weight gain is a set of body mass, the extreme degree of which is called obesity. Most often, the symptom occurs with excessive calorie intake and a sedentary lifestyle. An increase in volumes is possible with endocrine diseases, age-related fluctuations in the production of sex hormones, and taking certain medications. To determine the possible cause of the disorder, somatometry, hormonal studies, ultrasound, X-ray and tomographic methods are used. To correct weight indicators, diet therapy and adequate physical activity are necessary.

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Heaviness throughout the body

Heaviness throughout the body normally occurs after intense physical exertion, lack of sleep or stress. Pathological causes of an unpleasant symptom include psycho-emotional disorders (depression, anorexia nervosa), arterial hypotension, and fever. In the diagnosis, laboratory studies are used - clinical and biochemical blood tests, hormonal profile, bakposev, instrumental methods - ECG with daily monitoring, ultrasound, EEG and ENMG. To relieve heaviness in the body, medications, psychotherapeutic correction, methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the hands

Heaviness in the hands occurs with fatigue and prolonged physical exertion, as well as under the influence of pathological causes: arthritis, arthrosis or osteochondrosis, dermatomyositis, vascular lesions (venous thrombosis, lymphostasis). Less commonly, the symptom occurs in occupational nervosa. Diagnostic search includes instrumental methods: radiography and CT of the hand, ultrasound of the vessels of the hands and lymphoscintigraphy, ENMG. Laboratory methods help clarify the diagnosis. To stop discomfort, etiotropic drug therapy, physiotherapy (mud therapy, electrotherapy, massage), and surgical interventions are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the hypochondrium

Heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right occurs in diseases of the hepatobiliary zone: biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Discomfort in the left hypochondrium develops mainly with splenomegaly caused by infectious, tumor or autoimmune factors. Diagnostic search involves standard ultrasound, X-ray and endoscopic methods, as well as modern studies - scintigraphy, elastography, laparoscopy. To stop the symptom, etiotropic drugs are prescribed, physiotherapeutic methods are selected. Sometimes surgery is recommended.

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Heaviness in the legs

Heaviness in the legs mainly occurs with diseases of the veins: varicose veins, post-thrombophlebitic syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency. The symptom also develops with lymphedema, longitudinal and transverse flat feet, edema against the background of cardiac or renal dysfunction. Diagnostic search involves instrumental methods: ultrasound of the veins, rheovasography, lymphangiography, lymphoscintigraphy, x-ray studies (X-ray of the foot, CT of the spine). To relieve heaviness in the legs, drugs from the group of phlebotonics and antiplatelet agents, injection vein sclerotherapy, and elastic compression are prescribed.

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Heaviness in the abdomen

Heaviness in the abdomen periodically occurs when overeating, but more often worries about diseases of the stomach (hypoacid gastritis, pyloric stenosis, cancer), intestines (enteritis, colitis, UC and Crohn's disease). The symptom develops with damage to the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. Diagnosis includes ultrasonic, endoscopic and X-ray methods of research, laboratory tests of blood and feces. To relieve painful sensations, prokinetics and enzymes are prescribed. Treatment of the underlying pathology involves taking choleretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, performing surgical interventions.

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Heaviness in the chest

Heaviness in the chest appears with psycho-emotional disorders (stress, panic, depression), diseases of the circulatory system (CHD, pericarditis and myocarditis, cardiomyopathy), respiration (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis). Diagnostic search includes standard instrumental methods: ECG and Holter monitoring, echocardiography, chest x-ray. To clarify what caused the heaviness in the chest area, they also carry out invasive diagnostics - coronary angiography, puncture, scintigraphy. Relief of symptoms is usually performed by medical methods, surgical interventions are less often used.

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Heaviness in the head

Heaviness in the head is a sign of lack of sleep and mental fatigue, neurasthenia, arterial hypertension. The symptom also occurs with tension headaches, ENT pathologies (sinusitis, eustachitis, Meniere's disease), degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. For diagnosis, instrumental methods for examining the brain (EchoEG, REG, MRI), spine (radiography, CT), ENT organs (otoscopy, vestibulometry, audiometry) are prescribed. To relieve heaviness in the head, psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, sedatives), neuroprotectors and vitamins, antihypertensive drugs are used.

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Heaviness in various parts of the body is subjectively perceived as a feeling of pressure, fullness (in the head, chest, abdomen, hypochondrium) or a large weight that makes it difficult to perform habitual movements (in the legs, arms, throughout the body). A feeling of heaviness may be accompanied by neurological syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. The examination includes functional (ECG, EEG), imaging (ultrasound, X-ray, MRI), endoscopic (EGDS) and other methods. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the causative pathology.

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Rotten burp

Rotten belching is the regurgitation of gastric or intestinal gases with a putrid odor, accompanied by a characteristic sound. The symptom can be combined with pain or discomfort in the abdomen, dyspeptic disorders. Eructation most often occurs with diseases of the digestive system, enzyme deficiency, and some parasitic infections. To identify the cause of belching with rotten eggs, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic and laboratory methods are used. To reduce the frequency of erection, drugs (prokinetics, enzymes, laxatives), cleansing enemas are used.

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Thrombocytosis is a pathological condition characterized by an increase in the content of platelets in the blood. The cause of this phenomenon is infectious, inflammatory or autoimmune pathologies, as well as malignant tumors of the hematopoietic system. In children, it often occurs against the background of iron deficiency anemia. The clinical picture may be different and is determined by the underlying disease. The level of platelets, as part of a complete blood count, is examined in venous or capillary blood. To correct thrombocytosis, the disease against which it developed is treated.

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Triparesis is detected in craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries, neoplasia, spinal cord abscesses, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and some polyneuropathies. The cause of the violation is established on the basis of complaints, neurological examination data, imaging techniques, and laboratory tests. The tactics of treatment is determined taking into account the nature of the pathology. Neuroprotectors, antibiotics, antiplatelet agents, hormonal agents, and other drugs are prescribed. Operations are performed according to indications.

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Hand tremor

Hand tremor is a tremulous hyperkinesis, manifested by stereotypically repeated contractions of the muscles of the hand. It can be primary or occur under the influence of a wide range of causes, in particular, metabolic or toxic damage, focal and diffuse diseases of the nervous system. Tremor is detected during neurological examination, its origin is helped to determine laboratory tests, neuroimaging and neurophysiological methods. The basis of the treatment strategy is conservative drug therapy, refractory cases require surgical intervention.

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Tremor when moving

Tremor during movement (intentional) occurs with lesions of the cerebellum, brain stem and red nuclei. Changes in brain structures develop against the background of TBI, strokes, tumors, degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, poisoning, and an overdose of certain drugs. The symptom is observed in isolation or combined with postural trembling and resting tremor. Neurological examination data and neuroimaging methods are used to determine the cause of movement tremor. Treatment is carried out with the use of valproates, beta-blockers, benzodiazepines. Operations are performed according to indications.

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Tremor of the chin

Chin tremor is an involuntary rhythmic trembling of the muscles of the lower jaw. The symptom accompanies various conditions in children and adults: parkinsonism, perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, hydrocephalus, etc. Tremor is rarely isolated, usually combined with other manifestations (cerebral, focal). Comprehensive diagnostics includes laboratory tests, tomography, neurophysiological methods. Medications are prescribed that affect the symptoms, developmental mechanisms and causes of trembling, in some cases, neurosurgical intervention is necessary.

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Head tremor

Head tremors are uncontrolled rhythmic movements caused by alternating contractions of the antagonist muscles of the neck. Trembling looks like nodding or shaking the head, occurs at rest, when moving or maintaining a posture. The cause of tremor is various pathologies with damage to the extrapyramidal, cerebellar, cortical sections of the regulation of motor functions. Diagnosis is carried out by laboratory, neuroimaging, neurophysiological methods. Treatment is carried out with medications, in resistant cases, botulinum therapy or surgery is offered.

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Tremor at rest

Tremor at rest accompanies Parkinson's disease, juvenile and secondary parkinsonism, some degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Represents involuntary oscillatory movements at rest. May be combined with other types of tremor, muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, gait disturbances, postural disorders. To determine the cause of the symptom, a neurological examination is performed, MRI, electrophysiological studies, SPECT, PET-CT are prescribed. Treatment is with antiparkinsonian drugs, sometimes including surgery.

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Tremor is a movement disorder that is manifested by involuntary rhythmic fluctuations in various parts of the body, arising from the stereotypically repeated contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Most often, hyperkinesis covers the hands, head, feet, severe trembling limits the physical, social and professional activity of patients. Diagnosis is based on anamnesis data, neurological examination, results of additional studies (laboratory tests, neurophysiological and neuroimaging methods). Tremor treatment involves eliminating the cause, symptomatic correction.

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Nausea during pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy is subjectively unpleasant sensations in the pharynx and epigastrium that disturb pregnant women at different periods of bearing a child, usually accompanied by other digestive disorders and autonomic dysfunction. Most often, the symptom is associated with the development of early toxicosis. Nausea also occurs with pathologies of pregnancy, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To identify the causes, ultrasound, gynecological examination, laboratory tests are performed. To reduce symptoms, non-drug methods, sedatives, prokinetics are used.

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Nausea after eating

Nausea after eating is an unpleasant painful sensation in the stomach, esophagus and oropharynx, which occurs immediately or some time after eating and is accompanied by a violation of general well-being. Nausea often precedes vomiting. The symptom may have physiological prerequisites: overeating, pregnancy, but is more often determined in various pathologies of the digestive tract and hepatobiliary system. To identify the causes of nausea, ultrasound, endoscopy, radiography and laboratory methods are used. Herbal teas, prokinetics, sorbents, antihistamines help to reduce discomfort.

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Nausea on an empty stomach

Nausea on an empty stomach is painful sensations in the epigastric region, oral cavity and pharynx that occur on an empty stomach with subthreshold excitation of the vomiting center. Nausea can be observed both with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result of toxicosis of pregnant women, endogenous intoxication syndrome, and neurological disorders. To detect the causes of nausea, ultrasound, endoscopy, pH-metry, laboratory blood and stool tests are prescribed, women are recommended a gynecological examination. In order to relieve discomfort, herbal teas, prokinetics, sedatives, antacids are used.

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Nausea is a peculiar sensation of discomfort in the epigastrium, behind the sternum, in the throat and oral cavity, which is often a harbinger of vomiting. May be accompanied by salivation, hyperhidrosis, weakness, dizziness. It is extremely rarely observed in healthy people with diet errors. Usually appears in diseases of the digestive organs and the central nervous system, intoxication conditions. To clarify the causes of nausea, endoscopic, radiological, ultrasound, electrophysiological and laboratory research methods are used. Before the diagnosis is made, sedative herbal remedies, prokinetics, and enterosorbents are usually used to reduce the severity of the symptom.

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Tonic convulsions

Tonic convulsions are sharp and prolonged muscle contractions, in which the limb or the whole body freezes in a forced position. They are local and generalized, accompanied by pain, dysfunction of other systems. Convulsions manifest infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, intoxications, etc. Neurological examination, laboratory tests (general, biochemical, molecular genetic), functional methods help to find out the cause. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and correcting the underlying pathology.

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Tonic-clonic seizures

Tonic-clonic convulsions are mixed paroxysms in which prolonged tonic spasms are replaced by rapid clonic contractions of the skeletal muscles. The causes of generalized seizures are quite extensive: epilepsy, organic pathology of the central nervous system, neuroinfections and other conditions. To verify the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required, including laboratory tests, tomography, and neurophysiological techniques. For the relief and therapy of convulsive syndrome, medications are used, in some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

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Tic is a type of hyperkinesis. Represents involuntary stereotyped movements that resemble arbitrary. In most cases, it occurs in childhood. It is provoked by neuroses, residual organic insufficiency due to harmful effects in the prenatal period and early childhood. Seen in Tourette's syndrome. Sometimes it occurs secondary to other CNS lesions. The cause is determined on the basis of a survey, examination, data from a psychodiagnostic examination, CT, MRI, and other procedures. Treatment - psychotherapy, psychocorrection, drug therapy, physiotherapy. Operations are sometimes shown.

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