Tremor At Rest : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 23/09/2022

Tremor at rest accompanies Parkinson's disease, juvenile and secondary parkinsonism, some degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Represents involuntary oscillatory movements at rest. May be combined with other types of tremor, muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, gait disturbances, postural disorders. To determine the cause of the symptom, a neurological examination is performed, MRI, electrophysiological studies, SPECT, PET-CT are prescribed. Treatment is with antiparkinsonian drugs, sometimes including surgery.

general characteristics

Tremor at rest is a type of hyperkinesis, which is a violent involuntary movement of an oscillatory nature involving any part of the body that occurs in the absence of purposeful motor activity. It has a rhythmic character. Occurs around a certain fixed point. Appears as a result of synchronous or alternating contractions of antagonist muscles. Resting tremor is medium-amplitude, its frequency characteristics are 3-6 Hz. Often combined with other types of trembling (postural, intentional).

Trembling movements are local or generalized. They differ according to the motor pattern. The tremor of the fingers in appearance often resembles “rolling pills” or “counting coins”. Head tremor can occur according to the “yes-yes” or “no-no” type, limb tremor - according to the type of pronation-supination, flexion-extension. The first place in prevalence is occupied by a tremor of the fingers. Further, in descending order, there are trembling of the lower jaw, lips, tongue, head, etc.

Why does tremor occur at rest

Parkinson's disease

Resting tremor is the most typical type of tremor in this pathology. It is most pronounced in tremulous and trembling-rigid forms of the disease. A typical feature of tremor in Parkinson's disease is its asymmetric character. The symptom is combined with hypokinesia, rigidity and postural disorders. The severity of manifestations gradually increases.

Juvenile parkinsonism

The disease has a hereditary character, manifests itself at a young age (up to 25 years). It is manifested by tremor, muscle rigidity and hypokinesia. Unlike Parkinson's disease, juvenile parkinsonism is not characterized by asymmetry of symptoms, the disorders are equally pronounced on both sides. Statokinetic tremor predominates, rest tremor is not detected in all patients, it can join in the later stages of the disease.

Resting tremor


Secondary parkinsonism

Postural tremor is typical for this type of parkinsonism. Trembling at rest is an optional symptom that can be found in patients with advanced forms of pathology. The disorders are symmetrical, the manifestations progress faster than in patients with primary parkinsonism, the severity of tremor varies depending on the cause of the disease.

Secondary parkinsonism occurs after traumatic brain injuries, encephalitis, and general infections. It can form against the background of intracerebral tumors, frequent episodes of hypoglycemia, hydrocephalus, manganese intoxication in drug addicts. The cause of drug-induced parkinsonism is the use of antipsychotics and anticonvulsants. After extensive strokes and lacunar infarctions, with cerebral atherosclerosis, vascular parkinsonism is observed.

parkinsonism plus

This term in neurology is understood as degenerative pathologies of the central nervous system with parkinsonism syndrome. As with other types of secondary disorders, rest tremor is not the main symptom, it occurs in some patients:

  • Wilson's disease. Hereditary pathology caused by the accumulation of copper in tissues. Tremor, bradilalia, bradykinesia, epileptic seizures, psychoorganic syndrome are observed in the tremor form.
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies. Occurs in old age. Accompanied by mental, cognitive, vegetative and motor disorders. At an early stage, parkinsonism is detected in 50% of patients, with progression - in 80%.
  • Multiple sclerosis. A variety of opening options is characteristic. Possible weakness in the legs, numbness, optic neuritis, dizziness, nystagmus. Tremor appears with the progression of the disease, is combined with paresis, has a predominantly intentional character, and is rarely observed at rest.


Neurologists are engaged in determining the cause of tremor at rest. The specialist finds out when the symptom first appeared, how it changed over time, what manifestations it accompanied. Examines the history of life, identifies circumstances that could contribute to the development of secondary parkinsonism. Performs a neurological examination using the Clinical Tremor Rating Scale to determine the severity of the symptom. To clarify the diagnosis, the following procedures are performed:

  • MRI of the brain. In juvenile parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease, changes are usually absent. The technique allows to differentiate parkinsonism plus, to determine the nature of structural damage in some types of secondary parkinsonism (for example, vascular). According to indications, PET-CT and SPECT are supplemented.
  • Tremorometry . It makes it possible to assess the accuracy and coordination of movements, the amplitude and frequency of trembling. It is used to study the tremor of the hands during movement and at rest. Tremorogram recording is performed using accelerometer, piezo and strain gauge methods.
  • Electrophysiological Methods . According to electroneurography, tremor parameters are indirectly studied. With the help of electromyography, trembling is differentiated from other motor disorders.
  • Computer stabilography. It is indicated for pathologies accompanied not only by a rest tremor, but also by postural trembling. It is carried out using a stabilometric platform for studying support reactions.
  • Laboratory tests . Toxicological tests are performed if there is a suspicion of a connection between parkinsonian symptoms and intoxications. Determination of copper in the urine and ceruloplasmin in the blood confirms the presence of Wilson's disease.
  • Other techniques . In vascular disorders, angiography and transcranial Doppler ultrasound are informative. With volumetric processes, the results of an echoencephalogram are indicative.

Neurologist examination



Conservative therapy

Treatment of diseases accompanied by tremor at rest includes drug and non-drug measures. The purpose of non-drug methods is to improve social adaptation and increase the ability to self-service. The drug component of therapy is aimed at reducing the severity of trembling and eliminating the causes of the symptom in secondary parkinsonian manifestations.

In the early stages of Parkinson's disease, dopamine receptor agonists, MAO inhibitors, amantadine are used. Monotherapy is possible, but the preferred option is the use of several drugs. With the progression of symptoms, levodopa is included in the treatment plan. The appointment of other drugs and combined schemes allow you to delay the start of taking levodopa, and subsequently reduce the required dose of medication.

In secondary disorders, symptomatic therapy is carried out with the means listed above. The effectiveness of levodopa in such cases is lower than in the primary nature of the disorders. At the same time, pathogenetic measures are carried out. Cancel or replace drugs that provoked the occurrence of drug-induced parkinsonism. Prescribe oxygen therapy, vascular or neurometabolic drugs. For tumors, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used.


The indication for surgical intervention is the ineffectiveness of conservative methods. Possible deep brain stimulation, stereotaxic destruction of the subthalamic nucleus and ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus. Some neoplasms are subject to excision using open and minimally invasive techniques. In vascular pathologies, AVM removal, aneurysm embolization, arterial reconstruction, and anastomosis formation are possible.

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