Hot Flashes In Women : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 12/09/2022

Hot flashes in women most often begin during menopause against the background of hormonal changes. Paroxysms of heat and flushing of the skin are found in panic attacks and psychosomatic disorders, carcinoid syndrome, endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, thyropathies). The diagnostic study plan for women with hot flashes includes an extended hormonal profile, gynecological examination, ultrasound of the genital organs, radiographic imaging methods. In the treatment, hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants and tranquilizers, methods of physiotherapy and psychotherapy are used.

Causes of hot flashes in women


In 80% of women during the menopausal syndrome, hot flashes occur, which are caused by hormonal changes in the body and disorders of the autonomic nervous regulation. Patients complain of sudden redness of the face, neck and upper body, increased sweating in this area. The skin becomes hot to the touch. The clinical picture of hot flashes is often supplemented by increased heart rate, dizziness, and a pressing headache.

Discomfort lasts about 3-5 minutes, after which the redness and sweating disappear, the pulse returns to normal. After a paroxysm in women, weakness and lethargy, chills, and decreased ability to work are noted. Prolonged hot flashes cause increased sweating and wetting of clothes, which causes additional discomfort. With menopause, seizures are more often observed at night, because of which the woman is forced to wake up several times.

Based on the data on the frequency of symptoms, the severity of the climacteric syndrome is determined. If the hot flashes are repeated up to 1 time per day, and each attack lasts less than 5 minutes, they speak of a mild form. An increase in paroxysms up to 10-2 indicates moderate severity, more than 2 flushes indicate a severe form of pathology. Women with menopausal syndrome are concerned about psycho-emotional disorders: depression, causeless irritability, phobias that manifest themselves during an attack.

Hot flashes in women


Panic attacks

Hot flashes due to psychogenic causes are more common in patients aged 25-45 years. Symptoms are provoked not only by conflict or traumatic situations, but also by biological triggers - hormonal changes during ovulation, pregnancy, abortion. At the time of the attack, there is a feeling of hot flashes passing through the body, increased sweating (sweat flows in a stream), interruptions in the work of the heart.

Paroxysm lasts up to 15-2 minutes. The maximum intensity of hot flashes is noted at 5-1 minutes of a panic attack. In addition, patients feel the fear of death, a strong inexplicable anxiety. There is depression and longing, or, conversely, unmotivated aggression towards others. Gradually, the symptoms disappear, the sensation of heat and redness of the skin decrease, usually followed by chills. Occasionally, hot flashes appear in between panic attacks.


Hot flashes that develop in the evening or at night may indicate prediabetes. In women, insomnia, nocturnal awakenings caused by sweating and heat in the upper half of the body are revealed. Disturbed by shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air. Patients in menopause often confuse diabetic hot flashes with menopausal ones. Distinctive features of impaired glucose metabolism are intense thirst and increased appetite, an increase in the amount of daily urine.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

Women are more susceptible to autoimmune lesions of the thyroid gland: thyroiditis, thyroiditis, contributing to the occurrence of hot flashes. Symptoms appear due to increased production of thyroid hormones. The patient feels attacks of a strong heartbeat, heat in the body and redness of the skin, emotional arousal. Symptoms develop suddenly, lasting from several minutes to several hours.

post-castration syndrome

The pathological condition is diagnosed in women of reproductive age who have undergone surgery to remove the ovaries. Symptoms appear 2-3 weeks after surgery. Patients are disturbed by strong flushes of heat and blood to the head, upper body. Sweating increases, pulse accelerates. Hot flashes in post-castration syndrome are accompanied by pain in the heart, hypertensive crises.

Carcinoid syndrome

Hot flashes are observed in 90% of women diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors. Characterized by paroxysmal redness of the face and upper body, which is accompanied by heat, burning or numbness of the skin in this area. For carcinoid syndrome, an increase in heart rate and a drop in blood pressure are typical, as a result of which women experience dizziness, darkening in the eyes. Sometimes there are lacrimation and hyperemia of the conjunctiva.

Rare Causes

  • Diseases of the reproductive system : submucosal fibromyoma of the uterus, ovarian failure.
  • Iatrogenic factors : posthysterectomy syndrome, improper selection of hormone replacement therapy, amiodarone-induced thyroiditis.
  • CNS damage : concussion, postconcussion syndrome, transient cerebrovascular accident.
  • Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.
  • Psychosomatic disorders.


A woman is first of all referred to a gynecologist in order to identify changes in the reproductive system, which are most often manifested by such symptoms. When diagnosing menopausal attacks, the doctor mainly focuses on complaints, the number and duration of hot flashes. A consultation with an endocrinologist is also scheduled. To detect the causes of hot flashes, the following laboratory and instrumental studies are used:

  • Hormonal profile. In the blood, the level of estrogen and progesterone, pituitary hormones - FSH, LH and prolactin are determined. To detect other endocrine diseases, T3 and T4, glucocorticoids and ACTH, and insulin are measured. To check the metabolism of bone tissue, an analysis for parathyroid hormone, calcitonin is recommended.
  • Gynecological examination. With a standard vaginal examination, the doctor pays attention to atrophic or inflammatory changes in the vagina, takes a smear for microbiological analysis and oncocytology. Before the appointment of hormonal drugs, an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography is performed.
  • Sonography. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is done to exclude gynecological pathology. If hot flashes are accompanied by cardiac symptoms, echocardiography is mandatory. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is indicated for suspected thyroiditis, hormonally active cysts and nodes.
  • Methods of instrumental visualization. For the diagnosis of thyroid diseases, the results of x-ray studies are indicative - pneumography, angiography, computed tomography. Informative thyroid scintigraphy. To determine the localization of tumors in carcinoid syndrome, CT or MRI of the internal organs, endoscopy is required.

Hormone replacement therapy - a method of treating hot flashes in women



Help before diagnosis

Hot flashes during menopause can be alleviated using non-drug methods. Spicy and salty foods, strong tea and coffee, alcohol are excluded from the diet, since these foods increase the frequency and intensity of attacks. It is necessary to stop smoking - tobacco is a trigger factor for hot flashes. It is important for women to avoid stuffiness, regularly ventilate the room. It is advisable to choose clothes made from natural materials that do not restrict movement.

Conservative therapy

The selection of drugs is carried out in accordance with the causes of hot flashes. If a symptom develops in women in the structure of the climacteric syndrome, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. Reception of gestagens and estrogens eliminates attacks of heat and sweating, eliminates dryness and discomfort in the vagina that appear in menopause. Hormones are taken continuously or in cyclic courses, the duration of treatment is 5-7 years.

Both in menopausal syndrome and in panic attacks, drugs that affect the central nervous system are effective. To stabilize the mood and reduce the frequency of hot flashes, sedatives, antidepressants are recommended, with severe psychoemotional disorders, benzodiazepine drugs are indicated. In case of endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroiditis), drug therapy is selected based on test results.

Psychotherapy plays an important role in treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to prevent panic attacks, family and psychoanalytic psychotherapy is less commonly recommended. To normalize autonomic neuroregulation, dosed physical activity and exercise therapy are useful. Sometimes physiotherapeutic areas of treatment are used: reflexology, aromatherapy, acupuncture.


Surgical interventions are necessary for large nodular formations of the thyroid gland with secretory activity. According to the size of the tumor, hemithyroidectomy or subtotal strumectomy is performed. With neuroendocrine neoplasms, radical excision of the primary focus or palliative surgical techniques are indicated.