Sound Distortion : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 11/08/2022

Distortion of sounds is an acoustically abnormal pronunciation of phonemes. It is characterized by the use in speech of variants of sound pronunciation that are absent in the phonetics of the Russian language. It occurs with bilingualism, dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria. Distortion of sounds is diagnosed during the examination of oral speech. Correction of incorrect sound pronunciation is carried out mainly by speech therapy methods (articulatory gymnastics, sound production, automation). Sometimes additional orthodontic correction, surgical elimination of maxillofacial anomalies, and neurological treatment are required.


In Russian speech therapy, the distortion of sounds is referred to as phonetic (motor, anthropophonic) defects, in which the sound structure is modified. Unlike the replacement or absence of phonemes, the distortion is not physiological and does not go away on its own. There are several types and many subtypes of sound distortion. They are denoted by terms derived from the corresponding Greek letters:

  • Rotacism (burr) is a defective pronunciation of the sound [P] and its soft pair [P′].
  • Sigmatism (lisping) is a distortion of whistling ([S-S′], [Z-Z′], [Ts]) and hissing sounds ([W], [Sch], [F], [H]).
  • Lambdacism - incorrect pronunciation of sounds [L-L′].
  • Jotacism - non-normative articulation of the sound [Y];
  • Defects in the articulation of posterior palatine sounds: gamma-cism - distortion [Г-Г ′], cappacism - [К-К ′], hitism - [Х-Х ′].

With speech disorders, sounds of various groups are often distorted, i.e., there are polymorphic defects: rotacism + sigmatism, rotacism + lambdacism, hissing sigmatism + backlingual defects, etc. - posterior and middle lingual. According to their speech therapy status, children with sound distortion may belong to the group FN, FFN or OHP.

Causes of sound distortion

Distorted sound pronunciation, as a rule, is based on anatomical deviations in the structure of the peripheral organs of articulation or their functional immaturity. As a result, compensatory articulation structures are formed that do not provide an acoustic norm. Distorted sounds only remotely resemble the correct speech pattern.


The distortion of the sounds of the Russian language is typical for speakers of other language systems. So, for French phonetics, the burr pronunciation [r] is the norm, for English - the interdental pronunciation of the diphthong [th]. Such borrowings are often found in the speech of bilinguals. However, for the Russian language such distortions are phonetic errors.


Phoneme distortion occurs in both functional and organic dyslalia, but has different mechanisms of development. Functional tongue-tied tongue is associated with lethargy of speech motor skills, imitation of the defective speech of others, etc. Mechanical dyslalia may be due to a shortened hyoid ligament, a large clumsy tongue (macroglossia) or a small narrow tongue (microglossia), a high ("Gothic") arch of the palate, diastemas, anomalies bite.

Distortions of sounds in case of anomalies of the dentoalveolar system are more often represented by various types of sigmatism, defects in the anterior lingual and labiodental sounds. The air jet exits through the gaps between the dentition. Whistling and hissing become excessively noisy, with a squelching tint; vowels are unintelligible.

With anomalies and weakness of the muscles of the tongue, vibrants and hissing are usually disturbed, lateral sigmatism of the whistlers is noted. The pronunciation may become slurred. Inadequate closure of the lips causes distortion of labial and labio-dental sounds. Possible defective articulation of labialized vowels ([O], [U]).

In all cases, with dyslalia, only impaired sound pronunciation is noted. Other components of speech (voice, prosodic, vocabulary and grammar, vocabulary diversity) remain intact.

Sound distortion



Numerous distortions of sounds in dysarthria are caused by innervation insufficiency of the speech apparatus. As a result of weakness of the articulatory muscles, sounds are not pronounced accurately. The movements of the tip of the tongue are poorly differentiated, which is why the anterior lingual movements are most distorted: various variants of sigmatism, rotacism, and lambdacism appear.

At the same time, whistling sounds present the greatest difficulty, followed by hissing sounds, sonoras are disturbed to a lesser extent. Practically do not suffer iotated and posterior lingual. The distortion of sounds in most cases occurs according to the type of lateral and interdental pronunciation.

The tension of the muscles of the lips affects the pronunciation of labial consonants and labialized vowels. There are defects in voicing and stunning, excessive palatalization. Speech is slurred, poorly intelligible. The process of automating the set sounds is extremely difficult and time consuming.

In addition to distortion of sound pronunciation, voice changes (weakness, monotony, hoarseness, rhinophony) are typical for dysarthria. Swallowing is often disturbed, hypersalivation is noted. To some extent, general motor skills suffer, differentiated movements of the fingers cause particular difficulties.


Open rhinolalia occurs due to congenital clefts of the face (cleft palate, cleft lip). With this pathology, all vowels and consonants have a nasal connotation, a snoring overtone, and are poorly differentiated by ear. Of particular difficulty are front-lingual and back-lingual consonants. Deaf consonants are more reminiscent of the nasalized sound [X], voiced - the sound combination [KG]. Thus, the distortion of sounds is the primary speech defect in rhinolalia. Secondarily, phonemic, lexical and grammatical processes and written speech may be disturbed.


Features of speech function are studied by a speech therapist during an individual examination. For certain nosologies, dental and neurological diagnostics are indicated. Logopedic diagnostics includes several successive stages:

  • Inspection of organs of articulation. The structure of the peripheral organs of speech (lips, teeth, jaws, tongue, palate), their mobility are studied. For this, a visual inspection is performed, a series of dynamic exercises is performed. In the presence of certain anatomical defects and functional abnormalities, certain speech disorders in the subject can be assumed.
  • Diagnosis of oral speech. The main attention is paid to the pronunciation of sounds. Phonetic (distortion) and phonemic deficiencies (mixing, substitutions), violations of the syllabic structure are revealed. The formation of phonemic functions, coherent speech, lexical and grammatical structure of the language is also examined.


Speech therapy work

The correctional and pedagogical complex in case of sound distortion caused by dyslalia and dysarthria is implemented in three stages. Each of them has its own goals and objectives, is carried out using specialized methods and techniques:

  • Preliminary stage. The main directions are the preparation of the articulatory base, the development of precise articulatory structures, the development of auditory memory and attention. During this period, articulatory gymnastics, exercises for the production of an air jet, logo massage, games for the development of fine motor skills are carried out.
  • Formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Sound production can be carried out in an imitative way, with the help of special speech therapy devices (probes, probe substitutes, auxiliary devices) or mixed. In the future, sound pronunciation is automated in isolation, in syllables and syllabic rows, in different positions in a word, in pure phrases, sentences, texts.
  • Consolidation of the received sound in speech. At the final stage, the skill of using a new sound is practiced in various communicative situations. Conscious self-control over speech is carried out.

With rhinolalia, correctional and speech therapy work has its own characteristics, it is carried out in the preoperative and postoperative periods. Before the operation, the sound production of phonemes accessible by articulation, the development of voice and speech breathing, and a special massage are carried out. After the operation, all other distorted sounds are placed and automated, speech therapy massage of the palate continues, work is underway on the formation of the palatopharyngeal closure, and nasalization is eliminated.

Correction of distorted pronunciation of sounds


Medical direction

Speech therapy correction of sound distortion in dento-maxillary and maxillofacial anomalies is carried out against the background of orthodontic and surgical treatment. If the frenulum of the tongue cannot be stretched with the help of speech therapy exercises, frenuloplasty is performed. In case of malocclusion, it may be necessary to wear orthodontic appliances, perform orthognathic surgery.

Patients with open rhinolalia undergo surgical correction of facial deformities: cheiloplasty, uranoplasty, velopharyngoplasty. Dysarthria disorders require regular courses of drug treatment, physiotherapy rehabilitation (exercise therapy, Bobath therapy, massage according to the method of Castillo Morales, etc.).

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