Deformation : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 25/07/2022

Deformation leads to a change in the proportions, sizes, shape of body parts, which is accompanied by external defects and dysfunction of the body. The most common skeletal deformities are: skull, spine, chest, bones and joints of the extremities. Soft tissues can also be deformed. The causes of such changes are congenital malformations, injuries, degenerative changes, tumors. Treatment depends on the etiology and severity of the pathological process, and may include conservative therapy (medication, exercise therapy, physical therapy) and surgical correction.

The reasons

Body deformities can be congenital or acquired. Congenital conditions include maxillofacial clefts, spina bifida (spina bifida), bone aplasia, congenital hip dislocation, and many others. etc. Congenital defects of the musculoskeletal system occur in utero as a result of:

  • genetic mutations;
  • mechanical compression of parts of the fetus (with oligohydramnios, the presence of amniotic bands);
  • exposure to teratogens: infectious, chemical, ionizing and others.

Acquired deformities are more common than congenital ones. According to etiology, they are:

  • post-traumatic (incorrectly fused fractures);
  • postoperative (capsular contracture);
  • post-infectious (paralytic deformities after poliomyelitis);
  • tumor (osteomas);
  • dystrophic-degenerative (deforming osteoarthritis);
  • metabolic (rachitic deformations of the skeleton), etc.

A significant role in their development is played by modifiable risk factors: a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical exertion, overweight.


Depending on the anatomical region that has undergone deformation, there are:

  • Skull deformities: brachycephaly, dolichocephaly, plagiocephaly.
  • Deformities of the facial skeleton: deviated septum, saddle nose, cleft palate, micrognathia.
  • Spinal deformities: scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, flat back, wedge-shaped vertebrae.
  • Chest deformities: keeled, funnel-shaped, heart hump, Poland's syndrome.
  • Deformities of the bones of the extremities: X-shaped, O-shaped, shortening of the limb.
  • Joint deformities: displacement with dislocation, swelling with arthritis, bone growths with arthrosis.
  • Finger deformities: clinodactyly, Hippocratic toes, valgus deformity of the first toe.
  • Soft tissue deformities: contractures, scars, cleft lip, nipple retraction, navel deformities in hernia.

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