Chilliness Of The Hands : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Last Updated: 05/08/2022

Chilliness of the hands is observed in healthy people (with stress, hypotension, in old age), with neurological or vascular pathologies - Raynaud's syndrome, vibration disease, nerve compression in the carpal tunnel. Less commonly, a symptom develops against the background of osteochondrosis, hypothyroidism, autoimmune processes. To diagnose the causes of chilliness, ENMG, X-ray studies (X-ray of the hands, CT of the spine, angiography), tests for hormones and autoantibodies are prescribed. To eliminate the symptom, lifestyle correction, the use of medication and physiotherapy techniques are necessary.

Causes of cold hands

Physiological factors

Chilliness of the upper extremities is often observed in elderly people, which is associated with impaired peripheral circulation, spasm of small vessels. Patients complain that the hands are constantly cold, the sensitivity of the fingers worsens. The symptom sometimes occurs in women with constitutional hypotension or emotional stress. In this case, vascular spasm occurs, blood flow to the distal extremities decreases.


Even after slight damage to the skin of 1-2 degrees, increased sensitivity of the hands to low temperatures persists for a long time. Chilliness with an unpleasant tingling appears when a person washes his hands in cold water, in winter he goes outside without gloves. Even in a warm room, discomfort is periodically felt, the hands remain cold. Under the influence of cold, numbness and paresthesia of the fingers usually occur, after which the hands do not warm up for a long time.

Raynaud's syndrome

At the onset of the disease, patients suffer from rare attacks of chilliness, observed at the time of stress or exposure to low temperatures. The tips of the fingers suddenly turn pale, become milky white, numbness is felt, goosebumps crawl on the skin. The paroxysm is short-lived, after its completion, chilliness is replaced by an unpleasant burning sensation, a feeling of heat and redness of the fingers.

As Raynaud's syndrome progresses, attacks of hand ischemia lengthen up to 1 hour. They begin without visible provoking factors, are accompanied by severe chilliness, pain, impaired sensitivity of the hands. In the interictal period, the fingers are almost constantly cold, the patient experiences discomfort in the soreness of the hands during low-temperature exposure. Over time, swelling, trophic ulcers, and deformations of the nail plates occur.

Chilliness of the hands


vibration sickness

Vibration disease develops in workers who are constantly in contact with mechanisms of a percussive or rotational nature. Chilliness of the hands manifests itself during periods of rest or at night, combined with paresthesias and pulling pains. At first, the symptoms last 10-15 minutes, but gradually the attacks lengthen, there are violations of active movements of the fingers, sensitivity decreases.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

In young people, chilliness of the hands and feet is often associated with impaired autonomic innervation. Patients with VVD note that the skin of the distal extremities is constantly cold to the touch, it is poorly warmed in warm rooms. Severe chilliness worries a person on the street in the autumn-winter period - even in tight gloves or mittens, cold, paresthesia and unpleasant tingling of the fingers are felt.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Chilliness, numbness, paresthesia, caused by compression of nerve fibers in the wrist area, often develops as an occupational disease - in musicians, packers, people working at a computer. The fingers are constantly cold, especially after a long day at work, when the hands are in one position. With carpal tunnel syndrome, periodic pain, decreased sensitivity, and difficulty in flexion-extension of the fingers are disturbing.


A decrease in the functional activity of the thyroid gland is accompanied by violations of thermoregulation. Patients with hypothyroidism are constantly cold, their skin becomes dry and cold to the touch. The symptoms are most pronounced in the area of ​​the hands, which are not covered by clothing and are more likely to experience temperature changes. Chilliness does not go away even with massage, rubbing or warming hands with a special heating pad.


If the pathology affects the thoracic vertebrae, the innervation of the upper limbs is disturbed, which causes chilliness. Also, a person experiences intense back pain, which can radiate to the arm. Symptoms of osteochondrosis are aggravated by prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, monotonous work, awkward turns and torso bends.

Rare Causes

  • Nutrient deficiency : low-calorie diets, beriberi, disorders of digestion and absorption of food.
  • Neurological diseases : neuropathy of the radial nerve, multiple sclerosis, acute disorders of cerebral circulation.
  • Autoimmune processes : scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis.


Patients with complaints of chilly hands should be examined by a neurologist to rule out the most common causes of discomfort. If necessary, the doctor gives a referral to an endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, orthopedic traumatologist. First, a standard neurological examination is performed to check the sensitivity and motor activity of the hands. For diagnostic purposes, the following instrumental and laboratory methods are used:

  • X-ray diagnostics. In the pictures of the hands, attention is paid to the condition of the bones of the wrist, the presence of narrowing of the carpal tunnel or other deformations of this area. To confirm osteochondrosis as the cause of chilliness, X-rays or computed tomography of the spine are prescribed.
  • Electroneuromyography. An electrophysiological study allows you to detect the location of nerve damage, find out the prevalence of the pathological process and the severity. ENMG is informative when it is necessary to differentiate vascular and neurological disorders, to identify vibration disease at an early stage.
  • Angiography. X-ray examination with contrast is recommended for visualization of the vascular bed, detection of signs of Raynaud's syndrome. The doctor detects the absence of collateral circulation, depletion of the capillary network, tortuosity and periodic narrowing of small arteries.
  • Laboratory tests. To assess thyroid function, blood is examined for T3, T4 and TSH. If necessary, perform a histological examination of organ biopsy specimens. To exclude autoimmune processes, a blood test is performed for antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor, and other specific markers.




Help before diagnosis

It is necessary to exclude alcohol and smoking, which provoke vasospasm and cold extremities. Nutrition should be varied and balanced, contain a sufficient amount of vitamins. You should stop wearing bracelets, watches and tight cuffs that impair blood circulation in the distal part of the arms. In the cold season, you need to wear gloves made of natural materials; in severe frost, limit your stay outdoors.

Patients are advised to do contrast hand baths, gradually getting used to high and low temperatures. Self-massage of the hands helps to improve blood circulation. If chilliness and its accompanying symptoms are due to an occupational disease, it is necessary to change the place of work. If there is discomfort or pain in the hands, sensory disturbances or limitation of movement, you should consult a doctor.

Conservative therapy

Medical methods of treatment are selected taking into account the underlying disease. With vascular disorders and Raynaud's syndrome, therapy with calcium antagonists and antiplatelet agents is carried out. Medicines dilate the small vessels of the upper extremities, prevent ischemia and vasospasm, so episodes of chilliness and numbness of the hands occur much less frequently. To enhance the effect, the treatment regimen is supplemented with selective serotonin receptor blockers.

Neurological causes of pathology require the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs from the category of NSAIDs and systemic corticosteroids. To reduce discomfort, sedatives and tranquilizers are recommended. To improve nerve transmission and eliminate chilliness, injections of B vitamins are indicated. If symptoms are caused by hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy is selected.

An important role in the treatment of chilly hands is played by physiotherapy methods. For an effective medicinal effect on the affected area, electrophoresis or phonophoresis is used. In chronic neurological diseases, electromyostimulation and reflexology are used to increase the speed of nerve transmission and increase muscle strength. Myofascial massage helps to cope with pain and impaired motor function.