Neurological symptoms

Severe dizziness

Severe dizziness can be constant or paroxysmal, occurs with vestibular neuronitis, pathologies of the inner ear, cerebrovascular accidents, idiopathic vestibular insufficiency, some cardiac pathologies, intoxication, severe anemia, panic attacks. It is diagnosed on the basis of survey data, neurological examination, studies of the vestibular apparatus, imaging, laboratory techniques. Treatment includes neuroprotective agents, vascular agents, analgesics, anticonvulsants, and other drugs. Some patients require surgery.

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Sharp dizziness

Severe dizziness is possible with vestibular paroxysms, BPPV, cardiac arrhythmias, transient ischemic attacks, Meniere's disease, Lermoyer's syndrome, labyrinthitis, temporal lobe epilepsy, perilymphatic fistula, panic attacks. It is manifested by an attack of a pronounced sensation of rotation or displacement of the patient, less often - of the surrounding space. To clarify the diagnosis, a neurological examination is performed, studies to assess the vestibular analyzer, EEG, CT, MRI. Treatment includes antipsychotics, antihistamines, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, and other agents. Surgical interventions are carried out according to indications.

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Propulsion is seen in parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. It is combined with hypokinesia, freezing when walking, weakening of facial expressions, tremor, rigidity, increased muscle tone, micrography, increased postural tone, lack of hand movements during walking. The cause of propulsion is established on the basis of anamnesis, data from an objective and neurological examination, rheoencephalography, echoencephalography, CT, MRI. Treatment includes levodopa preparations, etiopathogenetic therapy of secondary parkinsonism, exercise therapy, massage, and surgical interventions.

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Increased tactile sensitivity

Increased tactile sensitivity (hyperesthesia) is characterized by heightened perception when exposed to stimuli. It is observed in mononeuropathy, polyneuropathy, ganglionitis, ganglioneuritis, causalgia, erythromelalgia, meningeal syndrome, and some other neurological, rheumatic and infectious diseases. The cause is determined by the results of the conversation, neurological examination, electromyography, cerebral MRI, laboratory tests and other studies. Treatment includes analgesics, antimicrobial agents, antispasmodics, ganglion blockers, and other drugs. Conduct physiotherapy. In some cases, operations are performed.

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Cock's gait

Cock gait (steppage) is observed in pathologies accompanied by a violation of the dorsiflexion of the foot: polyneuropathies, poliomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, compression or mechanical damage to the peroneal nerve. The cause of the violation is established according to the survey, physical examination, neurological examination, ultrasound of the nerve, neurophysiological studies, and other methods. Treatment of cock's gait includes NSAIDs, cholinesterase inhibitors, immunomodulators, immunosuppressants, hormonal drugs.

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Paretic gait

Paretic gait occurs with flaccid lower paresis due to myelopathy, traumatic and non-traumatic lesions of the peripheral nerves, polyneuropathy, poliomyelitis, neurosarcoidosis, neuroacanthocytosis. It is characterized by a decrease in step length, difficulty in lifting the leg from the surface. The cause of paretic gait is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis, neurological examination data, imaging, electrophysiological, laboratory techniques. Therapy includes analgesics, hormones, neurometabolic agents, therapeutic blockades. Sometimes surgical interventions are required.

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Paresthesias are unusual sensations that occur against the background of sensory disorders. Include a feeling of crawling goosebumps, tingling, burning. They are observed with damage to peripheral nerves, injuries and diseases of the spinal cord and brain, and some other pathologies. The cause is determined by complaints, medical history, results of neuroimaging, electrophysiological studies and laboratory tests. Treatment - painkillers, antispasmodics, psychoactive drugs, symptomatic therapy, physiotherapy, surgery.

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Paraparesis is observed with injuries, tumors, infectious lesions of the spinal cord, diseases of the spine, hereditary pathologies, congenital anomalies, circulatory disorders, degenerative processes. The etiology is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis data, results of a neurological examination, radiography, CT, MRI, electrophysiological techniques, lumbar puncture, and laboratory tests. Treatment includes neuroprotective agents, antimicrobial and vascular agents, active rehabilitation, and surgical interventions.

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Lower paraparesis

Lower paraparesis develops as a result of traumatic injuries, circulatory disorders, hereditary, infectious and degenerative pathologies, compression of the spinal cord in tumors, abscesses and diseases of the spine. The cause of the symptom is determined according to the history, neurological examination, electrophysiological methods, neuroimaging, lumbar puncture, laboratory tests. As part of the treatment, antibiotics, vascular drugs, vitamins, and neuroprotectors are prescribed. Provide comprehensive rehabilitation. Sometimes a correction is made.

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Sensitivity disorders

Senestopathy - unpleasant, painful sensations localized on the surface of the body or in the region of internal organs. They may resemble squeezing, burning, tightening, twisting, bursting, throbbing, turning over, etc. The distinctive features of senestopathies are a feeling of unusualness, the absence of objectivity and an objectively existing pathological process that could explain such sensations. Usually occur against the background of other mental disorders. The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, patient complaints, examination data and the results of objective studies. Treatment is the correction of the underlying pathology.

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