Movement disorders

Masked face (hypomimia)

A mask-like face (hypomimia) is observed in a number of neurological and mental diseases: Parkinson's disease, myopathies, paresis of the facial nerve, catatonia, depressive, generalized anxiety, hysterical and bipolar affective disorders. Detected in hypothyroidism and scleroderma. The reason for the development of a mask-like face is established on the basis of a survey, anamnestic data, the results of a neurological examination and additional studies. Treatment - dopaminergic drugs, psychotropic drugs, physiotherapy, surgery.

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Slowness of movement (bradykinesia)

Bradykinesia is slow movement. As a rule, it occurs with a simultaneous increase in muscle tone, provoked by a lesion of the extrapyramidal system in Parkinson's disease, secondary parkinsonism of various etiologies, and some degenerative diseases. In mental disorders, hypothyroidism is not associated with pathology of intracerebral structures, it proceeds with a decrease in muscle tone. The cause of bradykinesia is established according to the anamnesis, neurological examination, and additional studies. Treatment includes dopaminomimetics, drugs to correct the underlying pathology, symptomatic agents, exercise therapy, massage, and surgical interventions.

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Ballooning of the patella

Patella balloting is a condition in which the patella sinks into the joint during pressure until it contacts the underlying bones, and when the pressure stops, it rises back. Indicates the presence of fluid in the joint. It is caused by the accumulation of blood - hemarthrosis or inflammatory fluid - synovitis. It occurs with injuries, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joint, and some other pathologies. To diagnose diseases accompanied by balloting of the patella, radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, puncture, arthroscopy and other procedures are prescribed. Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to ensure the rest of the limb.

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