Urinary Tract Infections : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Bacteriuria is a laboratory symptom that characterizes the presence of bacteria in the urine. Most often, this indicates a urinary tract infection (kidney, bladder), but may be a harmless laboratory finding. Clinical manifestations can be varied - from an absolutely asymptomatic course to pronounced signs (fever, back pain, urination disorders). The presence of bacterial flora in the urine is investigated in several ways - physicochemical, bacteriological, etc. Correction of bacteriuria is carried out by the appointment of antibacterial drugs.

Groin pain in women

Pain in the groin in women is the result of skin infections, inguinal lymphadenitis, gynecological and urological diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. Detected in pelvic pain syndrome. It can be dull, sharp, short-term, long-lasting, aching, twitching, bursting, pulsating. In some cases, it has an irradiating character. The cause of the symptom is determined on the basis of complaints, examination results, laboratory data and imaging studies. Treatment includes analgesics, antibiotics, hormones, physiotherapy, and surgery.


Glucosuria  is a pathological condition characterized by the detection of glucose in a urine sample. The causes may be diseases of the pancreas, various endocrine disorders, kidney disease. Glucosuria itself has no clinical manifestations. Prolonged excretion of large amounts of glucose in the urine increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis). The glucose level is examined on an empty stomach in a medium portion of freshly collected urine. Correction of this laboratory deviation is carried out by treating the underlying disease.


Leukocyturia is a pathological condition characterized by a high concentration of leukocytes in the urine. The cause may be urinary tract infections, autoimmune inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. In rare cases, leukocyturia is a sign of oncological pathology or graft rejection. By itself, leukocyturia has no clinical symptoms. Rarely, with a large number of cells, urine can become cloudy. The level of leukocytes is determined in the general analysis of urine, the study of the Nechiporenko, Kakovsky-Addis samples. Correction of this laboratory deviation is carried out in the treatment of the underlying disease.


Proteinuria is an increase in the concentration of protein in the urine of more than 150 mg per day. The range of etiological factors of this condition is extremely wide - from emotional stress and the common cold, accompanied by high fever, to severe kidney disease, systemic autoimmune processes and oncohematological diseases. Severe proteinuria within the framework of nephrotic syndrome is clinically manifested by peripheral edema on the face and lower extremities. There are many methods for determining protein in urine. Traditionally, a clinical urinalysis is used as the primary examination. Correction of proteinuria is carried out by treating the underlying disease.