Satisfactory General Condition : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Pain in fingers

Pain in the fingers occurs when bones, joints, soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves are affected. It can be dull, acute, weak, intense, constant, intermittent, short-term. Often there is a connection with physical activity, weather conditions, and other factors. Concomitant external disturbances are possible: deformations, changes in color and temperature, edema. To determine the cause of pain in the fingers, the results of a survey, external examination, x-ray examination, and other methods are used. Until the diagnosis is made, rest is recommended, sometimes taking painkillers.

Pain in the ribs

Pain in the ribs occurs during pathological processes in the bone structures surrounding soft tissues, nerves, and the thoracic spine. It can be dull, sharp, weak, intense, constant, short-term, aching, stabbing, pressing, shooting. Often aggravated by deep breathing, changes in body position. It is diagnosed on the basis of complaints, examination data, results of radiography, CT, and other studies. To eliminate the pain syndrome, analgesics, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used.

Diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in a child can be caused by physiological factors (malnutrition, stress) or pathological causes, which include intestinal infections, food allergies, inflammatory and drug-induced damage to the intestines. To diagnose the etiological factors of the disease, ultrasound and X-ray imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, coprogram and bacteriological examination of feces, general clinical and serological blood tests are performed. Treatment of diarrhea involves a diet, adequate oral or parenteral rehydration, etiopathogenetic therapy (enterosorbents, antibiotics, probiotics).