Local Infections : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Groin pain in women

Pain in the groin in women is the result of skin infections, inguinal lymphadenitis, gynecological and urological diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. Detected in pelvic pain syndrome. It can be dull, sharp, short-term, long-lasting, aching, twitching, bursting, pulsating. In some cases, it has an irradiating character. The cause of the symptom is determined on the basis of complaints, examination results, laboratory data and imaging studies. Treatment includes analgesics, antibiotics, hormones, physiotherapy, and surgery.

Toe deformity

Deformation of the toes is observed with flat feet, developmental anomalies, some inflammatory, degenerative, endocrine, hereditary diseases. It is caused by edema, a change in the shape, length, location of the phalanges, restructuring or growth of bones in the joint area. It can be one- or two-sided, local or widespread. Often associated with deformities of the foot. The cause of the pathology is established according to the examination data, the results of radiography, plantography, CT, MRI, and other methods. Tactics of treatment depends on the nature of the identified disease.