Inflammatory Diseases : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Allodynia is the appearance of pain when exposed to stimuli that normally do not cause pain. It is noted in causalgia, neuropathies and polyneuropathies, herpes zoster, multiple sclerosis, migraine, condition after spinal cord injuries, strokes, spinal operations. To establish the cause of allodynia, data from a survey, general and neurological examination, electrophysiological, neuroimaging and laboratory studies are used. Treatment - analgesics, blockade with anesthetics, vitamins, antidepressants, physiotherapy techniques. Surgery is sometimes recommended.


Basophilia (basophilic leukocytosis) is an increase in the content of basophils more than 150 in 1 μl of blood or more than 1% of the total number of leukocytes. It often accompanies eosinophilia, since basophils and eosinophils are jointly involved in many pathological reactions. The causes of basophilia are allergic, inflammatory, oncohematological diseases. There are no specific manifestations, the clinical picture is determined by the underlying pathology. Measurement of the level of basophils is carried out in the general blood test. To eliminate basophilia, it is necessary to treat the disease against which it arose.

Ankle pain

Pain in the ankle is a non-specific symptom that indicates the pathology of the ankle joint, the epiphyseal ends of the bones that form it, as well as ligaments, tendons and tendon sheaths. The pain syndrome can be based on a variety of causes - mechanical damage, autoimmune inflammation, malignant neoplasm, degenerative process. Pain can be aching, throbbing, burning, pulling, arching, etc., sometimes depending on external factors. Diagnosis is carried out using radiography, CT, MRI, arthroscopy, joint puncture. Until the cause is clarified, rest, the use of painkillers is recommended.


Hyperproteinemia is an increase in the concentration of total protein in the blood plasma of more than 84 g / l. This condition can develop due to a wide range of reasons - from excessive sweating and pregnancy to various inflammatory diseases and malignant neoplasms. In itself, a high protein content has no clinical signs, with the exception of monoclonal gammopathy, in which hyperproteinemia is a key pathogenetic link in the hyperviscosity syndrome (GBS). The protein level is examined in plasma on an empty stomach. To correct this disorder, therapy of the underlying disease is necessary.

Toe deformity

Deformation of the toes is observed with flat feet, developmental anomalies, some inflammatory, degenerative, endocrine, hereditary diseases. It is caused by edema, a change in the shape, length, location of the phalanges, restructuring or growth of bones in the joint area. It can be one- or two-sided, local or widespread. Often associated with deformities of the foot. The cause of the pathology is established according to the examination data, the results of radiography, plantography, CT, MRI, and other methods. Tactics of treatment depends on the nature of the identified disease.

Tingling in the chest

Tingling in the chest is mainly caused by neurological (cardioneurosis, masked depression, intercostal neuralgia) and cardiac factors (arrhythmias, ischemic and inflammatory processes in the heart). Less commonly, a symptom is provoked by pathologies of the bronchopulmonary and digestive systems. In women, tingling is possible with diseases of the mammary glands. The diagnostic complex includes ultrasonic, X-ray and electrophysiological methods, laboratory tests. For the relief of stabbing pains, medications and physiotherapeutic agents are used, less often minimally invasive and surgical interventions are used.

Weakness of facial muscles

Weakness of the muscles of the face is observed with central or peripheral paresis of the facial nerve due to neuritis, trauma, stroke, tumor processes, congenital anomalies, infectious diseases. The condition is detected in myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, and some other pathologies. It can be one- or two-sided, spread to the entire face or part of it. The cause of the symptom is established by the results of the survey, neurological examination, data from neurophysiological studies, CT, MRI. Treatment includes antimicrobial and vasodilators, neuroprotectors, immunosuppressants, exercise therapy, massage, and surgery.