General Urine Analysis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Hyperuricemia is a laboratory symptom characterized by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood serum of more than 400 µmol / l. This condition indicates a violation of purine metabolism. The causes of hyperuricemia can be excessive consumption of meat food, medication, metabolic disorders, etc. In some cases, symptoms such as pain, redness and swelling of the joints, the formation of tophi are observed. The concentration of uric acid is measured in a biochemical blood test. To correct hyperuricemia, a diet, urate-lowering therapy is prescribed.


Hyperfibrinogenemia is a pathological condition characterized by an increase in the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood over 4 g/l. In addition to its important role in blood coagulation, fibrinogen is one of the major acute phase proteins. Therefore, any kind of cellular or tissue damage or inflammation is accompanied by an increase in the production of this protein. The cause of hyperfibrinogenemia can be acute infections, injuries, burns, etc. The level of fibrinogen is examined in blood plasma as part of a standard coagulogram. Correction is carried out by treating the underlying disease.


Neutropenia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the level of neutrophils below 1500 in 1 µl of peripheral blood. The causes can be various bacterial and viral infections, autoimmune disorders, medications. The level of neutrophils is examined in a general blood test. To correct this pathology, the underlying disease is treated. In severe neutropenia, drugs are used that stimulate the formation of bone marrow leukocytes.


Proteinuria is an increase in the concentration of protein in the urine of more than 150 mg per day. The range of etiological factors of this condition is extremely wide - from emotional stress and the common cold, accompanied by high fever, to severe kidney disease, systemic autoimmune processes and oncohematological diseases. Severe proteinuria within the framework of nephrotic syndrome is clinically manifested by peripheral edema on the face and lower extremities. There are many methods for determining protein in urine. Traditionally, a clinical urinalysis is used as the primary examination. Correction of proteinuria is carried out by treating the underlying disease.