General Blood Tests : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Pain in the scrotum

Pain in the scrotum is noted with inflammatory and voluminous processes, fluid accumulation, trauma, some infectious and parasitic pathologies. In diseases of the kidneys, ureters, prostate, rectum due to irradiation. More often dull, pulling, aching, bursting, less often sharp, twitching, pulsating. The causes of pain in the scrotum are determined by the results of a survey, external examination, diaphanoscopy, ultrasound and laboratory tests. Sometimes a puncture is required. Prior to diagnosis, immobilization using a special bandage or suspensor is recommended.

Pain in the crown

Pain in the crown occurs with disorders of cerebral circulation, intracranial hypertension, meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, traumatic injuries of the head and neck, otolaryngological diseases, their intracranial complications. It is observed with muscle lesions, diseases of the spine, infections, intoxications, vegetative-vascular, neurotic disorders. More often pressing or bursting, it can be pulsating, twitching, aching. It is diagnosed on the basis of complaints, anamnesis data, general examination, otolaryngological and neurological examination, additional methods. Painkillers, NSAIDs, antibiotics, nootropics, neurometabolites, and other agents are used for treatment.