Chronic Diseases Accompanied : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Pain in the intestines

Pain in the intestine occurs with a functional disorder - irritable bowel syndrome, common organic diseases - intestinal infections, chronic enteritis and enterocolitis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC). Less commonly, symptoms indicate neoplasms, diverticula, acute surgical pathology. To diagnose the causes of pain in the intestines, laboratory tests, ultrasound, endoscopic, x-ray methods are used. For the treatment of pain, diet therapy, drugs (antibiotics, antispasmodics, probiotics), and surgical methods are used.

Green phlegm

Green sputum occurs with lobar pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis, tuberculosis. Less commonly, the cause of the symptom is pulmonary mycoses, cystic fibrosis, and oncological processes. Thick green sputum occurs in chronic sinusitis. For diagnostic purposes, instrumental (radiography, CT scan of the lungs, bronchoscopy) and laboratory techniques (microscopic and bacteriological examination of sputum, blood tests) are used. The treatment plan includes antibiotics, bronchodilators, expectorants. Sometimes oxygen support, surgical interventions are prescribed.