Chronic Diseases : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Pain in the intestines

Pain in the intestine occurs with a functional disorder - irritable bowel syndrome, common organic diseases - intestinal infections, chronic enteritis and enterocolitis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (UC). Less commonly, symptoms indicate neoplasms, diverticula, acute surgical pathology. To diagnose the causes of pain in the intestines, laboratory tests, ultrasound, endoscopic, x-ray methods are used. For the treatment of pain, diet therapy, drugs (antibiotics, antispasmodics, probiotics), and surgical methods are used.

Viscous sputum

Viscous (thick) sputum is a symptom of chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract, which include bronchitis, congestive pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Viscous sputum is characteristic of tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, congenital and acquired bronchiectasis. To diagnose the cause of thick sputum, x-ray studies (CT, fluoroscopy, bronchography), endoscopic and functional methods are prescribed. Sputum analysis, standard blood tests are required. For treatment, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory, secretory agents, bronchodilators, antibiotics are used.


Hematuria is a laboratory symptom characterized by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. The causes may be inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urolithiasis, malignant neoplasms. Depending on the degree of hematuria, the color of urine can change to red, brown, "the color of meat slops", but in the vast majority of cases it remains unchanged. More than 3-5 erythrocytes in the field of view during microscopy of the urine sediment or more than 1000 in 1 ml when performing the Nechiporenko test is considered to be exceeding the norm. To correct this laboratory phenomenon, the underlying disease is treated.


Hypermagnesemia is a pathological condition characterized by an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the blood serum of more than 1.1 mmol / l. The most common cause of this deviation is kidney disease with impaired excretory function, taking magnesium-containing drugs. Clinical manifestations include depression of the nervous system, decreased muscle tone and blood pressure. The level of magnesium is examined during a biochemical blood test. Treatment of this condition is to eliminate the cause, the introduction of calcium preparations, isotonic solutions and diuretics.

Diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in a child can be caused by physiological factors (malnutrition, stress) or pathological causes, which include intestinal infections, food allergies, inflammatory and drug-induced damage to the intestines. To diagnose the etiological factors of the disease, ultrasound and X-ray imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, coprogram and bacteriological examination of feces, general clinical and serological blood tests are performed. Treatment of diarrhea involves a diet, adequate oral or parenteral rehydration, etiopathogenetic therapy (enterosorbents, antibiotics, probiotics).

Bad breath

Bad breath (halitosis) occurs in healthy people after a night's sleep, when smoking, eating foods with a sharp aroma. The main pathological causes include diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, diseases of the digestive system, chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract. To establish the etiological factors of halitosis, dental and ENT examinations are indicated. Endoscopic, X-ray and laboratory methods of diagnostics are carried out. Treatment of bad breath involves careful oral hygiene, conservative and surgical methods to eliminate the underlying pathology.