Blood Transfusions : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Anuria is a pathological condition in which the amount of urine excreted is less than 50 ml per day. It is detected in acute renal failure of various origins, in the final stage of chronic renal failure, in severe cardiovascular and multiple organ failure, various shock conditions, renal vascular thrombosis, and urolithiasis. The cause of anuria is established on the basis of anamnesis, physical examination data, hardware and laboratory techniques. Treatment includes infusion therapy, extracorporeal detoxification, drugs, surgical methods.

Severe dizziness

Severe dizziness can be constant or paroxysmal, occurs with vestibular neuronitis, pathologies of the inner ear, cerebrovascular accidents, idiopathic vestibular insufficiency, some cardiac pathologies, intoxication, severe anemia, panic attacks. It is diagnosed on the basis of survey data, neurological examination, studies of the vestibular apparatus, imaging, laboratory techniques. Treatment includes neuroprotective agents, vascular agents, analgesics, anticonvulsants, and other drugs. Some patients require surgery.