Asthenoneurotic Syndrome : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Apathy is a symptom or a temporary mental state characterized by indifference, emotional coldness, indifference. It is manifested by indifference, detachment from what is happening, lack of motivation for any activity, decrease in emotions, slowness of actions. Diagnosis depends on the cause of apathy, the main methods are clinical conversation, observation, psychological testing. In addition, an examination by a neurologist, instrumental studies of the brain are prescribed. Symptomatic methods of treatment include psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, daily regimen correction.


Tearfulness is the tendency of a person to cry often for little or no reason. It is manifested by increased tearfulness and emotional instability, sudden bouts of crying. Common associated symptoms are restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, despondency. Tearfulness can be a character trait, a sign of a disease, or a situationally determined reaction. Diagnosis of the condition is carried out during the conversation and observation of the patient. Symptomatic therapy includes rhythmic breathing and distraction techniques, psychotherapy, antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.