Acute Inflammatory Diseases : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Pain in the anus in men

Pain in the anus in men occurs with proctological diseases, some andrological pathologies. It can be short-term, long-term, constant, insignificant, moderate, strong, dull, sharp, burning, pressing, pulling, bursting, cutting, pulsating. Perhaps a combination with itching, burning, tenesmus, constipation, diarrhea, mucous or bloody discharge. To establish the etiology of the pain syndrome, a survey, external examination, ultrasound, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, and laboratory tests are performed. Treatment regimens include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesics, coating preparations, local procedures.

Change in stool color

A change in the color of feces is the appearance of atypical staining of feces, which can be observed both in absolutely healthy people and against the background of various diseases. Sometimes a symptom has physiological prerequisites - eating certain foods or taking medications, but more often a change in color indicates a pathology of the digestive tract. To identify the causes of the symptom, ultrasound, endoscopic, x-ray, laboratory research methods are used. To return the normal color of feces, drugs are used to eliminate the root cause of the color change.